

Just when you think you know the real Mrs. Dub*, I shake things up with a nooner. My blogging used to be so predictable that if I didn't post by 9 a.m. my mom would call me and make sure I was alive. Most of the time, thankfully, I was. But I've realized that I'm often a slave to my - also known as Miss Dub's - schedule. So I decided to get a little crazy and post on a whim.

Things I should be doing: Making dinner for a family moving in today, editing my SIL's tween novel, envisioning world peace, potty-training Miss Dub, figuring out why the government doesn't owe me more money, building a log cabin.

Things I'm doing instead: Contemplating why some people are under the false impression that I have a life, wondering what my favorite toe nail polish color is, ignoring my hunger, mentally eating coconut cream pie.

*By the way, had I known that Mrs. Dub was going to stick, I would have put a little more thought into my pseudonym. Maybe Yvette? Or Chilequiles? Or Joan? My friend's 3-year-old daughter informed me yesterday that she is pregnant with twins named "Favey" and "Twenty." But Favey is so common, you know. Any ideas?


steph said...

love the pic. that miss dub is awesome. i vote for chilequiles... what a great name that would be. alas, i think it's too late to change now for a few of reasons: 1)callin you mrs. dub is easy, 2)ppl know you by mrs. dub and, lastly, 3)i am lazy, so even tho i love chilequiles, i am sure that i'll forget and call you mrs. dub.

that's all. when are you and the fam heading to nyc?

steph said...

oh, and i forgot to mention... my hubbs had a school-mate who in her 5th and final year of college decided that everyone had to start calling her by her middle name. the middle name was cooler, but i couldn't help but think -- really, does it make a difference? well, everyone else did as she asked and called her by her middle name, while i mocked her and called her by her last name...

Angy said...

i totally agree with steph's first comment... chilequiles is an awesome name but even looking at it i can't pronounce it. so when i go to talk to you or about you, you will always be mrs. dub :P embrace it :)

Anonymous said...

Thankyou Mrs Dub I always enjoy a little Afternoon Delight...Oh and Chilequiles is a good name and a delicious dish!

Leisha Mareth said...

Dear Chilequiles,

What IS your favorite shade of toe polish?

Dub-fan 101

p.s. i totally had to copy & paste chilequiles

sara said...

I think Mrs. Dub is just right; I always always wish I'd thought of something better for myself. And for my spouse and offspring for that matter. I adore their real names but if I was really thinking when I started blogging, I would've come up with some great aliases for them in blogland. Oh well, I guess we'll just stick with the no-last-name policy.

Mmm, coconut cream pie. I too am ignoring my hunger and hoping that a few more strawberries will fill me up.

stephanie said...

i just made a mental note to do more "mental eating."

go boo boo said...

Love the name. Probably mentioned this before, but someday my sister has the idea that blog people get together and we get to call each other by our blog names. We think it would be great. I am such a nerd for typing this. Oh well, here goes.

Mary said...

Dear Joan,
Are you still alive? I mean, it's so late and all.
Mail me some pie.
