Attention people who are trying to get grants for research: I'm not paying you to find out what is everyone's favorite cuisine. I will, however, hustle up some funds for you to study the correlation between monkey spit and fashion sense, and/or any similarly strange topic that would make for an entertaining dissertation.
But I'm not going to pay you to poll people on their favorite type of food because it would get redundant:
"Uh ... Mexican."
"Ameri -- No, Mexican!"
What the --- ?
Because I think there is a general consensus (at least in my social circles) that Mexican food is And while there is certainly a plethora of bad Mexican food to be had, you generally can't go wrong with beans, cheese and some bad ol' hot sauce. I once found a cockroach in my quesadilla at a dive in San Diego, and I probably wouldn't have noticed if they had served a decent taco sauce - because I say sauce over salsa any day, but that's a personal issue.
But the same can not be said of other cuisines. Chinese food, for example, must be immaculately prepared or it's only good as a glue substitute. Same goes for a hot dog. Granted, I don't believe the hot dog has yet to qualify as its own genre of food - it currently resides in the Ballpark Eatin's category - but a good dog is heaven with a helping of mustard, while a nasty dog is just that.
So to save you greedy granters some time and lots of donation request letters, I am going to rank my favorite food cuisines in order:
1. Mexican - Stuff a pepper with cardboard, and I'll eat it.
2. Thai - Curry, curry and, um, curry.
3. Japanese - It's like the rice is made of crack. Rice crack.
4. Indian - I really like the one that looks like spinach diarrhea.
5. Italian - One word: gnocchi.
After that, it starts to get blurry with random Vietnamese and Guatemalan dishes duking it out with other cuisines for a higher ranking. But I honestly like most cuisines and have sampled lots of them, although I've yet to try Ethiopian. (I blame Mr. Dub and his higher-ranked Italian hankerings. Also, his aversion to injera and communal hand washing.)
So, my dearest bloggity friends, what are your FIVE favorite cuisines? Rank 'em and weep.
And then let's all go out to lunch. I'm craving Mexican. What about you?
HTT - Eatin' Edition
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 7:17 AM
26 comments Leave a witty comment hereLabels: food, grants, Hot Topic Tuesday, Mexican food
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easy . . .
mmm, those tamales look yummy to my tummy . . .
1) Mexican, the hotta the betta!
2) Japanese, I love the teppanyaki, mainly I like it when people light things on fire
3) American, well pizza, good sandwiches Jojos,salads, etc
4) Italian
5) Good Chinese
But I usually get lost after the first three. I mean distracted, I mean, I am glad we are living in Texas, Fajitas!! I can't believe I just ate breakfast and now I am thinking about all of these things.
1. good ol' american. from meat and potatoes to stew with meat and potatoes... yum.
2. mexican... just skip some of the spice, please.
3. italian (pizza is my #1. it stole my heart in kindergarten.)
4. greek. i have a soft spot for hummus, pita and tzatziki.
5. chinese... this is a new one, but it's very specific. i only like it at joe's shanghai in china town.
I agree - those tamales look delish!
1. Thai
2. Mexican
3. Contemporary Italian (the lighter fare, not Old World heavy stuff)
4. Japanese
5. A good loaf of bread and olive oil (I could eat that for dinner any day :)
This post totally made me want to go out to lunch! I'm going to list my favorite Mexican restaurants near me in case you're ever in the neighborhood hankering for a good one:
Wholly Frijoles in Lincolnwood - delicious but gets pretty crowded on weekends
Rique's Regional Mexican Food in Chicago (pretty far north, kind of in a sketchy neighborhood but really good with reasonable prices)
Adobo Grill - in Wicker Park, really delicious, a little pricey, can get loud/crowded on weekends. They make the guac at your table - it's SO good.
Frontera Grill - owned by the famous Rick Bayless (One Plate at a Time show on PBS). No reservations here, so you it's best to go during the week and early in the evening.
Sorry for the long long post, I just wanted to write about restaurants I wish I could go to, but can't until Eli is still contagious. I'm sure people wouldn't appreciate a little RSV with their tamales... :)
Oh, my! I've had to put some serious thought into this.
1. Mexican
2. American
3. Italian
4. Greek
5. Chinese
1.) American
2.) Italian
3.) Japanese
4.) Chinese
5.) Mexican
Rank in order my fave cuisine - No thankyou !That would be like trying to rank my children! Someone always gets hurt and offended and I DO NOT need Little Miss Middle Eastern pouting all day long cuz' PanPacific was listed higher. I cant choose among cuisines because I love them all so much for different reasons and they all helped me get to where I am today - elastic waist pants and muumuu's.So sorry Mrs. Dub but must choose Swiss cuz' it is neutral(and Swiss miss hot cocoa aint half bad).
I'm with Brooke-too hard to rank, though I have a special place in my heart for Polynesian food.
I just really like food that I don't have to prepare. How's that for an answer. Or clean up. Especially if I am graciously seated at a table and someone serves it to me. I can't believe no one has mentioned sushi yet though -- it's Japanese, but deserves its own genre, don't you think?
