I have this recurring fantasy that I suddenly come into so much money that I actually leave my house, turn the key and never look back ... meaning I have to buy everything brand new - clothes, shoes, housewares, furniture. And this time, I make better choices. It's sort of along the lines of my fantasy where I get married again (to the same guy) and get to redo my wedding and registry.
It has occurred to me that doing all that shopping at once could actually be annoying, as well as the fact that I would need to take some important documents and family mementos with me. But seriously, why are you all raining on my dream? Just think of the matching appliances.
What's your secret fantasy*? You know, the clean kind.
* It is probably in your best interest to ignore the Google ads generated by this post.
Next stop: linens
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Mine isn't necessarily what goes in the house, but the house itself. I'd love to design a house with the exact rooms I want, including an east-facing glass breakfast room, a kitchen with plenty of space, a living room with a fireplace, and a library with built-in floor to ceiling bookshelves. And a fireplace in there too, I think. :)
That's my plan for what to do if I ever have to move. Because seriously? Buying all new stuff when I get there will be cheaper than the therapy I'll need after packing up all my stuff and moving it.
ooooh. i'd buy a sweet place in manhattan. and travel a ton. and spoil my awesome niece and nephew.
the dragonfly stole my thunder, but i also want to add GARAGE space. being in holding in an average apartment with no garage while we wait for my husband to get transfered leaves me STARVING for garage space. oh to not have to walk 600 yards and 600 flights of stairs to bring in the groceries!
a girl's gotta dream ...but i'd rather dream in that library with floor to ceiling books and one of those rolly ladders that dragonfly stole from my subconscious.
Funny, I was planning a whole post around my rich fantasy life! Here's one for starters...
I'm driving Sam to school when I remember I need to grab an ingredient for tonight's dinner. All of the sudden, another adult appears miraculously in the passenger seat next to me and says "I'll stay in the car with the kids. You go on it by yourself! Take your time! And feel free to stop by Jo-Ann's while we're here!"
And then I wake up...
I would love to change my paint, linens and dishes and furniture to match the season (you know, very Pottery Barn-esque!)
I would have yellow walls and white furniture in the spring and brown walls and mahogany furniture in the winter...
Wait, as long as we're in this fantasy, let's just have a new house for each season.
I would do springtime in Paris, do Fall out east, summer in some tropical island and winter in the mountains, Swiss Alps maybe?
No...wait, red walls and mahogany furniture...
This is the good thing about fantasies...you can change them on a whim.
Oh, and I would also like 24/7unlimited free shopping online!
Where to start?
First off, I'd find an amazing old victorian house and have it remodeled top to bottom. And not do a lick of work myself. It would have to include a sizable library with floor to ceiling built-in bookshelves (sounds strangely familiar...), a garden room and/or greenhouse, amazing landscaping with room for me to play in the dirt, and a fenced backyard for Elijah to play in. Of course I'd also need a professional to help me decorate it.
After that, I'd start on the new wardrobe.
my fantasy involves being some sort of a rich hippie nomad family that travels the world talking about philosophy and experiencing different cultures and people all while we have great food along the way. throw in some awesome adventures, where no one breaks any bones or gets hurt. then we have a lovely home waiting for us by our family that we retreat to for every single sunday dinner. and fabulous clothes. and maybe a super famous bff like oprah, wait, i already have that last one.
I actually have a (real)recurring dream where I have a new house and I keep discovering little rooms and nooks and crannies and they are always filled with wonderful stuff.
This dream is totally at odds with my real life where I am constantly trying to rid myself of clutter.
That I wake up one morning and all my pictures are neatly in scrapbooks... ohhh... that would be dreamy (I am really serious.)
(sorry for posting the same thing twice!) Oh, and currently my fantasy is that my daughter will marry David Archuleta (no joke!)
A 6-car garage would be nice. And clothes that iron themselves. Why stop there; how about dishes that wash themselves and toilets that clean themselves... okay so I would like a 6-car garage and Rosie, the robot maid from the Jetson's.
Waking up fourty pounds lighter with an empty closet and unlimited financial resources. I can only imagine what it must be like to try on clothes when you are a size 6 and have every single thing you try on look good! Oh I can dream!
My fantasy is and always has been to be rocked in an armchair by a giant. It's all about comfort and feeling safe....weird I know.
I would get to make a trip to home depot and buy anything and everything I ever wanted - without paying a dime of course!
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