
Just say yes

C'mon, everybody's doing it!

This post is for people who make drugs.

Cold, hard, illegal drugs.

While I’m not so much a fan of your current products – nor have I tried any – I do have a business proposition for you.

Let’s bottle summer into pill form.

Because that is a drug I could do.

As soon as you pop some summer, you begin to smell coconut suntan lotion, ocean breezes, and smoky barbecues.

You feel refreshing pool water, billowing skirts and warm sunshine.

You taste juicy hamburgers, tart lemonade and grilled corn on the cob.

You are empowered by the inspiration carried in the wind of a warm, bright night.

You are liberated by light clothing, beach hair and no makeup.

You are happy because summer is bottled joy.

And you are addicted, which I imagine is key when making illegal drugs.

Of course, you would see a dip in sales mid-May through mid-September.

And on an occasional weekend in April, like the one we just had, when the weather hit 80, people flocked outdoors and we watched the Chicago Cubs play with hot dog in hand and nay a cardigan in sight.

On days like that, I don’t need a drug; the world is intoxicating enough for me. And I sniff all the air I can in hopes that it will linger in my system and bring me warmth on a chilly day.

But when I run out of those fumes, I’m left wanting, craving some more summer.

And I need a fix – fast.

Please, please be my dealer.


Rachie said...

I will happily deal those drugs to you. Wasn't yesterday the best?

Jessi said...


Josie said...

couldn't agree more. i'll buy them.

Anonymous said...

Summer Lovin Happened soo fast , Summer Lovin had me a blast.... Never did words ring so true! I am a gsl who still thinks of a year in terms of a school calendar and not jan. to dec. I am also someone who's heart gets all a flutter when it starts to get realllly warm and all you can do is dream of a pool and mixed drinks when the reality is sweaty armpits and heat exhaustion. The summer in az is brutal but I try to enjoy the eyeball burnin goodness that comes from 115 degree weather. This will be a crazy summer no vaca's for me and I get to give birth in July - awesome - the baby will be wonderful and sweaty exactly like summer itself!

Layton Clan said...

You know, there is a 12 step program for that...

M-Ware said...

hey mrs. dub and the little one with the 'tude. i'll send you summer in a bottle: it's called the perpetual sunburn that is so cal. i have received more sun damage in one year here than in 10. i will gladly give it to you. give me chicago over so cal anytime. there i said it. i love the midwest.
ps -- check your alias email. i have more questions.

Unknown said...

i love summer. i would totally buy that drug. but wait...the weather is generally amazing here. today it was hot but it did sadly rain off and on this weekend. miss dub is the cutest.

hilari said...

what?! most people don't enjoy their eyeballs burning and their car doors to hot to touch with human hands? you all crazy, i love it.