
Mormon urban legends

* Steve Martin is a Mormon.

* "... and he said, 'Who were those three guys standing behind you?' "

* Bono read the Book of Mormon.

* A drunk teenager tries to "bless" his beer and is struck dumb.

* The LDS Church has stock in Coca-Cola.

* A Jaredite barge was found in Lake Michigan.

* Alice Cooper was raised Mormon.

* A soldier is saved from gunfire by a Book of Mormon in his breast pocket.

* "My brother got a mission call that just had a phone number. When he called it, they asked him to serve a 3-year mission to China!"

What's your favorite urban legend (Mormon or not)?


NG said...

Marilyn Monroe and/or Elvis Presley were taught by the missionaries and considered joining the Mormon Church but thought it would ruin their careers so they didn't.

Ashby said...

This isn't an urban legend, but a missionary from our ward was actually shot at on his mission and the bullet didn't penetrate the g's. He brought the coat back for proof.....the cops had to keep the flattened bullet for evidence.

steph said...

my favorite urban legend? that i am too sensitive. really, i am just the perfect amount of sensitive, and everyone else is cold hearted!

Laurel said...

Two sister missionaries going door to door saved from a murderer by two large Lamanites behind them.

Anonymous said...

What? You mean to tell me that the above FACTS aren't ALL true? Shoot. Well, I have got some reprioritizing to do!

What about the 98 year old man that has a patriarchal blessing that says he will live to see the second coming?

sara said...

There's one about a missionary who suffers mysterious abdomenal cramping but I'd have to say that's my least favorite...

sara said...

A boy missionary, that is.

Carina said...

...And the flesh eating bacteria ate everyplace except for where his garments were.

acte gratuit said...

Not only that, but Bono wrote "One love, one life..." about his romance with a Mormon chick.

kristenita said...

I'm pretty sure the soldier one is true!
and elvis really WAS investigating the church before he died.

janaya said...

WELL... alice cooper WAS raised by members of an LDS off-shoot (actually, pretty high up leaders in that church). so it was close! :)

how about ricks college urban legends? like the crossed/uncrossed tennis rackets in the windows where some co-eds were running a prostitution ring.

i'm also a big fan of the stories where the temples are saved from destruction during bombings and tornadoes. not saying it's not true ('cause they're still here, right?)... but i wouldn't hang my testimony on it.

Anonymous said...

What about Mormons having horns?

I have also had someone ask me if my husband had more then one wife. They were totally serious. When I said I was 1 of 3 their eyes got really big. I thought people were better educated in Oregon!

tara said...

Christina Aguleria is LDS, and that is true. My old branch president and his wife who was in Stake YW's in my stake, had her as a YW in the Philidelphia area. One of their son's told me in HS, but I kinda didn't believe him... so I confirmed it with his M&D years later, and it is true!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to sound completely ignorant here, but I believe the Bono one. I met a guy at the BY who served his mission in Ireland, or wherever Bono lives. He said that he knocked Bono's door, and he answered and they talked and he said, "I've read your book."


Don't judge me. I'll give you his name if you want to track him down.

Mrs. Bennett said...

I heard Keri Russell of Felicity fame is LDS.

One urban legend I've heard a few times, is the one where a bunch of BYU students get together, go to Vegas, get married, have sex and then annul their marriage.

Another one is that Big Foot - or the Sasquatch - is really Cain.

steph said...

oh, fine. i'll join the lds urban legend bandwagon... when i was a freshman in high school, i heard that mormons couldn't eat oreos. i just thought, "what a bummer for them."

then i made my first lds friend, spencer, and he ate oreos.

Rachel said...

How about the patriarchial blessings that say you will be recalled from your mission and then returned to serve as one of the 144,000. Supposedly that happened to people when I was on my mission...almost 10 years ago!!

For the Elvis thing, it is true. Read Donny Osmond's book (I have a signed copy that I received on my mission from Leslie & Neal!!) He gave Elvis the book and it has pictures of the BoM with Elvis' notes.

Leisha Mareth said...

In seminary my freshman year we had a guest speaker who spoke in hushed, reverent tones about the fact that the missionaries who would be found dead in the streets of Jerusalem before the second coming were already born!

And to be fair to all religious legends, I had a Baptist boss at McDonald's who called us all back to the grill area and told us about how a friend of a friend of a friend's car broke down and the Angel Gabriel appeared to him to tell him the second coming is almost upon us! He told us by way of warning and then finished by saying that melting a pat of butter on top of McD's cheese danish's was close to heaven. Amen!

LCM said...

When the two missionaries are being chased by gangstas and they get into their car and drive off and then when they get home, part of the engine is missing and there was no way they should have been able to drive the car!

Megan B said...

