I was going to post a certain Hot Topic this fine Tuesday, but Mr. Dub persuaded me not to for a variety of reasons, including his personal embarrassment level. (Hint: a country in South America + what candles are made from.) My sense of propriety is seriously lacking, as you can tell.
So I'll go with a related issue - Beauty. These days there are so many beauty regimens one could prescribe to. Mani/pedis, waxing of all varieties, hair cut and color ... the list goes on and on, and then threading your eyebrows becomes trendy and your list needs a second page.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good pampering. I get my hair highlighted frequently, though less than my stylist recommends and more than Mr. Dub economically encourages. And I do enjoy a good pedicure. (Though I must give a shout-out to the Ped Egg, recommended by my mums.)
Still, I feel like beauty care is a slippery slope that leads to things like excessive plastic surgery - and vanity. Plus, it's such an unfair expectation for young people. I express thanks frequently that I went to high school and college at a time when it was still acceptable to be somewhat natural and individual. Today's teens, however, are expected to be as highlighted and teeth-whitened as possible in order to be date-worthy.
I also feel pressure to fix my various flaws. I won't name them all, but, yes, that is included. But I remind myself that I don't want to be a robot. I don't want to be perfect. And I don't want to spend all my time and money on fixing my outside, when I've got a whole lot of nurturing to do on my inside.
But what do you think?
What is your level of beauty maintenance? (I consider myself "middle" most days and "low" 1-2 times a week.)
Is it wrong to primp and pluck to your heart's content, or that just what girls do best?
** In an unrelated but equally enjoyable topic, click here for a review and GIVEAWAY of a tasty (and very personal) treat!
HTT - Beauty Edition
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 7:08 AM
24 comments Leave a witty comment hereLabels: beauty, Hot Topic Tuesday, plastic surgery, waxing
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i consider myself low-maintenance on the beauty scale 3-5 days a week... with 1-2 days per week of middle-maintenance. i hate feeling like i have to get all gussied up, but when i don't do anything, i walk around amidst all the robots and feel ugly... uncool pressure.
oh well, i will survive, and since i'm not really trying to impress anyone most days, i'm fine with going au natural!
p.s. i love the whole "south american country + what candles are made of" thing... took me a minute, but that would be a hilarious htt!
I am pretty low maintenance...my hair has never been colored (although I told hubby that all of the money he is saving now will go to hair color later when I go gray). I paint my own toenails enough to keep them pretty, but I never do my fingernails because cleanser takes it right off. I take about 10 minutes to get ready in the morning. I do enough to make me happy and not scare people!
Recently I decided to primp MORE. Staying home all day every day with kids was beginning to morph me into a straggle-haired rough-heeled wildebeast.
I believe in...applying make-up to go out, the ped egg, facial masks, eyebrow plucking, whitening strips, regular shaving and lots and lots of lotion!
That is my minimum to take care of myself and feel good about myself as a human being.
I constantly want to go blonde or brunette, but realize it's a slippery slope into non-stop hair maintenance if I do that.
I will admit that seeing a recent tummy tuck on tv I was slightly tempted (and I haven't even given birth!) It is easy to get sucked into that world of perfection...I think you have to turn a blind eye and stick your nose in a book! If you don't you will end up bleaching the skin of your nether-regions and that is just...ewww.
My level of the beauty scale really varies on a day to day--with how much time I have in the AM! I consider myself probably middle maintenance--I highlight my hair and I wear makeup daily, but, not gloobs of the stuff and don't have super blondey blonde hair, I do get pedicures occasionally--usually just during the summer months or for a special occasion (birthday, etc).
I work at a university where every girl is a size 00, tan, blonde, blah, blah--and it's really hard. But, I'm realizing that that isn't natural. I prefer natural beauties and as I'm getting older I'm becoming more aware of that.
