
The Secret

So a lot of people are asking for my secret to weight loss.

Technically, you can find it here.

But for those of you afraid to link before finishing my post, let me summarize the concept:

Eat less.

I know, I know, it sounds a lot simpler than it really is.

And I can say this because I have been fat – like, for real.

And I looove food. Like, when I think of a perfect day or heaven or anything vaguely divine, it always incorporates food; mostly Mexican food – enchiladas, carnitas, chile rellenos. Sometimes I throw in some Mussaman curry for extra spice. And occasionally I’ll add some dessert, though I much prefer savory to sweet. (My nachos could so beat up your cheesecake!)

Despite my new low-fat, low-cal ways, I firmly believe there is nothing wrong with these fantasies. I sincerely hope that anyone with a wicked metabolism or dying wish will bring them to life for me. And then send me pictures.

This is the part where I make a confession, and ask that all former flames or people who think a size 4 is average leave the screen. When I went to birth Miss Dub, I weighed 80 pounds more than I do today. And I’m still a little chubby.

Don’t do the math. I beg you.

And while 50 preggo pounds added to post-thyroid-zapping weight gain helped me achieve my large and in charge status, my eating habits weren’t exactly helping.

Somewhere between obsessing over food in college and getting married, I started to feel entitled to a hearty meal. Where I had been throwing together meals from a sparse single woman’s fridge – “a little broccoli, some toast, a mento” – I suddenly was making multi-course meals with full-fat ingredients.

But I didn’t stop there. I had seconds. I had dessert. And then I made a run for the border.

Gluttony was a form of entertainment, I suppose. It tasted good and it gave me something to do at night to fill the void studying, courting and hangin’ had left in my life.

And it was fun … until my thyroid was deemed defective and had to be destroyed.

And then the weight didn’t just creep on; it turned my scale into an uphill ride on a roller coaster.

Thankfully, I pulled the brake after Miss Dub’s debut.

And as you could imagine, that initial thud really hurt. It was hard to eat less – to stop before I felt full.

But then the roller coaster started to go down. Ten. Five. Fifteen. Twenty … until I weighed what I did when I got married, which is still about 10 pounds more than my goal.

And here’s the surprising part – losing weight felt much better than food ever tasted.

Better than an enchilada. Better than nachos. Almost better than a chile relleno. Almost.

So now, when I dream about a perfect day or heaven, I see myself standing next to that buffet table with fat-free ice cream bar in hand. I’m wearing a chic outfit, and I look good.

You can look good, too, if you’re not feeling fantasy-worthy.

But you have to eat less.

You don’t get to reward yourself with food.

You don’t get to overeat.

You don’t get to indulge every day.

But you will lose weight.

And that tastes good.


sara said...

Way to go on the weight loss! WW really does work too... and it's nice that it only takes a week or two of counting points before you don't feel so hungry anymore.

Emma said...

Thanks, I needed to hear that!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Mrs. Dub. Congrats on the weight loss! Major weight loss + new haircut = posting a pic of your fabulous self. Be proud...show it off. Losing 80 pounds in 6 months....you've worked REALLY hard!

stephanie said...

seriously, you are my hero. you are amazing. you have super strength will power. you always have. i know it couldn't have been easy, but you did it! in a healthy way, too! yay! i can't wait to see you in june. i know you look fabulous.

Leslie said...

i love your single girl meal that ended in a mento. college makes you so weird, doesn't it?
congrats on your new look, and on top of all that (new look, hair, cute outfits), you have that incredibly darling six-month-old sittin' on your hip. :) life is good.

Jessi said...

Does it ever get easier?? I'm good at cutting back for a day or two, and then I get hungry or stressed and it's all over. I only have about 10 pounds to lose and thus far I haven't been willing to do what it takes. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

ANN said...

Working out sucks. It does. Anyone who loves working out, should not talk to me (my husband is one of these people). And, so I went - kicking and screaming - to the gym with him. I got a membership (which helped), I got some cute new work-out clothes (which helped, too), and THEN I started to lose weight. I felt better. Which made me want to eat better and drink more water and go back again. And, then, a magical thing happened.... my pants fit!

Dear Mrs. Dub, you rock! Keep up the good work. Like Oprah always says, "No macaroni ever tasted as good as thin."

Rachel said...

