For those of you who don't have the pleasure of attending church with us every week, let me summarize Miss Dub's behavior in two words: loud and crazy. Yesterday, for example, she hung herself from the pew and swung her body, shouting, "Swiiiing, Mommy, swiiiing!" Sounds cute on paper, but it was actually pretty annoying, mostly to the people sitting in the pew in front of us.
And that's just a sampling of her bad behavior, which included roaring during the sacrament and playing peek-a-boo with the general audience. Eventually, Mr. Dub gave up and took her out. She just doesn't get the concept of whispering and nothing about her personality is demure. That's also why I love her. She will dance on command. She can speak in full, albeit hard to understand, sentences. She has a vivid imagination already. She gets many adult concepts. She says, "Cool man," "Cool dude," and "Cool beans" without prompting. But she is very loud, very stubborn and very energetic. (This is probably the part where my parents chuckle and say, "Pay back!")
It's funny how certain qualities are appreciated at different times in life. I have no doubt her enthusiasm and stubborness will make her a very successful career woman. I also think her outgoing personality will make her quite popular in school. But as a toddler, it's a lot to control. I find myself looking at more subdued, proper children and wishing Miss Dub could be a little more like that, but then I remind myself, "That kid is on the road to nerdom." And nerdom brings its own set of challenges, like bad fashion sense.
I really have no one but myself to blame. I'm loud and crazy myself. And I'm just not a discipliner. I don't tolerate really inappropriate behavior, like biting or kicking, but I can turn a blind eye to most other things - including pouring water all over the ground and pretending it's a pool. I don't have the energy to fight every battle, plus I just love to see her imagination and independence at work.
But on Sundays, it really comes back to bite me.
Sundays with the Dubs
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 6:47 AM
19 comments Leave a witty comment hereLabels: childhood, discipline, misadventure, Miss Dub, motherhood
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Her used-to-be-angelic cousin was acting in a similar naughty fashion at church yesterday. A few months ago, he'd fall asleep on Daddy at least part of the time. Now he's alert and noisy every single minute of the three-hour block. (Did you mention to your non-Mormon friends that our meetings last THREE HOURS?!?!) Lately he thinks it's really funny to throw him self backwards until he's prostrated on the floor. Then he giggles and gyrates for all to see. (And hear.)
I feel your pain, Sistah!
Pay Back!
Now ... can she come and be naughty with us at church?
There should really be a crosstich that reads..."These personality traits will serve you well in the future...if I can only survive them today!"
If I had a nickel for everytime I've told my energetic, stubborn (adorable) son that... I would be totally living the good life.
Personally, kids like Miss Dub make church worth going to...their antics are less annoying to those of us who understand...I silently cheer them on to keep me from dozing off.
Buttercup was an active girl! We were the only ones who were out in the foyer at our first ward. People would come out, ostensibly to use the facilities because their children were angels, and would stare at us. What can I say, she wanted out of her car seat at the ripe old age of 3 months.
what an awesome photo of miss dub!
i love her!
I sweat ALL through Sacrament. Dripping (SHHHH ,Please Be Quiet,stop poking each other) sweat.Sometimes are better than others but mostly I want to give them each a hanky full of chloroform to lessen the rowdiness.
I agree with you though, I would much rather have personality then perfection.
Props to you for going to church. Ben and I quit.
oh that miss dub. she's perfectly adorable.
this thing we learned as we realized that BOTH mr. r and i were in the coat closet with tyson last week trying to calm him down was not made for toddlers.
Sounds like you and several others would fit right in in my ward. There are so many kids expressing themselves that we hardly hear a word. The sad part is I'm the chorister and we sit in the 2nd or 3rd row and I still don't get much out of the meeting. Oh yeah, then there are my 3 kiddos expressing themselves too!
I agree... all four of my children are loud, stubborn and speak their minds (no hope, there!) and I just have to think that (like you) someday it is going to serve them well.. for now, it just drives their parents craaazzzzy!
My husband loves what he calls "the floor show" at church.
We were at seminary graduation for my sister last night, and at the end of each musical number, my daughter shouted "Yay!"
She also claps after hymns in sacrament meeting.
On my way out of sacrament meeting yesterday, I stopped my next-door neighbor (who has two boys around Elijah's age) and asked her, "Is it just me, or do you want to kill your boys by the end of sacrament meeting every week too?" All I can say is thank goodness for nursery!
My youngest is just a few months older than Miss Dub and we are dealing with many of the same things. My goal is to make it through the sacrament without having to leave, which we normally do. For months I have sat there telling her to "Whisper, please." "You have to whisper." "I said, WHISPER!!" Then I realized that she has probably NO idea what I am talking about. Does she know the definition of the term? Maybe she thinks I am asking her to talk louder and start throwing a fit! Shoot.
I understand completely. However, Hayden actually took a nap in Sacrament meeting. It was very nice.
And this is why I wish I weren't in The Singles Ward on certain weeks (no offense to High Councilmen speakers, but...). Miss Dub would far surpass pew after pew of the "Backscratching Brigade" in entertainment value.
I agree, and I much prefer a child with a HUGE personality like Miss Dubb! (although, I sometime wished that all you girls were quiet and demure like some other girls in church at the time) ((but come to think of it, they are inactive now and were probably beaten down at that time)) NO judgement on you quite gals out there though, I wish it were more in my nature also...XOXO
you gotta love a little spunk. sometimes i'm pulling my hair out, wondering where i got these, loud, crazy kids. then i remind myself that i'm pretty loud and crazy myself. but as you say - it can definitely make sunday a lot of work. living in a ward in which there is complete silence during sacrament doesn't make things any easier.
I'm sorry, but just because a child is well behaved doesn't mean he/she is bound for nerdom. Give me a break! I do love the entertainment some rowdy youngsters provide, but the reverent ones are just as enjoyable.
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