I can't imagine what this does to young women--who feel that they must have abnormally white teeth, colored hair and a face full of makeup. And in some cases, it can lead to a slippery slope--I know plenty of women who started on the path of being high maintenance and are now collagen-ed, Botoxed, and silicone-d....If it makes them happy, OK, but, it's not for me.
so... i've never had a real manicure or pedicure. * gasp * and a part of me wishes i did it at least once for my wedding... but i just can't fight the fact that the major part of me could care less. i had never dyed my hair prior to 2001... but since then, it MUST be colored - now dark brown and violet. i wear my clinique make-up basically everyday, but have toned down on my overall clinique cleaning regiment since getting married and having a husband who questioned "so... tell me why you need to use 6 bottles of something or other on your face every morning?" i don't wear jewelry except the tiny hoops in my ears, and a few rings on my fingers... one of which signifies i'm taken. i love my flat-iron. i'd wear flip flops all year round if i could. i pluck my eyebrows regularly. i have a victoria secret bra that makes me look slightly larger than i should, but still smaller than most of society. and i don't use shaving cream to shave. all in all, i'd say i'm a low to medium-low maintenance gal. and generally i'm slightly intimidated by the get-ups of the "super" pretty people, but i just could never bring myself to be one.
so, ped eggs... they really work huh?
Obviously, this is a highly personal choice as to what makes you feel good on the inside and outside.
I wear mascara to church because most other days my contacts bug me so much that I'd smear it all over my face and look like a raccoon. Yes, I have issues there. I'm lobbying hard for lasik. I just got my first pedicure and it was divine. I could go back for more.
That being said, I was so bummed when I went home a few years ago ("home" = a certain state that shall remain nameless) and was so agog at the level of maintenance that many many young, NATURALLY BEAUTIFUL girls have gone to. Nails, hair, body, face, etc. etc. etc. I guess I don't remember it being that way when I was in High school AS MUCH (class of '89 here... yep, there's my age for you). I just think they should be MORE natural than worry about it so much - esp. at that age.
But, to each their own. It'd be interesting to see how/if they keep up "that look" after having kids because I'm lucky if I get to shower AND brush my teeth before 4pm.
I love a little pampering and feeling cute...but I would say I am middle to low. I get a pedicure maybe once a year even though I wish it was once a month. I get my hair done about every 3 months or more rather than every 6 weeks and I tweeze my own eyebrows. I agree that beauty can get out of control but maintenance and helping you feel a little better about yourself is totally worth it to me.
But my husband has adamantly expressed that our little girls will not be getting mani/pedi's until they are out of high school. He feels pretty strongly about the little 6 year olds that think it is their right to head out to the salon.
I do wear lots of glop in my hair, otherwise my 5 strands of hairb lay limp against my head. It takes me about 30 min to do my hair, so I only wash it every other day... you'd be suprised how well that glop holds up!
I recently quit getting my nails done. I love how polished it looks since my own nails peal and break every 5 minutes. However, acryllic nails are NOT really conducive to being a stay at home mom (if you're clumsy and forget to wear rubber gloves when cleaning like me...although they are really convenient for reaching that 'just out of reach boogey if you know what I mean). Plus who has time to sit in a nail salon for an hour every couple of weeks with two squirmy toddlers and a husband that travels all the time like mine.
I absolutely will will have breast augmentation (does it make it sound better using the medical term? Probably not!). I don't want to look like a barbie. In fact, I will probably keep my "upper A cup" size, I just want to get the "stuffing" back. It is amazing how much 3 children can deflate them. Since I wear a slightly padded bra to fill in the dip that my deflated booboos (as my son calls them) do not no one will even notice a difference but my hubby. But at least I won't have to be constantly pulling them up as they slip under the underwire of my bra (picture the Carrot Top routine with the bra made out of two knee length gym socks taped together... yeah it's bad!).
So, I guess I'm pretty high maintenance, but self conscious about it and try to justify everything I do!
My man, an "Eastsider," claims he went to the "Westside" to find me because Westsiders are low-maintenance. Of course, he also tells people that he married me for my looks and I married him for his money. (He's 7 years older than I am.) Just know that almost everything he tells people about our relationship is sarcastic.
That being said, I am pretty low maintenance in some ways. I've never colored my hair, but I probably will some day. I keep my fingernails very short because I play 3 instruments, and they bug me if they grow longer than 6 days' worth. I'll get a massage or a pedi only for a special occasion. It takes me 30-45 minutes to get ready in the morning. I do wear makeup, pretty much all the time. But not a lot of it. Now that I'm pregnant, foundation is a necessity. Why does my face have to become blotchy? What is the purpose? Does it help the development of the baby?
Anyway, middle-to-low maintenance for me. But I am really interested in your south america + candle topic! Bring it on!
I'd say I'm a pretty solid middle-maintenance. I do wear makeup every day and color my hair, but I don't do manicures or pedicures or spend inordinate amounts of time primping. And I'm all about drugstore brand makeup. I'm far too cheap for the alternatives.
