Most of the time I wonder why anyone would want to be my friend, much less read my random blog. But then I do something so blow-your-delicate-mind awesome, that I can't imagine why everyone isn't flocking to be my Be-Fri.
Like when I went and saw Neil Diamond in concert on Saturday night, fulfilling a lifelong dream and most 55-year-old white women's fantasy. (Sorry mom, accidentally your demographic.)
As the concert began, my heart was so full of love for Brother Love himself that I could hardly breathe. He pelted out some great favorites, like "Sweet Caroline," "Forever in Blue Jeans," "I am ... I said," and "Love on the Rocks."
Unfortunately, he played some new material (yawn). And he played so many songs with a strong Southern Baptist flavor that Dave's coworker and I had to agree that he must be a "Jew for Jesus." Also, despite my familiarity with Mr. Diamond's repertoire, I wasn't aware that ALL his songs can be summed up in the following words: "I'm a lonely 67-year-old man who misses New York and craves the attention of drunk women."
And I must admit that the cheese factor was more than I had anticipated and craved. There was a vignette performed for "You don't bring me flowers," which was a bit much even for my campy tastes. And by the third singalong of the last refrain of "Sweet Caroline," I was wishing I had to use the restroom.
But the best part of the whole night was watching a young, black usher watching the whole spectacle with such a puzzled grimace on his face. I'm sure he was wondering why a bunch of old, white women were shaking their things to a bunch of songs he'd never heard. I half felt embarrassed to be part of such a shameless display of cheesiness, and half wanted to indoctrinate him into the Gospel of Neil.
I went up to him afterward and asked him if it was the worst night of his life.
"No," he said, "Those last two songs weren't so bad." (Referring to two songs from his new album that had a strong gospel feel.)
"And that one song is on that Disney show - 'That's so Raven.' That's cool!"
Aw, Neil. You can sway even the toughest critic.
Diamond is a girl's best friend
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 7:08 AM
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I LOVE Neil.
My sisters and I used to make up dances in the backyard to such classics as "Dancing Bumble Bee Boogie"! If my friends little brother was there we'd make him unbutton his shirt and dance with us as "Neil" and we'd fight over who got to be "Neil's" girlfriend.
Neil Diamond forever!
I saw Neil Diamond as a when i was 18 years old (over 20 years ago) just a few years after he was in The Jazz Singer.
Back then he had lasers in the show and he was a tad younger - hmmm... so was I. It was a GREAT show. Forever in blue jeans.... [sigh]
Several years ago (when I wasn't part of the demographic) we took in a concert of Neil's and I remember it ... and getting caught up in it more than I expected ... to this day.
I also remember watching two women on the second row on the floor who apparently defined the demographic, and considering them part of the price of admission.
But you know we raised you on Neil (mostly on I-10 and I-15) and we count those experiences as part of our finest parenting moments.
When I heard you were at the concert the most diabolical feeling of jealousy and envy rushed over me...then I took a breath ..hummed the chorus of Sweet Caroline and forgot that I wanted to murder you for having such awesome luck to see my sweet sweet Neil. Angry no more.. only my love for you and the Diamond reigns supreme...
I was there too! I especially liked the "moving stage" so that he could get across without having to walk! There was a woman in front of us, about 65, wearing a sequined white halter top and tight white pants--almost leotard like. She was totally rocking out, as were all the 50 year old women around me, while their husbands sat silently!
An excellent concert review!
In his prime, his concert energy made him one of the great live acts and one who sounded the same live as he did in the studio (see "Hot August Night" album recorded live at the Greek Theater). My high school bf (only lower case for guys), must have seen ND in concert 50 times. I wasn't quite that crazed.
I agree his more recent stuff is hit and miss, but he always was trying new things as a composer (writing many songs the Monkees recorded, including "I'm a Believer", the Jonathan Living Seagull soundtrack, acting in and writing the songs for "The Jazz Singer", his many collaborations with other artists, and his recent stuff). But nothing tops all those road trips when you guys were little. We co-opted "Sweet Caroline" long before Red Sox Nation had anything to cheer about.
But, as as our favorite movie crazy guy Bob said (and you may have repeated in an earlier blog), "There are two types of people in the world: those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't." I do.
There are two kinds of people in this world. I, personally, am a fan of the Diamond "Jew for Jesus" (hilarious commentary, by the way).
Kitsch aside, I am jealous of your Saturday Night Festivities.
"Jew for Jesus"- that would explain why he made a Christmas album.
I'm kinda glad I wasn't there. Loss of my enchantment with Neil would be a terrible disappointment.
Jew for Jesus, yes, yes. A Jew for Jesus who misses New York, likes attention from drunk women and enjoys a good bible thumpin' salvation song.
That's my Neil.
GAWSH I love him.
I'm sooo jealous!
The absolute best part of the concert was watching his three aged backup singers shake it like they were doing a Billy Banks Tae Bo routine. Quality entertainment. Who knew that you could dance that out of control for that long while keeping the beat with a tambourine. Now that's what I call skill!
So, did he turn on your heart-light?
fantastic review of the concert!!
my very first time seeing Neil was at the age of 22. you could say i was more then thrilled to be there, dancing along with the silver haired beauties up in the front!
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