I was going to say Japanese first, but if sushi is it's own thing... I say...
2.Japanese- my husband served a mission there. Not only can he cook it to perfection, he knows the top spots to eat it at.
3.Mongolian (not bbq)
Can breakfast foods be a cuisine? Cuz I just love crepes, abelskivers, omelets, french toast, pancakes, etc., etc. And sausage. And bacon, too. And I almost forgot, Eggs Benedict.
Side note: Here in the Ol'Pueblo we have these things called "Sonoran Hot Dogs" (also found in Sonora, Mexico-this is just the farthest north they come). Anyway get ready for this: A hot dog, wrapped in bacon, & fried. Topped with beans, corn, salsa, mayo, & cheese, and served in a bolio roll. Delicious.
Hot dogs are a cuisine here.
1. Thai
2. Vietnamese
3. Mexican
After much consideration
1. Italian
2. My home cooking
3. My mother-in-law's home cooking
4. Mexican
5. Japanese
6. Chinese
7. Korean
#1. Cold cereal and/or pancakes.
#2. Mexican
2a. The Wahoo's, Chipotle, Rubios kind.
2b. Homemade and/or Macayos.
#3. Japanese
#4. Who cares after that?
1. mexican
2. italian
3. american
4. chinese
5. seafood ("sea" is a country right?)
mexican would actually take up like the first 3 slots to be fair.
1. Nachos
2. Nachos
3. Nachos
4. Nachos
5. Nachos
1. Asian (yes that's one category) love it all, including california roles, which is as sushi as it gets. One of the best shops is in San Diego (poway) called Tokyo Express. Also potstickers, chicken satay, asian dressings and chili oil. I could go on.
2. American: PIZZA (oreganos and Peter Piper), pretzels & cheese, nachos, anything your 10 year old loves.
3. STEAK & veggies (outback) incredibly delicious.
4. Mexican: shredded beef tacos, or bean and cheese burrito and for SURE......CHURROS.
5. Italian, with chicken or shrimp, and definitely spice.
Glad to see this post as I have contemplated putting one on my blog. I wanted to get ideas of where others in my area dine out and in other cities as well. I think I will do it.
I love checking your blog. I have mine private for now, if you are interested you can email me and I'll invite you. shanda,.nashAThtml
thx for the post
Great, now I'm starving.
1- chinese
2- mexican
3- japanese
4- thai
5- indian
1. Dessert - that's its own category right?
2. Mexican - seriously, it is hard to mess up rice and beans and tacos and burritos.
3. Italian - I just love pasta!
4. American - I love hamburgers, fries, mashed potatoes, apple pie. Thats all considered American, I think.
5. Thai - good curry is hard to beat.
I'm totally with Brooke on this one--the ranking is hard and depends on the day or even the time of day. One of the great things about living in LA is that you can get ANY kind of food here. On the other hand, one of the really bad things about living in LA is that you can get ANY kind of food here. There are at least 10 restaurants within walking distance of my apartment selling some form of shawarma, which, needless to say, is slightly more caloric than your average Lean Cuisine. That said...
1) Mexican
2) Thai
3) Indian
4) Italian
5) Everything else in a 150-way tie
Next time you're in the golden state, we'll go to Nyala in Little Ethiopia so you can cross that one off your list. Miss Dub will love their no-utensil policy.
It's hard to rank them but here's the top five for today.
2)Mexican -well TexMex
4)Good American home cooking
Call me crazy but Mexican is not in my top five, maybe not even the top 10.
2. Thai
3. Middle Eastern
4. GOOD Italian
5. American
Depends on my mood, so I think I'm almost split evenly on my cravings for Thai; Japanese, but mostly the sushi; American (hamburgers and steaks); GOOD Chinese (I second that icky glue comment); Italian; Indian; and Greek. Occasionally Mexican if Cafe Rio counts as Mexican.
Luckily I eat out at least once a day so I satisfy each craving almost every week.
So this might be more a reflection of where I live (Toronto). Despite the fact that i am married to a Mexcian, everything around here is my list:
1.Ethiopian - work Mr. Dub, it is delicious. Think spinach diarrhea on a huge fleshy crepe
2. Vietnamese - you think Thai is good? Vietnamese is better.
3. Lebanese - real Lebanese, not the Syrian/Turkish interpretation of Lebanese
4. Persian - pomegranate and walnut sauce...amazing distinct flavours
5. Mexican - but were talking from the D.F. where a "Gringa" is much more than an US exchange student
1) BBQ
2) Mexican
3) Italian
4) Soul food
5) Chinese
6) Thai
7) Indian
8) Japanese
9) French
10) Greek
1. Mexican
2. Japanese
3. Indian (love the diarrhea bit Dub)
4. Italian
5. American (I love a fatty burger and disgusting shake eaten all at once, read it and weep at your fat friend the American, you Euro and other people!)
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