I just have to go on the record as saying that I am not happy with this trend of college students, high schoolers (and younger) putting a great deal of money into their maintenance. Because ... bottom line ... it really is a statement about money more than an issue of beauty. And where does this money come from?
I just think it's sad. And stupid.
I'm with Mary on this one. I think many young girls would be better off letting their natural light shine and investing in their own college educations.
I'm usually middle with a couple of low days a week, but after giving birth I'm low maintenance except Sundays and dates for a couple months.
my sister and i were just talking about this last night! funny. i am quite low maintenance when it comes to this sort of thing. i have never been good at putting on makeup and getting it to look great. i didn't even really start wearing makeup until well into my HS years. i have gone through various stages, one of which i actually wore eyeliner and eyeshadow every day. too much time, let me tell you! these days, it's powder foundation to even things out, concealer under my eyes to hide my tired bags, and of course mascara is the most important. some days however, maybe 2-3 out of the 7, i go without anything, even when i have errands to run. sometimes i am just not in the mood. i loathe doing my hair, but now that it is short, it hardly takes any time at all, so i do it more often. i do color my hair, but not often enough, and i often go back to my natural color for awhile. now i am blonde, but won't be for too much longer. i wax my eyebrows because i hate plucking them, and i will admit that i have thought about getting a thin, tiny line of eyeliner tattooed on, but i know my hubs would never go for that.
i really don't think i can pull off any of that other stuff, it's just not me. i've never been super in to clothes or getting all gussied up, i go for comfort over looks any day. that being said, i do take care of myself, i'm not grunge at all, and i am usually happy and confident with the way that i look... i look like me!
I think I'm pretty low maintenance in the beauty department. I do wear make up everyday, but just the basics (and the cheap stuff). I spend about 3 minutes on my hair in the morning - mousse, brush and go (it's slightly curly).
I've never dyed or permed, highlighted etc. my hair, and don't plan to. I had my hair done for prom once. I cut my own hair. I've been to a salon a handful of times, and that was usually the beauty school ($5 haircuts!)
I've only ever had one pedicure (and that was thanks to a gift certificate) never a manicure.
Maybe it's because I'm frugal, but I've always been a jeans and t-shirt gal that likes to dress up occasionally.
I'm with Janaya... only had a manicure once (for my wedding) and I do color my hair just for fun. And I am a Clinique gal. I have quite sensitive skin, and it works for me. I'm not into the millions of products... but I do use the bare minimum.
Seems like the majority of the commentors here are pretty low maintenance to me.
I'm totally interested in the waxing discussion (loved the South Amer. country + candle material bit) because I have only used the at-home waxing (which I do not enjoy doing at all). I'd love to hear everyone's experiences. Can we also talk about laser hair removal?
And finally... I'm going to have to get one of those ped eggs.
i always thought i was pretty high maintenance (1-1.5 hours to get ready everyday, including shower and not rushing)
BUT compared to everyone in LA, i am pretty medium maintenance.
i hardly ever do the mani/pedi thing...but after your lovely sil dragged me ALL over nyc and a 5 mile walking tour of brooklyn my feet were crying out for a pedi. i know she is trying to get you out there so be aware! :)
oh and i tried to find a ped egg at target yesterday...no luck :(
love the ped egg, thanks momma sandy.
please tell me everyone, do you brazillan? i just want to know whats the norm.
p.s. i am getting more high maintance the older i get.
I have only seen the Ped-Eggs at Walgreens.
I know, I know ... they have a funny smell.
Walgreens ... not the Ped Eggs. They smell fine.
I think the Low vs. High maintenance is a relative term. The amount of time you spend often has a lot to do with what you have to start with.
I wouldn't really consider myself high maintenance, but I do spend a bit of time getting ready every morning. I have no kids (thus all the time in the world) and no hubby (thus the need to look pretty every day in order to snatch up a man). I've got pretty curly hair, so some days I'm low maintenance with just a wash n' go, but some days I spend 30 minutes blow drying and straightening. I usually go 3-4 days between washing my hair. I wear make-up every day, but not globs. I like to think it looks pretty natural.
Now, beyond the daily routine...I get my eyebrows threaded, I get an occasional pedicure...but mostly because I like to relax and be pampered...just like I like an occasional massage. I get my hair colored but have never done anything far from my natural color. Now it's a must to color the gray.