Wow, thanks for the inspiration! I have the exact same story as you... I started eating real meals with marriage & added on some lbs. Then I had baby #1 and never really recovered to a good weight before baby #2. Now I am large & in charge, but working on it. I just started WW too and hope that it will be the key to teaching me better eating habits. I agree, we need a picture!

Veeda said...

you are inspiring. Thanks for sharing Mrs. Dub (and thanks for also sharing all the cute pics of your little one).

Mandee said...

Yes, thanks for the motivation. I had a broken thyroid too, it had to be surgically removed, and it seems the health challenge of my life will be finding the right dose of Synthroid.

I love your blog- it's real. It's what we all think, say, and feel, and you do a great job of managing "the forum".

Mrs. Dub said...

stop, stop, you all flatter me way too much. but since you've lathered me with butta, i'll post a pic in the next few days ... because bad hair days happen to even skinny people.

but i don't really deserve your praise, seeing as i procrastinated weight loss for a few years. (which meant i was gaining, not maintaining.)

it never gets easy when food is your addiction. but feeling good and enjoying a new lifestyle can be a new addiction to focus on.

some other things that help me is to focus on 10 pounds on a time -- or 2 pounds if you have less to lose. also, eating A LOT of good, healthy, fibrous foods so i don't feel deprived. and not taking a day off ... until i reach my goal. because i have a tendency to turn one indulgence into a week ... and next thing i know i'm back where i started or bigger.

seriously, if i can do it, anyone can.

best o' luck to anyone feeling big today. give it a week and you'll feel better!

p.s. a lil' shoutout to WW -- sometimes you just need to be accountable to someone besides yourself.

Janni said...

So, um - haven't seen you for a while, but you know, i've packed on a few pounds with that whole pregnancy thing... 20 more to lose! Love you and miss you! ~Janni

sara said...

Have you seen that commercial where a woman is speed-walking down the street with her workout clothes & headphones on, and every cute guy she passes checks her out? They're all celebrities like John Stamos, maybe someone like Derek Jeter; 3 or 4 of them. The woman smiles to herself, and the narrator says, "FIT has a feeling." That is SO true -- any time I've exercised semi-regularly and/or dieted and lost a few pounds, I feel so much better about myself and even if John Stamos isn't checking me out, I feel like at least I wouldn't be embarrassed to walk past him on the street!

(It's a commercial for Yoplait maybe? I'm sure I'm telling it wrong... but I loved the message when I saw it!)

tara said...
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tara said...

OKAY. this is fitting, because JUST THIS MORNING I TRIED to join 24 hour fitness since it's 4 TIMES closer to my house than the YMCA... and they wouldn't let me b/c my baby has to be 6 mos old to go to the Kid's Club! AHHHHH! I'm so frustrated! I've been contemplating doing a post lately about how it's just so unfair (in my eyes) that there are people in the world who work out JUST for the sake of working out, because it makes them feel better. Where as I have to work out to even be skinny! (not just skinny, but somewhat in shape, at all... and not the one we commonly call "pear") I only WISH working out was a requirement by me only to "feel" good and not just "look" good b/c I can name many people who have admitted that they ONLY work out b/c it makes them feel healthier (which I am in no way discounting b/c I also do it for that reason)I'd just rather NOT have 50 pounds to loose ALSO! ugh.

And seriously, I was just about to email you and say "okay chicka! send me a photo" (mind you that hideous picture I sent for Tuesday's post is at my 'worst' weight wise, but I didn't despise it enough NOT to send it (hiding behind your cute 1 1/2 year old helps!)

How do you swing WW while nursing? Are there any restrictions?

Kate said...

Way to go, Mrs. Dub! That takes some serious will power. My mom & sisters have been very successful with WW too. They're too modest to brag about themselves here, but I will. Jamie has lost over 60 pounds in the past several months. I don't know the specific numbers for the other two, but they all look great.
I look forward to seeing you in person in just over a week!

hilari said...

Having had a 28 year love affair with food, it has been a hard relationship to cut off. I like to think of it as my abusive boyfriend - i love it and it doesn't love me back. even though i am always left feeling bad about myself and guilty, i keep going back for another beating. let all of us girlfriends check ourselves into a shelter together to rid ourselves from this terrible jerk of a lover. although, he sure can kiss.

Anonymous said...

I am a fat dirty pig.

go boo boo said...

Thank you for the inspiration - you are amazing! Annette