The Lord works in mysterious ways ... sometimes through hypochondria.
Last night, Mr. Dub had a friend over for one last hangout - he's moving, not dying - and they decided to watch "Live Free or Die Hard." I say "they" because I generally don't like to watch movies with action sequences that last more than 30 seconds at a time and/or involve planes, tunnels or abandoned warehouses. (Check, check and check.) But I decided to watch it, and even though some of the scenes gave me an ulcer, it was pretty enjoyable. (I should note that my love for fictional terrorism outweighs my aversion to intense action.)
When the movie was over, I felt a sharp, shooting pain in my chest. This is not abnormal. I don't think it's my heart, but my proclivity to sit in uncomfortable, compact positions while watching TV. Then, the pain was followed by tingling in my left arm. I let this go for a minute, but it continued to persist. I jokingly asked them about the signs of a heart attack. Then, Mr. Dub's friend left, and I didn't have to pretend to joke because Mr. Dub knows how paranoid I can be. We researched it a bit on line and found out that "numbness in the left arm" is actually not as common of a symptom as you think. Sorry to shake up your world, but do be alert for pain in your jaw.
Wow, this is getting long. Short story not as short as it could be, I decided it would be best to call a doctor. She was basically asleep and said something like, "Who knows?" so I decided to it was OK to go to bed. Still, I wanted to be prepared and keep my phone by my bed just in case. Unfortunately, I realized my phone was still in our swimming bag, which was in Miss Dub's room.
I tiptoed into her room and was hit by a smell wave. Clearly, someone had soiled her diaper, and it wasn't me this time. While I got out my phone, I debated whether or not to wake her. Just then, she woke up. I asked her if she wanted me to change her and she said yes. Then she said, "Mommy, I'm scared." I held her for a bit, and put her back in her crib.
This morning, I asked her if she remembered me coming in. After some prying and translation, I found out she had a bad dream about drowning and that she had been praying for me to come in her room. And I did ... because I was possibly having a heart attack.
So there you have it. Next time you have numbness in your left arm - and I admittedly still do - you should first check on your child, then turn off the intense action film you are watching and, finally, go straight to bed.
How I survived my first heart attack
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 7:43 AM
18 comments Leave a witty comment hereLabels: heart attack, misadventure, Miss Dub, prayer
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i'm a huge fan of "because this happened, i did this, and then this great thing happened as a result. so i'm sure glad that first thing happened." :) AND don't feel too abnormal, i am constantly grabbing my chest like an old man and saying to burton "i'm having a heart attack!" to which he glances over with a half hearted "you ok?" and then i eventually get over it. but in the moment... what else could it be?!
First of all ... I am not sure how much I like this story. Except the parts about Miss Dub's genious and not especially the parts about your arm tingling. (Is it still tingling?)
But ... I did have a good friend who had a real heart attack a few weeks ago that involved massive chest pain that eventually migrated to her ... jaw. (She is just fine, btw.)
But thanks for the precious picture.
I really can't believe how smart Miss Dub is! Okay, I can. But it is pretty amazing that she is not even 2 years old yet and can tell you that she had a bad dream, etc. Seriously. That is smart. I have smart kids who are early talkers as well, but she is blowing them out of the water! And I can't believe how TAN she is! You'd think she lives in AZ!
Miss Dub is too cute!! That is so smart that she knew to pray that you would go in there!!!
I believe that bright, curious people who are very aware of their environments are prone to worrying and to hypochondria. Not necessarily overuse of doctors or imaginary or pyschosomatic illness, but to running all the catastrophic possibilities through their mind. I do. Yet I apparently ran around for weeks with blood clots in my legs and for days with potentially fatal clots in my lungs because my doctors and I could only identify some but not all of the symptoms of those conditions and thus attributed them to other causes. Lesson learned. So go get that arm checked. Probably just temporary and having used it awkwardly or laid on it the wrong way, but it could be something more moderately or seriously significant. But here's to answering children's silent prayers, and early morning philosophical dialogues with genius toddlers, and false alarms that are both false and not alarming.
I just love your stories. And I love these kinds of stories. And I hope you're feeling better. And wowee that girl does have an Arizona tan!
that miss dub, what a tan little darling. i am glad you are both ok.
you are such a good mom.
i was thinking of you today as i had lunch with tyson at target. thankfully he didn't throw up all the pizza and then ask for more.
again, you are such a good mom.
i miss you like sunsets.
Thanks for sharing this story, a beautiful reminder that the spirit can speak to us in SO many different ways! You really should have that arm checked though, just to make sure that it wasn't a multi-layered experience.
Miss Dub,
Do you seriously have a one-year-old that prays for things? I have a daughter her same age who is very precocious but this just blows my mind.
why is it that when i finished reading this hours and hours ago that my jaw and left side of my face started hurting? and why is it that the whole side of my face is still hurting?
She seems too young to be having bad dreams, and to be drowning, how awful and scary for her! But how fantastic that she prayed for you to come in and comfort her. I can't do tense makes me fear being out in public.
I should note that she says she prayed, but I have no evidence that she actually did. Also, when we pray during the days, she very reverently folds her arms, bows her head and then proceeds to do whatever she wants while we talk. She then resumes position upon "amen." So it's more of a faux reverence.
But, yes, she talks like she's 3, and I'm very worried for when she's 16.
That is ADORABLE- that Miss Dubb would tell you she prayed for you to come in, not the quasi-heart attack. The picture too for that matter! What a cute/smart little girl you have!
Seriously, My daughter is about the same age (17 months) and while she talks very well for her age she does NOT talk like that. My daughter can say things like "Shoes on?" but not that she is scared or had a bad dream. BUt, I believe you. My little brother was like that. And he ended up being extremely intelligent.
Anyway, I'm astounded. I wouldn't be worried about when she is 16. She'll be in all honors classes and prefer books over boys. Hopefully. Right? ;)
That girl is tan! How is your heart now?
Okay, so I pretty much always think I'm having a heart attack. I get chest pains and tingling in my left arm all the time. I've even gone to the ER for an EKG a few times and it's always normal. Once I went to the ER and found out I was just having heart burn. My life is awesome. I'm glad I'm not the only person who freaks out. Although, I doubt you've ever called the doctor because you thought you had leprosy...and I have.
very nicely written HT sis. You convinced me.
You are very good at those building angle pics. Nice work!!
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