
Stay blond!

I had a mediocre day yesterday.

There was nothing tragic about it, but my mind was a constant recording of things I needed to do, including future ones, like, "Make sure to get a tuneup in 3,000 miles." And yet, I didn't really do anything. So then I started to beat myself up about my utter failure, adding even more things to my list, like, "Research alternative fuels" ... and by the end of the day I had a migraine and several stains on my shirt of unknown origin.

(I might be crazy, but sometimes crazy people make lots of money so I'm just rolling with it for now.)

So when the night came, I did what anyone would do - I blew off a friend's baby shower and got my hair done.

I'm now a brunette with blond highlights - something I've dreamed about doing for years in protest of the over-peroxided world we live in. But I took one look in the mirror and thought, "Caramel blond would be perfect." Plus, I'm not crazy about the cut. I wanted to ditch my A-line, but ended up with a few too many layers, a la 1994.

I guess I should have gone to the baby shower.

Mr. Dub says he likes it (good boy!). Miss Dub, however, took one look at me and said:

"Mommy hair dark. Noooo! Like it yellow!"

I'm afraid today may be mediocre as well.

* As for the lack of picture - please, I'm not going to post one until my confidence deepens to match my new hue.


Mary said...

This reminds me of the story of when I had my hair done (this was the 80's and it involved a perm)and was actually satisfied with it for the first time ... maybe ever ... and as soon as I got home, your sister said (very casually, I might add), "So mom, when are you going into the bathroom to cry?"

Isn't it great to be a girl? I bet you look stunning, by the way.

steph said...

no doubt, your hair looks fantastic. and i frequently end up with stains of unknown origin.

hilari said...

...and why haven't you figured out some sort of alternative fuel yet? you slacker.

Jen said...

LOL "stains on my shirt of unknown origin."

Console yourself by remembering that you are a simply smashing writer, no matter how your hair looks.

P Daddy said...

Sounds like the response of every woman (and there are a few) in this family every time she gets her hair done differently. Usually, the day after, when you can't make it look like it did in the shop, is even worse. But by day three, it's usually good, so hang in there. But I always think of you as a blonde because there was day (though I think you started hitting the peroxide around age 3) you really were. Talk to your Mom about the stains. There's some Murphy's law about the newer and lighter the color of the blouse the greater the likelihood of food and drink being attracted to it. Nothing white can be worn twice. Sorry you've got that little critic to deal with on all such things now. But wait a couple weeks and she'll be wanting to dye hers black.

Kate said...

I can't WAIT to see the pictures!

brookegfunk said...

Miss Dub just thinks blondes have more fun cuz she's one-get a pair of horn rimmed glasses and you can be a sassy librarian.

ginny said...

As you know, I went from highlighted blonde to brown about 1.5 years ago due to the same concerns regarding peroxided nation. Also, I just didn't have time to have my hair highlighted anymore (4 hours on a Saturday is now FAR too precious to waste on reading dated fashion magazines and making strained small talk with the stylist.) Anytime you go from light to dark or vice versa there is a 2-month period of identity crisis--that is, adjusting to not being "a blonde" anymore. But once you get past that, you and Miss Dub will both love it. At least I do.

(One bad thing about going brown around thirtysomething--you start to see all the stray grays that didn't stick out so much against the blonde.)

Sarah S said...

When I nannied for Drew and he was about 2 years old, anytime I put my hair back in a ponytail he would start whining "NO NO!!!" and wouldn't stop until I put my hair back down. It's funny how toddlers want you to stay the same. I'm excited to see a picture of your new color though, whenever that happens!