Now for hair removal (sorry this is the longest comment EVER). I'm admittedly a hairy girl (everywhere). So, I've invested in laser hair removal. It's a bit pricey, but totally worth it. I'll never have to shave again. So, I think I'm being temporarily high maintenance for a life-time of low-maintenance. I highly recommend it.
I think a HTT on south american candles is a GREAT idea. I'd love to hear everyone else's take on that.
I have so much more to say but have blabbered on long enough. I think personal appearance has a lot to do with self-esteem. It's not that you have to be the prettiest around or compare yourselves to others. But, if you feel good about the way you look natural or made up, it will impact the way you interact with other people.
I'm with Mary on this one too. My neighbor started her girls out getting their hair done at the salon, with coloring and a mani at around age 9.
Yes. 9.
They are teenagers now. YIKES. She spends a TON of money on their primping needs monthly, not to mention the clothes hounds that they are -- there are 3 of them! (that is a WHOLE other issue with me... Girls-- little, preteen & teens-- dressing in ways that are WAY to grown up for them!!)
I think its sad when you see little 4th graders with highlights, "big girl doos", and fake nails--from the salon not those lee press on nail things. I think it is causing kids to "grow up" faster than they need to, and a contributing factor to other "issues".
I am extremely low maintenance. I have a hair cut that allows me to fix it daily in under 20 minutes (no its not a man cut). I wear nominal makeup. My beauty routine takes 30 minutes, because thats all my children will be patient for.
I am definitely low maintenance. I normally only blow dry my hair for church on Sundays or if I am going out to dinner (not very often.) My friend cuts it for me and I don't color or highlight it, although I have once or twice before. I am a ponytail kinda gal. I live in FL, so even if I wear my hair down, by the end of the day I can' wait to pull it all up and back and out of my way. I wear makeup on Sundays too, but not very much, mostly just eye makeup. I do like the way I look when I wear makeup, but I don't think it is worth my time everyday to do it. I like not worrying about it. I also have a husband who is pretty adamant about me being beautiful without makeup.
As far as mani/pedis, the only time I have had either is if someone has paid for it or given me a gift card. I do enjoy them though.
As far as any cosmetic surgery or stuff, I think it is crazy. Yeah, my body is not that pretty after having a baby and I know my boobs are never going to be the same, but this is a temporary body and I know what is is for and I am confident in myself as a mother, wife, friend, and daughter of God. I am confident enough in my flabby, stretch marked, cellulitey, saggy body and we all need to remember what really matters in life. And remember that how we present ourselves, like being clean, wearing flattering clothes, and a touch of makeup can make a big difference.
I'm another middle, but I did give myself a "a country in South America + what candles are made from" a couple weeks ago. Hurt like a son-of-a-gun, but kinda fun too. I highly recommend it.
And I agree with you - the superficial standards are WAY too high these days. It makes me happy to see fresh and natural-looking teenage girls.
I'm WAY late to the game, but I had an opinion about this and after reading comments I wanted to share my comment.
I agree that standards for young girls nowadays are ridiculous.
That being said, some people give off the vibe that it is utterly cool and unique to not care about beauty products, hair, nails, makeup whatever. It is as if low maintenance means better. I disagree. Being yourself is better, even if that means you like to wear a pound of makeup a day. Some people consider makeup a hobby. That sounds weird, but I have a friend who loves trying new products and colors. It's just her thing and she isn't shallow for it.
I don't think there is anything wrong with enjoying regular pedicures and getting excited over new makeup. I love getting my hair done and spa treatments. Do I have the money to do them more than once a year? Nope. But if I did would I? YES! And I find nothing wrong with it. (Not saying anyone does, I'm just saying I don't) I'm an adult and I'm tired and I work hard as a mom. It's something I enjoy. It doesn't mean that I am overly concerned with my appearance. I do it for ME. If I didn't wear makeup or get my hair done my husband wouldn't even notice. And on some days, I don't do any of it because I just feel like being lazy.
Point is... I'm an adult. I wouldn't take my 5 year old to the nail salon because she's too young yet and should be playing in the backyard with cousins. I want my kids to know that, while it isn't bad to like pampering yourself or taking pride in the way you look, you need to focus on your inner self first. Because if that isn't pretty, nothing you do on the outside will matter.
Just my two cents.
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