
Right now (not a Van Halen tribute)

Right now, I am looking out my window at a cloud that looks like it will deliver a weather whoopin'. To say I'm frustrated with Midwestern weather would be an understatement. We get a few perfect days each year, but the rest are either frigid and flurry-filled or sticky and stormy. (I know that alliteration is really overused these days, but my true calling in life is to be a card writer. I am NOT kidding. If anyone has connections with a telecommuting card writing job, please email me. I have a hilarious idea for a Rosh Hashannah card. Again, I'm NOT kidding here. It involves a talking calendar.)

Right now, I am not wondering why they call it hand-foot-mouth disease, because one look at Miss Dub confirms the name's inspiration. She has sores on her hands, feet and mouth. So I guess if I had any suggestion for the disease namers, it would be to call it hands-feet-mouth disease, because the sores have been no way limited themselves to one side of her body, and the name is sort of misleading in that regard.

Right now, I'm hoping that none of your children has hand-foot-mouth disease, because Miss Dub probably gave it to them. Probably through the Internet. It is very contagious for, like, three weeks, which means we are going to be watching an inordinate amount of children's TV, because I just cannot think of 10 hours of indoor activities each day.

Right now, I'm trying to figure out a way to enforce our no "Caillou" rule. That whiny brat is way more annoying than educational. Also, his mom wears clothes that are not flattering to her figure.

Right now, I am watching a young Justin Timberlake sing to Elmo on an old episode of "Sesame Street." I'm wondering how someone with such a high vocal range has been able to score such beautiful girlfriends. Then again, besides Britney, his lady friends are on the sinewy, masculine side. And we all know Britney isn't even human, but part of some fedora-wearing alien species who probably live on the same planet as suspender-wearing animals. (Why must chimps always wear suspenders?)

Right now, I'm wondering who would win in a street fight - a taco or a grilled cheese sandwich.

What are you thinking about right now?


LCM said...

I am watching the Weather Channel, and I was actually just thinking about you because they keep showing Chicago and the 'storms marching on it'. But then I am also sitting here thinking about our weather because TS Edouard is headed our way and it will be our first hurricane here and I am worried about A/C for our princesses and whether it will affect our last chemo appointment.
Sorry about the H/f/m disease. We have never had the privilege! Good luck.

Young Family said...

I am so sorry Miss Dub is ill. That is no fun to be cooped up because of it.

Right now I am enjoying a quiet house. Hayden is still in bed sleeping. Perhaps I should take the chance to have an uninterupted shower.

zeeny said...

Sorry you have a sick lilttle one. Our weather here in upstate NY is much the same. I think there has only been four days over 90 here...and the rest stormy and in the 70's. I think summer has actually passed us by. I think a mild summer would be ok, but not when you have such a long winter. I guess, to answer your question, right now I am thinking about weight loss. Why can't I stick to it!! I am actually marching my behind over to ww right now and signing up...i obviously can't do this without being responsible to someone! I guess next time you'll think twice before asking what is on our minds!

P Daddy said...

It's actually cloudy and rainy here in Phoenix today, but for us a cloudy Summer morning is a treat--not involuntary confinement.

Sorry about Miss Dubs' illness--those blue and white lesions all over her hands and arms are even more serious than I realized. Still, it doesn't seem to have disturbed her smile or artistic ambitions.

I find all present children's programming irritating. Either Sesame Street, Electric Company, and Mr. Rogers (though that wore on me too--I wanted to give everybody on that show some speed or steal their valium) were way better, or I've just gotten old, or both. Hope you survive this serious bout of Mad Mom's disease resulting from the combined meteorological and medical confinements.

sara said...

It's because they have no hip-bones to hold up their pants. I think. I hope the Miss gets better soon! On my mind is why I have been nearly starving myself (20 pts/day) for the past 11 days and have been running on my treadmill faithfully and have only managed to lose 2 pounds. And you're right about Caillou; way too whiny!

Mary said...

I think Grilled Cheese would definitely win. Tacos are so ... flaky.

(You probably think I haven't seen a taco race, but I actually have. At the ballpark. Cracks me up every time.)

Right now I wish I was with you and the l'il dub.

steph said...

i'm thinking that that photo is now a new favorite. can't wait to see you both in 4 weeks... hopefully the hands, feet & mouth will be less-sore-filled when we get there!

Carina said...

I did not go to work today and now I'm craving stay-at-home mom-ness even more.

I'm also wondering how long it will take me to write the product requirement document that's due for work tomorrow.

Also: does D.I. take car seats?

stephanie said...

right now i am thinking that you are the funniest person i know. (shhh, don't tell mike.)

Fig said...

Right now I'm thinking ay-FREAKING-men to your frustration with midwestern weather.

Kind regards from Tulsa.

Sarah S said...

I'm sitting here waiting to see if the tornado is really heading to Evanston or not (after seeing the emergency broadcast system sound the alert on tv). And wondering if I'll have to pull my sleeping child out of bed and run down to the basement. Hopefully not. Yes, Chicago has some crazy crazy weather.

I'm sorry you're going to be cooped up for some long indoors w/ Miss Dub. That really stinks!! And I HATE Caillou - that is prob. the worst show on PBS.

Jenn Kirk said...

Oh my, thanks for making me laugh out loud re. that stupid show Caillou. I thought it was cute at first, how my toddler adores him. But really, I think my son is just picking up how to whine better and be mean to our cat.

Kelli and Craig said...

Right now I am thinking that I am glad I live in AZ and not the midwest. I am also wondering why every Uhaul storage units I see have a lifesize cardboard cutout of a Star Trek character in them....no seriously..what is that about?

Hope Miss Dub gets better!!

amber said...

I am so sorry about lil miss. H picked up hand-foot-mouth disease once from a playground and it was wretched. She looks great, though. Your geniusness make me chuckle all day (JT and masculine women. True and FUNNY!)

You're the best. I hope today went well. Please let us know...

l.m. glam said...

Can I just say that I LOVE that you just quoted HotRod...and expected no one to notice! Well, I did. And it was so "vultron" (which is what my brother named his new truck by the way...because it's totally kick...yeah).

Wonderland Girl said...

I HATE CALLIOU. That's all I have to say about that.

No it's not.

I hate him because in my opinion he actually teaches your kid to whine, "I don't waaaant to do that" when you ask them to do something. And THAT, my friend is unacceptable for public programming.