I saw two bad movies this weekend. The first was Will Smith's thriller I am Legend. Entertaining and suspenseful, but improbable and disappointing. The second was - and I hesitate to admit this - Herbie: Fully Loaded. Really bad, even for a movie meant to entertain a 6-year-old. And it left me with this insatiable desire to cat fight Lindsay Lohan. I've never had an urge to pull someone's hair so badly. I may or may not have told Mr. Dub I wanted to rub her face in "dung butter." And I don't even know where one buys a good dung butter these days.
Seen any bad movies lately?
Even better, seen any good ones?
Just say no to LiLo
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 6:54 AM
20 comments Leave a witty comment hereLabels: dung butter, Lindsay Lohan, misadventure, movies, Will Smith
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we saw the new indiana jones movie this weekend. I wouldn't say I hated it, but it definitely wasn't worth the $18 we spent to see it.
I kind of liked I am legend.
I just watched P.S. I love you. I didn't really like it when I first saw it but after waking up thinking about it the next day I decided I liked it.
Oh yes. One of my all-time favorites is "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" so I thought I might enjoy a wacky based-on attempt, "Guess Who." Nope.
Just watched Juno too, though. Loved it.
Speaking of movies geared toward 6 year olds...my children and I thoroughly enjoyed Alvin and the Chipmunks. :) It has cute music and stays fairly true to the wonderful 80's cartoon! :)
Recent movies I've liked: Juno, Dan in Real Life, Bella (felt like we'd been to the international cinema).
Movies I should have passed on: I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (I usually enjoy Sandler, even with the gross out factor); August Rush (I've heard people rave--but this was over the top predictable and smothered in cheese).
6 year olds picks: yes to Alvin and those Chipmunks and yes to Snowbuddies, or any Buddies movie for that matter.
I loved I am legend! I thought it was interesting and scary. I also would like to cat fight Lilo...I think that is one fight I could actually win.
Loved: Lars & the Real Girl
Luckily, I can't think of any movies I've hated recently.
The Kite Runner. If you haven't seen it, go rent it...whether you read the book or not.
Didn't have anything to add until just now. We just got back from "Iron Man".
L O V E D it.
The End.
I watched Across the Universe this weekend. Initially I thought--this could be good, but then I'm partial to the Beatles and love a good cover of a good song. When it went for the "visually stunning psychadelic effects," I must admit it lost me. I love Bono, too. But this movie left a bad taste in my mouth--kind of like those tie-dyed fruit roll ups.
I was pretty freaked out by "I am Legend". I could not get past thte freaky humans to even think it was so lame.
As for Lilo - she LiLAME!
Have you seen Stardust? It was SO great!
No Reservations is great!!!
I just couldn't change the channel on one of the worst movies I had already seen and couldn't stand...Failure to Launch.
I have to admit, I have just seen Knocked Up with the hubby (on our 2 free month HBO, which is the devil) and it is really naughty but seriously hilarious.
On a good note we just watched Evan Almighty with the family and it was awesome.
Lars and The Real Girl. This is the best movie I've seen in awhile. My husband has determined that in order for me to enjoy a movie there must be a high "quirk factor". I think he is right.
I also enjoyed Juno this weekend. After explaining the birds and the bees to my 6 year old on Friday (like, he wanted specifics of how exactly sperm reach eggs, yikes!) Anyway, he accidentally catches the first few moments of Juno and says "How'd she end up pregnant? Sunddy D?" Hmmmm...I thought I was pretty specific in our discussion, I'm thinking he didn't understand.
My children enjoyed Enchanted and my daughter has been singing "I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss" repeatedly (did I mention that is the only line of the song she knows?)
(that's Sunny D...)
Young at Heart. If it is playing anywhere by you, go see it.
Hilari is right on- Young at Heart is AWESOME-Indiana is entertaining and I hated Made of Honor and I dont think I could be friends with anyone that truly liked it -thats just how I roll.
i'm sorry but i enjoyed both movies :P but im a sucker for cheese factor :)
did you just say dung butter?? Really? :)
I liked I am Legend. I like anything with the Fresh Prince. Really, I think he is one of the few actors who has successfully made a transition from TV to Movie, not to mention still being able to put out some good music. I want to see Hancock or whatever it is, too.
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