
Life is still beautiful

Since I started blogging, I've received news of several tragedies - some of true friends who spread the news on their blogs, some from people I only know through their blogs, and some of people I've met after their traumatic experiences.

The latter happened to me last night, like it probably did to all of you, when I found out that Stephanie and Christian of "Nienie" fame were in a private plane crash and fighting for their lives.

I don't know Stephanie personally, and I've only met Christian a few times, but I do know that they are parents to four small children - and that they have a unique passion for life and finding its dramatic charm. (Even if it made some of our homes look awfully average.)

So I'm praying for them and hoping for the best. I'm sure you are, too.

Do I feel completely unjustified in posting about them when they aren't my family or even my friends? Yes. Is it still weighing heavily on my mind? Yes.

It's hard to not feel like tragedy is raining down on our world between the recent experiences in my family, world affairs and roundabout news like this. Maybe it's being an adult. Maybe it's modern communications. Maybe it's the end of the world.

But this I know - there always still hope. While one person lies in a hospital, another lies there bringing new life into this world. It's tempting to stop living for fear of all the things that can happen to us, but as NieNie showed us, you have to keep believing in beautiful things.

... unfortunately, I'm not so sure that my hair is one of them. So that pic will have to wait for another day and lighter post fare.


sara said...

I was wondering last night how normal it was that I kept searching and searching on news websites and other people's blogs for updates on their condition, considering the fact that I have never met either of them. As I went to sleep last night I kept thinking of actual moment of the crash and what might have been going through their minds. It's so tragic. Their kids are so cute. I'm so glad they have such great families and friends to help them through.

Leslie said...

it really is such terrible news. I thought the same thing as sara, what must they have thought when they knew things were turning bad. it's all of our worst nightmares to think that our children might be alone, isn't it? my sister assured me that their children are surrounded by mobs of family who love them dearly. i just hope hope hope they will be okay. thanks for your lovely words, mrs dub.

Sarah Garner said...

You are completely justified in posting about a tragedy like this. They can use all the prayers they can get and you have access to a lot people that can add our prayers to the pot. I think prayers are prayers no matter who they come from.

I think the Lord wants us to use experiences like this to help us care and feel a piece of His love for His children and our eternal spectrum brothers and sisters, that sometimes we'd never even knew existed before such times.

I like you, think all the time about how one the moment one persons world crumbles around them, is the best moment of anothers life. In the long run, though, I really believe that all our good and bad experience are working toward the culmination of a life that is more spectacular than anything we could ever have here.

I will add my prayers to those of so many others.

hilari said...

ditto. i will be keeping them in my prayers. that's the great thing about blogging, look how many more prayers will be coming their way.

Jenn Kirk said...

Like you, it's been weighing heavily on my mind, as well. I really can't stop thinking about it. My heart goes out to them and their family.

brookegfunk said...

NieNie and her fam are in my prayers Im glad you have let everybody know so we can get a bunch of good vibes flowin' their way!

Leisha Mareth said...

You know, I've followed her blog along with many others and I was terrified this might happen...I guess because I live right by a private plane airport and hear of crashes often. One more reason to live life to the fullest because we just never know what awaits us.

tara said...

my best friend here in TX, husband is in flight school and it terrifies me. It can be so dangerous, but I know Heavenly Father is aware of them and has a plan for them. My heart goes out to Nie and Christian and their sweet children. They have been in my thoughts and prayers all day.
Just on a side, I emailed Nie when she still lived in Jersey about her home made pizza and we have corresponded a few times since. I'm not bringing this up to brag, she is so kind and genuine. I strive to be like her! She is truly one of the best things in the blog world... she has inspired so many for good!

Lindsey from The R House said...

so haunting. they are in our prayers. did you see the news cast on it? SOO sad. cjane has a link to it. it was also on the salt lake news tonight.

sad. sad. sad. puts things into perspective.

Leigh said...

Hey check this out for more info on this tragedy:
