Once upon a time there was a girl who hated pets, who belonged to a family that liked them. Despite the fact that their beloved but mostly ignored dog had died several years earlier, her family went out and bought a new one. Though he appeared sweet, he had some issues with motherly figures and began to attack the girl's mother without warning, so they had to get rid of him shortly thereafter. The end.
I won't name names, but that girl is me. And that dog was psycho.
So you can't totally blame me for disliking pets. And I really do. I took Miss Dub to peruse a pet store the other day since she's a fan of puppies and other small animals. While she squealed and gawked, I just felt creeped out. I don't like the smell or sight of anything animal-related. I don't like the idea of animal breath, hair, spit or urine anywhere near me, my furniture or my children.
I respect that other people, including members of my family, love them. And some pets are definitely better than others. I, myself, even had an amazing turtle named 23 de Junio when I was on my mission, but he performed tricks and was potty-trained so I think he was a special exception.
Mr. Dub and I are in agreement on the pet issue; he may be even more vehement than I. After all, one day one of children is bound to beg for an animal of some variety for a birthday/Christmas/Arbor Day. And will I have the strength to turn down whimpering eyes?
Um, now that I think about it, yes. Conveniently, I am allergic to pet dander so that will eliminate a good half of the possibilities, but even fish seem like more work than they are worth. I mean, just have another kid. At least he or she will take care of you when you get old. Can you really say the same of your parakeet?
But what about you? Do have pets? Do you like them?
HTT - Pets Edition
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 7:00 AM
53 comments Leave a witty comment hereLabels: animals, Hot Topic Tuesday, pets
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That dog WAS psycho.
Great topic. I love dogs - but do I want one? I already have 3 children (and a husband!) - do I want to worry about another living thing? Can I even afford it? (Sorry kids, I'd love to take you to the movie but we have to buy dog food for Muffy") I just can't fathom right now... Maybe when my kids are older?
Cats are absolutely out of the question (having a cat is like volunteering for a lifetime of servitude!)
I do know that as of late, people and their relationships with their pets has gotten out of control. My motto is HUMANS FIRST! My in-laws are HUGE "dog people" and sometimes it makes me insane. "Oh, don't worry if the 60 pound rottweiler is licking your NEWBORN - she's just getting to know her!" AHHHH!!!! GET THAT MINI-HORSE AWAY FROM MY CHILD!
DON'T tell me that your dog who is sniffing my crotch is harmless - get it away from me and let me decide!
Other than that, I really have no strong feelings on the matter. ;)
No pets. I figure that's what I have kids for. I get to feed them, clean up after them, "groom" them, and even "pet" them. (They all have really soft hair.) Maybe after all of my kids have gotten older I'll consider getting a dog. But for now the last thing I need is another mess-maker in our household.
true love bff. you are my perfect match.
I can't stand animals. I firmly believe animals belong in the wild, not in the house. They can live their happy lives in the jungle where I don't have to smell them. It's a shame my husband loves animals so much and I had to crush his little dream of one day owning a dog.
i'll pass on the pet thing with you. this is the best line ever, "I don't like the idea of animal breath, hair, spit or urine anywhere near me, my furniture..." but i'd like to add that i don't like the jumping or sniffing in inappropriate areas. let alone the drooling or licking!
bleh! i veto pets! lol
Check out my blog to see my recent post on this very subject www.lizzieandsanti.blogspot.com
And yes it is like adding another child to the picture.
How funny that this is your hot topic since my mother and I were just discussing this very same thing. I grew up in a NO-PET family, while my husband grew up in a family that went to the pound every other year to get a new dog (usually when the other mutt died). I am vehemenently against having a pet. For a few years I entertained the idea of a SMALL dog but then I had a child and realized that even a small dog is only going to add to the chaos of my life.
Also, I hate going to people's homes when they have dogs (I'm sorry to any of my friends and family who may be offended by that). The second you walk through the door that dog is jumping on you, sniffing you, and generally being a bother until the moment you leave. And I always have to smile politely and reassure the owner that the dog is not bothering me when inside my head I am screaming- "GET THIS THING OFF ME!"
