I spent a ridiculous chunk of nap time yesterday rereading the archives of one of my "love-to-hate-you" bloggers. (I won't name names, but, no, it's not her.)
Rather than just mindlessly read about her purposeful existence, I began to mindlessly take notes, as well. This has to do with a book that I recently read - "Getting Things Done" by David Allen - that focuses on writing EVERYTHING down so that your mind can be free. Hence I now have a list with such random notes as "More fruits and veggies for Miss Dub!" and "Display everything in glass jars." Granted, I will probably continue to supply cookies to my precious offspring when she squeals, "Pweese!" And I will probably put off buying glass jars until I'm sufficiently content with my spring shoe collection - BUT the important thing is that I've clarified what I want to do so that I don't have to obsess over it all day.
But as I was writing all these things down, and feeling intense guilt that I haven't been scouring thrift stores for months to decorate for an upcoming church event, I thought about what it would be like to be another person; to live like the personas created by some of our favorite bloggers, who intentionally or not come across as the most engaging, spontaneous and creative folk in the universe.
So I'm going to try for 24 hours to be this dream person that I've been taking notes about for years. I'm going to push myself to live a little larger and more colorful rather than settling for pretty good. My meals will be prettier. My activities will be grander. And we'll see for once and all if it makes me any happier.
However, I can't do it tomorrow. I'm in charge of decorations for a church event and have just barely started to think about them.
But Friday will be my experiment.
Anyone want to join me?
Freaky Friday
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 7:12 AM
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I'm up for a new adventure.
i doubt that i'll join you, but i'll certainly act as your cheerleader...
p.s. i'm coming back to chicago in a couple of weeks (more than likely)... i must hear my sweet miss dub say, "pwease!"
Friday sounds like a good day to try it. Maybe I'll actually wear my cute jewelry, set the table nicely for dinner, and run my errands in something other than jeans and a t-shirt. And I'll work on the cards I've been wanting to do haven't made the time to work on them until now...
I might have to try this writing everything down too - I feel like I can't focus because my brain is always going, trying to remember things that I must be forgetting! Last night I did my to do list for today and it felt so good to climb into bed knowing that I had everything figured out for today (hopefully).
Sorry for the ramblings. Good luck decorating for the church event!
I cant wait to pull on my leather Daisy Dukes and bust out the whip...wait it isnt THAT kind of Fantasy day ...umm I guess I can try to re-organize the garage and strap on the label maker, yeah that will be just as good.
i'm with steph. i doubt i'll join but you now have 2 cheerleaders! :) although i'll be leaving for mexico on friday and be back on tuesday so i'll continue to cheer out there! let me know if you can hear me :)
Oh, I love this post, and I really love Steph's response! I will cheer you on with great enthusiasm while I sit back in my non-glass-jar-display existence! I've decided I'm more of a cheerer-on-er than a doer.
Purposeful existence is a good thing, go get 'em Mrs. Dub!
I don't think I have the time or the energy right now to be my "dream persona" but maybe when the baby is less demanding, and my husband works less, yada yada yada- will I ever get the time?? What church event are you decorating for?? Maybe if you and I weren't playing phone tag I would know these little details about your life :)
I tried that a week or so ago. I took the girls downtown with a friend and decided to wear nice clothes, do my hair and makeup and - gasp - wear grown up girl shoes. Huge mistake. My feet have still not forgiven me.
I've tried this experiment. It made me cry. I just don't have that much energy.
(But I also learned that I'm a heck-of-a-good person just the way I am. So for that it was definitely worth it.)
I think you nailed it when you say "live like the personas created by some of our favorite bloggers" because I think we can all tell that the life coming through on the blog is much different than what we're all actually living. You're one of the few people I know who honestly and genuinely blogs.
Maybe that's what I'll do on Friday--be more honest, genuine, open and transparent. Like you, my favorite blogger.
I've tried the "grass is greener" approach at life before and I realized that my life is pretty "green" the way it is. It's not perfect, but it doesn't have to be. Although making an extra effort some days (if you really want to) is a good thing, too! Jess
I'm totally in...
in a few more months.
When my life is...
Oh, wait, that probably defeats the purpose huh??
Wow ... such a dilemma! To push or not to push, that is the question.
I think the answer is to push as long as you enjoy the PROCESS of pushing.
So ... thanks for the inspiration.
Ah heck ... you are always an inspiration.
i think i wil start trying to beome mrs. dub. i think a shorter haircut is in order, followed by a mad writing style. teach me the ways!
Reading blogs of people I don't know who seem so amazing and practically perfect in every way is overwhelming. It usually makes me feel bad about myself. But I think I will try your approach. I just need to write down the ideas that I find inspiring and try to adopt them. I'm in for Friday. Thanks for the push.
p.s. You're totally one of those bloggers that everyone wishes they were more like. ;)
No. I am too tired, and I swear you are already amazing, creative, beautiful, and perfect! I was actually so confused because I thought I was reading someone else's blog that was referring to emulating Mrs. Dub (you). I am also quite confused.
You're totally talking about me, huh?!?!?!?
Just give up. I'm too good.
You're fabulous, always crafty, clean, patient parenting, and put-together sister-in-law,
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