There's the MTC legend about the President having a bad feeling so he runs down to the MTC where he sees evil spirits all about and then as he gets closer he sees that there is a Heaven's angel standing in front of every door protecting the missionaries.

Then there's a true little fact about Grey's Anatomy Emmy winning actress Katherine Heigl who is a Mormon and by her classy-less swearing Emmy acceptance speech wants no one to know it.

Megan B said...

Interesting website about "famous" Mormons in Hollywood - who knew? http://www.famousmormons.net/tv.html

Lindsey from The R House said...

i remember that one, ashby. he talked to our seminary class. i have often wondered if all that was a dream. i guess not!

mommie said...

Steph, Steph, don't even GO there with the Oreo thing.

That one just gives me the chills.

hilari said...

favorite legend? when matt hess told us, "whatever you do, hold on tight to those horns."

Anonymous said...

what about the one that black men have 8=========D and Asain men have 8=D.

that legend is peentastic!

Anonymous said...

I plagered g funk. it was actualy me Hilari Jackson.

hilari said...

i am going to get you gfunk / d-dog. you are going to pay.

themisswhit said...

oh my! I've heard most of these as well in my days at THE BY, but some of the "same" stories with a different twist....for instance Christina Aguilara was raised mormon. Because my old roommates's family's best friend family's mom taught her in Sunday school when she was younger in CALIFORNIA. *yeah feel free to try to punctuate that one correctly! I for sure cannot!* :) Don't you think there could be lots of little girls with that name out there?

I just like how all these stories true or not make me giggle!

Ashby said...

Oh, I just heard a new one that is supposedly circulating in Utah.....that a Mormon (ie - Mitt Romney) will win the presidential election and it will fulfill a prophecy by Joseph Smith (not sure on all those facts.....).

Anonymous said...

thats the stupidest thing i have ever heard. i hope people aren't that ignorant to believe that.

P Daddy said...

The Presley, Aguilera, and Alice Cooper legends have bases of truth to them. Steve Martin and most of the others are all legend. There are good webpages on Mormon myths and there are negative but interesting ones and there are worthless and mean spirited ones. We do need to be less gullible and base our faith on personally experienced or scripturally supported events rather than secondhand hearsay. Only the Spirit can confirm the unseen but true, and the world will always scoff at those truths. As long as people as bright and educated as Dallin Oaks and Russell Nelson and Henry Eyring and Jeffrey Holland and David Bednar believe, I really don't need any celebrities or convoluted miracles to support my faith. But it is fun making fun of those myths.

Ashby said...

Anon.....sad thing is, some people actually DO believe it! Ridiculous, I say!

go boo boo said...

my idiot ex-boss (I really did not like her, I totally know how the Nazi on Grey's feels) anyway, she would argue with me (one-sided arguing, since I totally did not care) that the Mormon church practically owned Pepsi. Whatever lady!

go boo boo said...

ouch I wrote that and then read darling pdaddy and feel really guilty. what a wise one there. sorry, "idiot" is very harsh.

leigh said...

No one mentioned the one where the youth of the Church today "were generals in the war in heaven ... and (someone will) ask you, 'Which of the prophet's time did you live in?' and when you say, 'Gordon B. Hinckley' a hush will fall,... and all in attendance will bow at your presence."

The First Presidency recently came out with a letter saying that this is a false statement. Here's the link (just in case.)


Unknown said...

Quote ng:
"Marilyn Monroe and/or Elvis Presley were taught by the missionaries and considered joining the Mormon Church but thought it would ruin their careers so they didn't."

I don't know about Monroe, but Elvis really did. His marked up Book of Mormon is owned by the church. His agent didn't want him to get baptized because it would mean he'd have to sober up.

nate's place said...

The rumors regarding Steve Martin's membership in the Church seem to stem from a ring he wore in a television interview in 1996. Some apparently thought that it was a CTR ring. Many people asked his public relations people many times, but they avoided the question. Finally, in 2001, he said:
"I'm not a Mormon."

Source: Steve Martin Clowns Around at press conference by Bruce Kirkland, The Toronto Sun, 10 Sep 2001

nate's place said...

ted bundy also was mormon for a while

Anonymous said...

There is a new website dedicated to Mormon urban legends. Check it out - http://www.HolyFetch.com

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

On the solider being saved by the Book of Mormon in the pocket, I have never heard that as truth, only as a joke. read below:

A Mormon Solider was at war, in one of those ditches, he is finally sick and tired of being cooped up, he gets up, and runs towards enemy lines, when he is shot in the chest and falls back into the ditch. A moment later he is back up on his feet, he takes out the Book of Mormon from his chest pocket, and opens up to where the bullet stops, and says: "I new it, nothing gets past 2nd Nephi"

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Anonymous said...

Do you people have a facebook fan page? I looked for one on twitter but could not discover one, I would really like to become a fan!