And I'm sorry but no matter how great of a housekeeper you are the house always smells like urine, pet hair, and wet dog!
So no pets for my family (I may be ok with a fish when my kids are old enough to take care of it themselves...although I do have a deathly fear of fish, so we'll see).
Now I just have to convince the hubby that he doesn't want a furry, slobbering, loud animal running around our home.
Holy cow! There sure are a lot of pet haters out there! I love pets! I am not the type to have them sleeping in bed with me or licking my face, but I love that we have a dog! We got our first dog when I only had one kid. It was a great time to get a dog. It is work to have a puppy, but I had time back then. We got a second dog when I was pregnant with my third. Bad timing. But I still love her. Growing up we occasionally had birds, fish, turtles, and always a dog or two. I think that my family will be the same. I am sure we will get more pets in the future, but I want my girls to be able to help take care of them. So yes, I AM a pet person...although I am also a little bit of a germ-a-phobe and a neat freak. I make it work.
You know, you pet haters, I remember hearing about some study that kids that have pets are more compassionate people...and more well rounded. Just something I heard...
But I should make it clear that I HATE CATS. Nothing is worse than those annoying things.
Have to de-lurk here, b/c this post struck a chord with me!
I, too, was raised in a NO-PET household. My siblings and I like to say that it's our parents' fault that none of us can stand the thought of a furry beast in any of our homes.
Think about this: Your dog/cat goes and does its Number 2 business outside/in the litter box. Then proceeds to sit that same heiney down on your sofa where you and your family chooses to relax. There was no wiping, no baths, no layers of clothing for protection... EWWWW!
I did relent somewhat, and allowed my husband a fish tank. But, it's ALL HIS - he cleans it, he watches it, he feeds them (unless he's out of town, and then I take mercy on them).
So, other than the completely contained pet variety (fish) there won't be any furry creatures in our house!!
I do not like pets...stinky, dirty, smelly, slobery, poopy, and did I mention they smell! OK, I don't hat them that bad, but they are stinky and dirty and just one more thing on my to do list. And don't even get me started on people who call themselves their dogs mom...yuck!
Okay... this is SO sad. I feel like pet-lovers are highly unrepresented in the comments thus far. Oh wait... I see that my pet-loving sister just commented.
Pets ARE great. There are proven mental and physcial health benefits of owning a dog... for the young and old alike. Just do some research! :)
Not all pets are mess-makers. My dog loves cleaning up after us! Michele's comment, "no matter how great of a housekeeper you are the house always smells like urine, pet hair, and wet dog!" is particularly offensive. Anyone who come to my house will tell you that there is no evidence/odor of a dog living here (until you SEE him). He has never urinated in the house. Gross.
I've only heard great things about Asher. I'm wondering what Amy has to say about this HTT!
I just read my comment and realize that I should proof it BEFORE posting. So try to ignore the typos.
I'm a dog girl. Always have been. But I have to admit, right now with two kids I didn't get the dog for me. Like I need anyone else to take care of, right? But that dog is my son's absolute best friend. It doesn't hurt that they are on the same skill level, but they play together, sleep together, and well...eat together most of the time. It's like one for you, one for me. I think pets are one of a kid's inalienable rights...Yeah, I'm pretty sure that is in an early American political document somewhere.
But I will agree with Queen Elizabeth (how often do you get to say that?!) People who think animals are on the same level as humans are nuts. Certifiable.
P.S. Poodles are the way to go. They don't shed. I can't stand dog hair either.
Came from a family of dog lovers, most of whom have continued in that tradition. Hubs & I always said we'd get a dog when we got a yard but it's been 8 years & we're still dog-free. It seems like they're such hassle. Maybe someday, like when my kids can be held responsible for the poop pick-up. We have a 20-gallon fish tank with 9 fish in it; that's all the pet I need at this point.
Dying to know about 23 de junio; named after Pres. Hinckley's bday? I only know that 'cause it's my son's bday too.
so, i'm sorry.... ALL dogs smell. people who have dogs don't think their house smells like dog because they live there and smell their dog all the time... they are desensitized to it! my mom has two short-hair dachshunds, which are supposed to be relatively clean and non-smelly, but my mom's house smells just like any other place that houses a dog.
that being said, i don't really enjoy any kind of pet and will NEVER have a pet in my home. the poop factor is totally huge for me. every time i visit my parents i have to de-poop their backyard just so my kids can jump on the trampoline. their little dachshunds are very sweet and fun dogs that i like (on the whole), but having my own furry creature is not for me.
