Is anyone else surprised by how many people still have "Baby on Board" signs on their cars?
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no way. i wish there were more... when i drive, i weave, swerve and am just plain reckless. that is until i see the wonderful 'baby on board' sticker in someone's window. i immediately slow down, watch the road, use my blinkers and pay attention.
My hubz Hates those signs!We have 5 kids and he digs babies! Hes a weird cat anyway ,likes chocolate milk hates chocolate.Likes Reeses Peanut Buttercups hates Chocolate chip cookies.I dont understand his reasoning but Im pretty sure he doesnt try to crash into cars that have babies in them.
YES! I told my husband the other day "When did these make a come-back!!?"
I find flipping the bird has the same effect on tail-gaters, why buy a sign?
They still make those? Well hot damn, let me run out and ... nope. Not gonna happen.
I can't believe they seem to be making a comeback either. I remember years ago warnings on the news and such not to use them because they make you a target for child abductions. I'd nearly guarantee that most people using them are first-time parents. You don't need a sign hanging on my minivan to know that there are children inside. The soccer ball magnets on the back combined with the yogurt smoothie fingerpaint and stickers on the rear windows gives it away.
Ha ha well put Steph!
Isn't it a general rule not to hit ANYONE with your car... whether there is a kid in it or not.....?
Just wondering...
That is so funny because I was just thinking about those signs!! I saw 2 of them on the way to work this morning!!
Very timely post. I just saw one yesterday and had the same reaction--Really? Are you kidding me? I didn't like them the first time.
mrs. dub, i seriously think that you may've hurt some feelers with this one. your posts usually garner 15 - 30 comments, not 8.
clearly, this should've been posted for hot topic tuesday.
ROFL. I think those signs are assinine. It's like the "I <3 dogs" stickers. I don't care.... All I care about is if you are going to make me late for work or not.
Guess a "Pets on Board" or " I heart [dog/cat/gerbil/iguana breed of your choice]" sign post would have drawn more action.
I always wonder why people have these as if no one else in the car matters. I understand that my body can possibly handle a crash better than an infant but maybe we should just have signs that say
"drive safe please" or oh I want one that says "Mom on board"
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