Sunday nights can get a little boring around our place. Mr. Dub grew up in a home where TV viewing on Sundays was strictly prohibited, except for animal programs. (No comment on the rules at my house.) We usually split the difference by limiting our viewing to the Food Network or period piece movies, which I feel carry the Spirit by virtue of the colloquialisms.
Last night, there was some sort of candy competition on FN, which is never interesting or tasty, so Mr. Dub and I took turns coming up with things to do. He picked UNO, which was good for about two games, until we both realized how uncompetitive I am. I mean, I feel really bad if I give him a draw two card, while he happily throws down every reverse, skip a turn and draw card in his deck. So he generally wins. And I generally don't care.
So on my turn, I suggested we play MASH. Except I changed the name to MACH - the C is for Condo - because where can you even find a good shack these days? We adjusted the game a bit for our life situation, though Mr. Dub nixed the idea of a "second spouse in event of death" column. Here are the results from Mr. Dub's MACH-up:
House price: $1 million
Home amenities: Outhouse
Home feature: Cross bow range
Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Mr. D's job: Pro golfer
Mrs. D's job: Newberry Award-winning author
Combined salary: $250,000
Kids: 2
Mr. D's car: Mercedes C63 AMG
Mrs. D's car: Mercedes SUV
LDS Mission Presidency: Poland Warsaw Mission
Vacation Home: Sea Ranch, CA
Blue was the best possible option, green was somewhere in the middle and red was the worst. (And, yes, Mr. Dub went to Poland on his mission and yet it was his last choice.)
Overall, not too bad, although I'm still trying to figure out how to make it to the outhouse without getting caught in the hairs of a cross bow.
But just for the record, I'd marry Josh Duhamel and order him not to open his mouth as he may be one of the dumbest people I've ever not met.
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 6:57 AM
18 comments Leave a witty comment hereLabels: Josh Duhamel, MASH, misadventure, Sunday
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wow. mash-ups were a big story this morning on american morning... not this kind of mash-up though.
Hey, I love Josh Duhamel, dumb or not. Look at how fun Sunday night can be when you force yourself not to watch TV.
i love this post. :)
I totally forgot about Mash! I, too, am super UN competative and do the same things...feel guilty when I play a draw 2 card.
How fun! My husband and I have probably played MASH 6-8 times in the 10 years that we've been married. We seem to do it when we are REALLY bored on long car trips. It always amuses me for a while. I'm glad I'm not the only one still playing!
i literally laughed outloud at least three different times during this post. :) thanks for that.
You might be able to get an outhouse in Santa Barbara for $1 million.
Strange, though, that your blue (top) choices seem more modest than the greens--guess you just have really expensive tastes in cars. But the reds did seem appropriately basement choices--sorry Poland.
Fun post, but MASH must have come along after my generation. I think we were still using the folded paper, cootie-catcher method.
wow. i haven't played mash in years! how fun!!
Who is Josh Duh-mel?
I'd marry John Cusack. I WILL marry John Cusack!!!
(Wait, what are we playing again?)
It's like I keep telling Doug: (who happened to grow up in the same house as YOUR husband.) Nature shows are all about Sex and Violence and are therefore NOT appropriate Sunday Viewing! On the other hand, Food Network, HGTV, and Masterpiece Theater are all totally acceptable!!!
And so is MASH!
1) Josh Duhamel smiled and raised his eyebrows at me in the Montana airport. Though this isn't saying much as we were the only individuals under 50 on this flight. We almost ate dinner in the same airport restaurant, only I didn't want him to think I was stalking him so I bought my food and ate it at the gate. I'm not sure about his IQ, but in person he is just as easy on the eyes as he is on the big screen. He is really tall. And he has a really small head. But FANTASTIC all American smile.
2) Can you remind me how to play MASH? I totally forgot and we have a long road trip coming on Friday...
I used to play MASH all the time! And I was actually just thinking about it the other day. I swear. I was meaning to ask my 11 year old if she's ever played it. But do I really want her fantasizing about who she's going to marry? Pretty sure she already is anyway, but still. It just makes me a little sad.
You have waaaaaaaaay more categories than we ever had.
My husband only watched PBS on Sundays, but it didn't stick too badly. The men on my side can't go a day without sports, so that quickly changed his habits!
I'm sorry, PDaddy's mention of the "cootie-catcher" is totally cracking me up!
On a more serious note, once while making up scenerios for our futures, my friend Becky and I determined that I would marry a man named "England Snow".
Yes, it's serious because I can actually remember it.
Ah, Josh. Nothing wrong with the strong and silent type...err requirement. And he'd always look so good in family pictures.
Sounds like a pleasant evening--I love the junior high-esque quality of it all.
That seems more complicated than the MASH's I remember?? But looks like it was a fun, updated version. You guys are funny.
So the real question is...what were the results of YOUR MACH-up?? Or was it a joint effort?? Please don't tell me when you get married that, among all of the other compromises, you also have to share MACH-up answers???
Sadly, I never got a chance to MACH-up last night, but you can be sure Mr. Dub would be the first to know my sordid fate. (I'm thinking a condo with an indoor bowling alley is in my future.)
You guys are SO fun.
Catching up on some reading and noticed the Poland Warsaw mission. Now you have me wondering. My husband and I both served there. Yep, we met on the mission....Which one of you served there? I am hoping one of you since you will be future mission presidents there. Good luck with that one!
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