We didn't have pets growing up (unless you count goldfish as pets.)
While the idea of pets sounds nice (the petting, the companionship, the humor,) the pet, no matter how much you love and adore them, have some incurable failings: they will never get their own breakfasts, always require you to clean up their excrement, and will completely fail to ever clean the toilet, make the beds, or give me a french manicure.
Pets are out.
I love a 2-3 year old child, because unlike a dog, they grow out of it and become more useful.
Also, we're both deathly allergic so the point is moot.
Just read the others' and although I don't have a dog myself I do think they are great and wanted to defend the dog owners around here. Hello, you just need to not let them act like people - don't let them sit on your couch/bed/etc and you have nothing to worry about as far as the dirty bums go. Dogs and all pets can be great; my dog-owning sisters and parents' house have NEVER smelled like dogs or been full of dog hair. You just don't let them rule the roost, that's all.
I'm with you 1,000% my dear.
I have a love/hate relationship with animals. I would love a dog for the kids, but I hate that I am allergic and I hate taking care of them. So if we ever get one Ryan will have to step up. Plus, I only want one if we have lots of land and that is not working for us in Chicago.
p.s. did you watch the Oprah about Puppy Mills? Whats the big deal?
I am horrible!
I thought I was the only person in the world who doesn't love dogs! Usually when a person finds out I'm not a dog-lover, I get blank stares and quizzical looks, as if I just uttered the phrase in Russian. I grew up in a home where we always had a dog, but the dog-lovers in my family never took the time to train or bathe them, and they drove me absolutely crazy! I despised those mutts!
My husband, however, does like dogs. His parents have a Jack Russell terrier named Bogey (they're a golfing family), which has actually become my little buddy. Because he is trained and clean (as clean as a dog can be, I guess), and because he has been persistent in following me around and trying to make me like him, I've actually begun to cave. I can see our family having a dog in the future, but only if my hubby takes the time to train it so we enjoy human-doggie boundaries.
I think I would love the idea of a dog and like a real dog. Not everyone can be animal people just like not everyone can pull off a chambray shirt with Disney characters embroidered on it.
I have to de-lurk on this one! I find all of these dog-hater comments hilarious! All of the things you hate about dogs are the same things I hate about kids (non-dog people are always offended when I draw comparisons between dogs and kids). Kids STINK. I've never been in a house with kids that doesn't smell like dirty diapers, wet wipes, baby powder, formula, etc. Yuck! You think dogs are dirty? My couch is WAAAY cleaner than anyone who has kids. I've heard countless stories about the diaperless baby peeing and pooing on the floor. Gross. My dog doesn't do that. And just as you don't want people's dogs jumping on you, please don't force your baby on me. I don't want to hold it. You may think your screaming baby is cute. I don't. I'll take my dog any day, thank you :)
dog butt holes. no thank you.
Very Interesting reading!! And I feel that I must chime in on behalf of cat owners. And I'm much better with lists (they keep me from rambling) So:
1. I am deathly allergic to cats--really I've almost ended up in the hospital b/c of them. However, they have great drugs for allergies. I personally take zyrtec in the a.m. and before bed Singular. S. covers the breathing, z. cover the sneezing, itching eyes. And I don't have any problems.
2. you don't have to "potty train" a cat. In fact you can put the litter box in the garage with a cat door, so you don't have to have any "smells" in your home. I can't speak to my own house, b/c you're right, I'm used to whatever it smells like, but I have been to other homes that had animals (before I had mine) and they did not smell like "pets". So it IS possible.
3. You don't have to walk a cat, or give it any other exercise.
4. If you not it's owner, it will typically leave you alone. So you don't have to worry about it jumping on your visitors or trying to lick their baby, or trying to get their massive bodies on the couch with you.
