Did you know that Dooce makes an estimated $40,000 a month by blogging?
If your jaw just dropped and accidentally swallowed a moth, you are not alone, my friend. I knew that Dooce was popular and advertiser-pursued, but I did not know that she made more a month than I did in an entire year as a reporter.
And while I don't want to knock the ridiculousness of such a salary - mostly in the event I ever have one - it does seems crazy that she writes a few snippets every day and gets paid oodles more than someone who is required to attend a 5-hour long city council meeting and then write 15 column inches about a P-overlay zone.
But the more I think about it, the more I can understand why professional blogging is harder. I mean, writing about yourself is precarious - not too snobby, not too meek, not too much detail about that family member that everyone doesn't like, but she doesn't know it. Also, you have to get creative. I mean, the diaper explosion at Target story was funny the first time, but now I have to make it wittier - "the pooh was like spackle." And don't even get me started about the constant pressure to post, even when on vacation.
Since I'm not as funny as Dooce, and I religiously refrain from F-bombers, I probably will never garner the readership necessary to net $40,000 a month. But I'd be happy to settle for $10,000. Shoot, $1,000 would be close to $1,000 more than I'm currently making as a freelance writer, hand model and amateur mechanic.
So tell your friends. I promise things are going to get hotter, funnier and possibly chewier around here.
Now, where's my check?
From the department of "Whaaat?"
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Seriously? Are you kidding me? I have never heard of Dooce before this, but I just clicked on over there and spent a few minutes reading her posts. Yours are better than hers! You should be getting that much money for entertaining all of us! Shoot...this could be the reason that I finally start my own blog!
so she used to be mormon and thinks BYU is the most horrible place on the earth huh? interesting.
p.s. the trick is to get people like mcdonald's to send you the check, not the readers. it's all about traffic. i'd be interested to know how much traffic she gets. any idea?
As long as you keep the posts coming, I think that most of us would be willing to work something out with you...
You are better than her is SO many ways. I read a couple of her posts...boring!
Excuse me, I just passed out and hit the keyboard! 40K?? Really? Sheesh. I need a new job, cause this Mommy gig don't pay squat!
She was on a local radio station here this past week... I heard she gets like 25,000 hits a day. CrAZY!
I have to confess, that I do read her, and I really like her posts about her stupid dog! She is an amazing photographer too.
I just learned about this the other day and have been thinking a lot about it. Most of the serious (read: getting paid) bloggers I've read are way to angry for me. I just don't enjoy the daily rants. But I guess those other 25,000 people do. Just another reminder that I'll never be famous. Sigh.
Yeah, I try not to constantly talk about all the blogs I read so Jim doesn't a) die of boredom or b) catch on that my day-to-day social life is entirely online, but that $40,000 was too amazing not to mention. He was duly impressed and then we spent the next ten minutes talking about why WE aren't rich.
read more about dooce and her insane salary here - it says she gets 4 million hits a month, which is several million more than me.
and i think she's brilliant, albeit angry.
Let me tell you why Dooce is amazing.
#1: She really is a fantastic writer.
#2: She is self-deprecating and bitter about life. (Haven't you noticed that these are the blogs that people love to read?? What's not to love about finding out that someone else's life sucks more than your own?)
#3: She pushes the line and writes about things that most of us may think about, but would never in a million years write about.
#4: She does not care what anyone thinks about her. She doesn't care if her parents will get mad at her for writing mean things about them, she doesn't care if the mailman finds out that she thinks he's fat and obnoxious. She just doesn't care.
And THAT is why I love her. And why she's so successful.
She doesn't care? I think she cares. I think she's totally messed up. Constant therapy sessions to save her marriage, goes to bed crying at night wishing she could have her life back, lambasting her parents for her their religion in front of the entire universe, and not giving a bloody crap about it? She gives a crap. And she is completely miserable. If that made me $40,000 a month I'd wish I were dead.
For the record, I think your readers love you just the way you are (self included).
Yeah, when I had AdWords on my blog for that month, I made, like, $5.62. (Which they wouldn't even mail me 'cause it's not over $20)
So I, for one, am totally close to knocking Dooce off her witty, satirical, Mormon-bashing throne!
(I think I'm going to go try and force a Target Blow-out now. I need new material.)
Oh yeah, it also helps if you get some attention on your local news station for getting fired because of your blog.
I agree with m-ware. She actually cares way too much. Hence, the good blogging material.
What I wanna know is why so many mormon women know/read her blog? If you met a new aquaintance and within five minutes of meeting her, she began blasting your much loved religion and its teachings that you believe in whole heartedly, would you be friends with them? Like GOOD friends? No. You wouldn't because it would make you uncomfortable.
I don't think her site made me feel anything good, but then I didn't read her bio and searched for those things that would most make me feel bad, so I guess I'm biased. Whatever.
People like her make me angry. Maybe I should blog about it.
oops, i meant i read her bio and searched for her most slanderous remarks against that which i love.
Perhaps I should clarify that I think Dooce is a great writer and very deft at making the mundane seem interesting in a sardonic way.
I am also frequently offended by her language, her bitterness and her interest in her dogs. I don't like dogs.
So link at your own discretion. I only do occasionally.
Don't worry, you will know when the baby gets here. And I definitely think you should get paid.
long time no see/talk/write, glad for the note on me family's blog. If you can filter out the noise (ref. to old comms. classes) the blogosphere is a good way to keep in touch with long lost friends. I don't know much about mrs. douche but i've known few that could match your wit so keep it up and I'm sure you'll start rolling in the big $. I've read through your recent posts and you are no less then inspiring and probably one of the most courageous people I know. You'll never know how many lives you'll touch by sharing your experiences. Keep it up.
I really like m-ware & Keri's comments and totally agree. In my humble opinion, if you want to make $40,000... there are many better ways. I hadn't ever heard of dooce.
The only thing I am upset about (besides how disturbing her frame of mind is) is that you peaked my curiosity so much that I graced her web-site with my presence thereby increasing her web-traffic.
That certainly wont happen again!
Where did you get the dollar amount from?
I hate dooce, but still read it
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