
Prayers optional

If you have to be stuck with a picture for a few days, this one's not bad.
Miss Dub gets very excited when she sees a lawn mower.

I'm going to have a little light surgery for breakfast today.

If I never post again, you can assume it went badly.

If I don't post for a few days, you can assume I'm using it as an excuse to do nothing but lay around the house and bark orders to Mr. Dub.

"Pillow fluffing, STAT!"

"Where is my butter substitute?"

"French braid, please!"

p.s. If you couldn't access my blog recently that's because my domain was suspended as they somehow thought I was writing from Iran - and that's an apparent no-no. I guess there must be a lot of chubby, whiny, blond housewives in Tehran.


Mary said...

I spoke to Mrs. Dub and she was feeling fine, but loopy. I thought you all might want to know that.

I want to know if Mr. Dub really does a good french braid.

'Cause he could use one.

zeeny said...

Hope all is well. I guess we know where your opinion on two year olds wearing tank tops!! I totally agree!

janaya said...

you just combined two of my least favorite things. surgery and breakfast (though i'll occasionally go for some captain crunch berries. shhh.) glad to hear you're recovering with some loopiness... that's the best way to recover, i say.

and oh mr. underhill... you know it's bad when your mother-in-law is making cracks about your hair. :) awesome.

steph said...

that photo is awesome. mrs. dub, i hope you recover quickly... and maybe take a photo of your french braid courtesy of mr. dub. i can't even braid a regular braid let alone a french one.

Joey and Megan said...

Best wishes, and milk that recovery for all it's worth!

hilari said...

if i was there to help i would even offer you a fish tail braid. that is just how much i like you.

p.s. exactly when did miss dub turn into a teenager?

emily & david said...

Buena suerte!! tengo fe en tu cuerpo.

Lindsey from The R House said...

what the h? i need to call you.

Leslie said...

thanks for the update, mrs. ess. you're so on the ball. best of luck for a speedy recovery and no more problems, dubby dearest! you all have had wayyyyy more than your share lately.

stephanie said...

leslie took the words right out of my mouth. sending you love from az.

sara said...

The little miss is such a cutie. I hope you're getting a lot of good rest!

Colleen said...

Good luck, we'll be thinking of you!

mr. underhill said...

My French braiding skills are a little rusty. However, I do a wicked good Albanian braid. I'll post a step-by-step post a little later. I just have to get some of my controversial techniques approved by the I.B.A. (International Braiding Authority). Stay tuned.

Leisha Mareth said...

feel better soon!

P Daddy said...

Glad you're on the mend and that all is good, but sorry you had to go through it for nothing. Now we know that if a tree doesn't fall in the forest, a tree surgeon will still try to remove it whether he can hear or see it or not. That will be gibberish to everyone but you.

Funny, when you guys were dating it wasn't Mr. Dub's french braiding we were worried about.

Actually, that's not true, as his hair and warped sense of humor are really the only unruly things about him.

Amy G. said...

We love you and are thinking about you. Please have E call T with an update soon!

Angy said...

hope you feel better soon!!

p.s. that is the cutest pic of miss dub ever!!

Sarah Garner said...

Surgery? I hope everything is okay!

DEFINITELY milk that recovery period for all it's worth!

Kelley Bochman Smith said...

Yeah, when DID Miss Dubb turn 13?!!!! Speedy recovery, but milk it good! XOXO