5. Surprisingly, our cat listens when you tell him not to do something.
6. If you don't want a life of "servitude", play the cats own game, ignore him. It works for us. And we love our cat.
I grew up in a strictly no-pets home and was convinced that when I grew up, I'd have animals everywhere. About two years into marriage, Jim didn't know what to get me for Christmas so I took advantage and got two cats. I love(d) those cats, but the fur all over my house DROVE ME NUTS. When I got pregnant, it was game over. They now (happily) live outside and I love them far, far more.
i will start to cry if i tell my story of my favorite dog Harvey that was my brother and sister-in-law's. robby and i will probably never get an animal but we will go to the pet store at least once a month for gracie and i to squeal and gawk at the adorable puppies.
like one great comedian once said: if you have enough time to have a pet, you should have another kid.
Man, I LOVE dogs. It was my fault we got the aforementioned psycho dog, and also my fault that my roommates and I got a dog at BYU despite the fact that it totally violated our rental agreement. (And eternal thanks is owed to the E* family for adopting her and raising her in a more dog-friendly environment).
So, while I love dogs, I do take issue with some dog owners, who apparently believe it is impossible to make their dog behave or clean up after them. Their crotch-sniffing, smelly dogs give all the others a bad name. (The same way that hyperactive, undisciplined kids do.) Dogs can actually keep your house cleaner--you'll hardly ever have to sweep your kitchen floor with one around. My sister has a large indoor dog who is very well-behaved, and her house has never smelled like dog. He is not allowed on the couch or in certain rooms and he knows it.
I'm not married and have no children, so I would love to have a dog for companionship and security purposes. However, my busy work schedule does not give me time to properly care for a dog, so I don't have one. Anyone who's read my blog also knows that I'm holding out for a miniaturized panda. Someday, though...
I am a HUGE dog lover! Always have been, always will be. Maybe it's because i am an only child and my dogs were my siblings growing up.
I have a little cavalier king charles spaniel, Hadrian. He is the sweetest little dog and completely house trained. He is our child, since we don’t have one yet. And yes I do dress him up and he sleeps on my pillow.
He has made our lives SO much happier since we got him. If you are having a bad day there is no way you can look at those big brown eyes, watch him doing something silly, or have him try to comfort you and not feel better. I’m sure that’s how kids make you feel, but for those of us who don’t have kids yet, a little dog can fill that role.
But I agree with everyone who dislikes cats...I don’t trust cats...they seem very sneaky
My boyfriend's family has this border collie that he just LOVES. I think it is gross. I mean, she's a nice dog and all, but all that long hair! Everywhere! And sick dog breath! And slobber! All over you! Sick!
My family had pets when I was growing up. We usually had a dog, a cat, and a rabbit or two. We always kept the rabbits outside. So if I got a pet, it might be a rabbit. Boyfriend's family keeps their pets (that dog and a very anti-social cat) outside, so that is also a good thing.
I agree 100% with melmck, I love to take my kids to the pet store to LOOK at the cute little puppies, I just don't want one in my house! It's pretty ironic that on a daily basis I deal with my kids pee, poo, vomit, partially chewed food,slobber, boogers... did I miss anything... and it doesn't phase me one bit. But if a dog slobbers on me I will throw up! At least my kids don't lick their own butt before they slobber on me! Plus, I made those kids so their poo etc... is half mine in a way I guess.
A friend of mine bought a cute little dog for her kids a while ago. The dog itself cost about $250. Shortly after they got it the found out it needed surgery that was going to cost $1000+. The kids already love it so what can you do?! Am I evil for saying for $1000 I would just put the poor creature out of it's misery? I wouldn't think twice on a surgery for my child, but I would never ever ever ever spend that kind of money on an animal!
love big dogs. hate small dogs. hate cats even more.
I used to hate pets until we got our Iguana COSMO. He is so cute!! (I still can't beleive that I say that about a big lizard!!) Although I do hate cats and dogs as pets, who wants hair and noisy barking and that nasty pet smell...yuck!!
I think I'm a pet agnostic. I can look at an animal and think, that is a charming and lovely animal. I can see why someone would wish to own one of those. I prefer not to have one in my house however, and have made it pretty clear to my four children that dogs are something you can visit and play with at other people's houses. They get to visit cows, horses, and chickens at grandpa's too, so I don't feel a bit guilty of depriving them of animal love.
