


mommie said...

A Feast!! (Only 6 more days and I can have a personal taste . . . and don't think for one minute that I won't actually taste her.)

Lindsey from The R House said...

i am in loooooove with the pink sweatsuit. yes, please.

hilari said...

i love them all! that first one looks like an upset cheerleader and little pom poms.

C. Jane Kendrick said...

That Miss Dub can't take a bad picture if she tried.

Melanie M. McKinnon said...

What a cutie and very photogenic!

P Daddy said...

My favorite M&M topic - never too many pictures of little Miss Dub and never the same expression (or outfit) twice - glamorous beyond anything Fergie or Ludacris could imagine.

P Daddy said...

P.S. I apologize to the fashion police - I note Lil' E is in fact wearing the v-neck Tee and the orange hoodie in two pictures each - but we all still know she has enjoyed an unprecedented first six months' wardrobe thanks to the generosity of others and Mrs. Dub's razor sharp senses of style and value (I think that's spelled T-a-r-g-e-t).