The posts today are truly hilarious! I especially loved the anti-kid post (keep in mind I have 2 of my own). While I don't agree that kids are stinkier/dirtier than say dogs. I can see how kid haters might make the comparison and for that I have to chuckle.
Oh, and I literally laughed out loud at the pet panda comment. Mrs. Dub you have a truly witty blog and those reading your blog get my thumbs-up too!
I'll venture to post a second time to second the fact that Mrs. Gee has the most well behaved dog on the planet. But she (and Mr. Gee) worked HARD, very, very, hard to accomplish that, and not very many people (including us ... hence the psycho dog got psycho-er) are willing to do that.
I am not a pet person, do not want a pet, and hate being at houses with pets.
But to each their own. If you love them and can TAKE CARE OF THEM, go for it.
I'm sure my husband and boys will one day turn on me and get one, but for now while I can still exert control over the toddlers, my answer is no.
My husband and I treated our first dog together like our child. We would pull out pictures, tell funny stories about him like annoying parents do.
Then, I had a newborn and a two year old and I gave him away to a really nice retired couple who fed him evian water and drove across country because they didn't want him to have to fly.
I was VERY opposed to another pet,just because I was happy with the amount of children we had and I didn't want another (since I treat pets like my babies...)
Well, I could not oppose my son's begging eyes any longer and got him a dog last summer.
She is warm, snuggly, potty-trained, has tiny poos and doesn't smell. She's a miniature dachshund and whenever she gets in the way we put her in her little crate and she snoozes.
I get your position on animals, if you don't love them I can see how all the stuff that they require would be annoying, but I have to have a moment of silence for the loss of 4-legged love Miss Dub and subsequent Dubs will never experience in their youth. Amen. ha!
Liz! Pet agnostic! I'll join that club.
Just in case any of you anti-pet people need a little more ammo, check out today's Dooce post on her dog eating excrement (warning, there are swears.)
tia-- yes, but babies are HUMAN. i'm not a dog hater, but get real, there's no way you can compare the two.
EVERYONE in Colorado has a dog... a big dog. And they walk them everywhere. In spandex (the people not the dogs).
I HATE ANIMALS. Okay, no, I love animals, but it is unnatural to have a pet inside your home. HELLO! They shed and are stinky and DIRTY!!!! Could anything be worse? Unnatural.
we love dogs, & have a big one. she comes in handy... especially when the kids have dumped their dinner on the floor.
I just found your blog and totally love it! So witty and charming! As for animals, I married an animal lover and I have never had a pet. So fat I have avoided this problem by having a sever allergy to cats and shedding dogs. Now he is trying to find breeds that don't shed and I am just not that excited about the idea... Doggy drool and having a critter in my bed just sounds horrible to me.
i hate animals.
We had a dog growing up. But I didn't ever take care of it. My boys ask about when they will have a dog, or pet of any kind. I keep putting it off "they don't allow pets in our apartment" (actually they do if you pay a huge deposit). I'd rather not clean up after an animal when I already have kids to clean up after. I love animals, and I'll play with a dog and pet a cat. I despise animal cruelty, however I don't want any pets. At least not right now. Even when my kids are old enough to take care of it, who knows if they will. We also can't afford to take care of a pet right now.
Now I know why I love this blog. I hate pets, dogs in particular. I find that in this world you almost have to be "in the closet" about it. I can't say it on dates (it is such an easy way to be dismissed-"she doesn't like dogs, what's that about?"), I can't say it around most friends (who slobber all sorts of love onto their animals), I can't even say it at work (tried it only to find out that my boss was a psycho doggie lover). I have found myself gingerly trying to suss out new friends on this delicate topic. Now and again, you'll find someone who feels the same way-it is such sweet relief!
I had roommates in college who shed way more than my two big labradors. And I HAD to share a bathroom with those nasty girls.
And, puppies are 500 times easier to house train than boys are to potty train. Number of times I changed boys' wet beds in the last week: 4 (5 if you include the vomit). Number of times the dogs had accidents: 0. Don't even get me started on who responds better to "Come!" and "Stay!" Plus the dogs are happy to eat WHATEVER I give them.
Tia is hysterical, and I totally agree with Laurel that kids having pets is an inalienable right (not just because I love her name).
So yes, I love pets. But for me the real clincher is when my six-year-old (who has congenital glaucoma and has endured numerous surgeries, daily eye drops, and patching to save his eyesight) sees a service puppy in training and tells me he wants to raise one as soon as he's old enough.
Just have to add that I have three cats and I love them to pieces. They are easygoing and low-maintenance (although they like to have attention on their terms!) and there's nothing quite like a kitty to warm your lap in the middle of winter.
They are all good with our son, but my husband and I agreed before he was born that if any of them ever attacked the baby without provocation the offender will be gone. We love our cats, but not even close to as much as we love our son.
i love cats. i love cats because i can leave their food out and they won't eat it all immediately, they go in a specified little corner in a litter box that i can easily clean and they wash themselves. they're smaller, they do their own thing and they don't need constant attention.
i don't like dogs because you HAVE to take them for a walk, no matter what, they won't go in a litter box, they need CONSTANT love and attention, they smell, they need grooming, they need serious training. . .
birds are creepy, there's no point in a fish, snakes and lizards are creepy. . .
so I consider myself a pet person, but now I think I'm just a cat person and a nothing-else person.
Wow, I'm really surprised at how many anti-pet people there are out there. My hubby was raised in a no pet home. I think they were allowed to have fish at one point, but that was it. I had fish, a few outdoor dogs, outdoor cats, three indoor cats, two of which ran away, and finally, an indoor dog.
Hubby and I were a blended family. He brought to the marriage a cat, I brought my dog, and we got a kitten together. We had those three pets when my oldest was born. At that time my mom took the cats to her house because my in-laws were coming to spend several weeks with us and they were not cat people. Unfortunately my hubby's cat died shortly after my son was born. Our other cat disappeared outside at my Mom's house. She lived on a farm at the time and she'd been an outdoor kitty when we got her so I think she just found she preferred the barn. Our dog had to have surgery while I was pregnant with our second son, and she died of heart failure that evening. I'd had her since I was fifteen and she was our baby during three and a half years of infertility so were were truly heartbroken. She was our first baby.
Nine months after that my step-father passed away and my mother moved in bringing her dog. It was the perfect arrangement because the children had a dog to love and play with, but I had none of the responsibility of caring for it. Mom remarried and moved out and we found a dog through our homeschool group who now calls our house home. The boys really missed having a dog in the house and she is great with them.
We're in a small house so she'll be the only dog for now, but she's housebroken, goes out on her own without a leash, doesn't beg for people food, but she is needy as far as attention goes. When we move to a larger home and have a fenced yard, we will get another dog.
I really, really miss having an indoor cat. We currently have a wonderful outdoor cat who occassionally spends the night inside during the winter. He's never had an accident in the house and never roams far from home. We just don't have a place here to put a litter box that is not easily accessible by the children.
The older boys now each have a fish and I'd say we're at our pet limit for now. The boys talk about a bird occassionally, and I had a couple growing up, but I just think they're too messy for very little interaction. The last one that I had became a meal for our cats and I just don't want to do that again.
I think pets teach children valuable lessons in life. They teach them a lot about love, compassion, responsibility, and very often the loss of a pet is the child's first experience with loss. There are so many plus sides to having pets that we will continue to be a pet family, even though sometimes I can't bear the thought of anything else coming into this house that poops! (We're currently expecting number four and my two youngest are still in diapers.) But, as long as they do it outside, I'm okay with it.
My husband and I have declared ourselves "pet haters" but can't admit that to very many people. We don't quite understand how people treat their pets as children, and all the mess and extra money it costs. We do have a fish, but even thats a pain. My son asked today why we can't have a cat...um....because. Not too many of us out there. I had a cat as a child that I loved, but don't need one now.
Strings of elegance...I get the same thing when I tell people "I don't care for dogs" as if I'm speaking in another language or about to drive a dagger into their hearts. People cannont fathom that I don't want/like pets.
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