

Guess who's coming to dinner ... and breakfast and lunch, too, for the next few days? My BFF, Mrs. Jay. I'm very excited to spend some time with her and her trio of adorable boys, although housing them in our 900-square-foot bungalow* might drive them crazy.

In honor of her trip, I've decided to share one of our classic memories:

One day after school, Mrs. Jay and I (along with brookegfunk and her former boyfriend, who shall remain nameless) decided to head back across the street to our high school and have a swim in the fountain. Originally constructed in honor of students who had died, the fountain only worked for a few months of our entire HHS career, but this happened to be during that time, so we thought we'd take a dip in its unnaturally blue water. After chillaxing for a few minutes, we realized the water was both heavily chlorinated and dyed blue. Our clothes - we had neglected to wear swimsuits - were spotted with blue and white stains. Just then, a school janitor found us and came to berate us about our unsanctioned swim. Nervous, we jumped up and did what any honest youth would: we stole his janitor cart. We took off at a speedy 10 mph, but ended up crashing into a wall. Thankfully, no damage was done, but we had to take off and seek refuge in the choir room for a few hours to make sure the coast was clear. It wasn't; we were confronted by some security guards while trying to cross the street. The others took off running, leaving me to fend for myself. I may or may not have lied.

The end.

Wow, that didn't sound as cool on computer screen as I remembered it, but I will be interviewing Mrs. Jay tomorrow for my daily post, which should be engaging.

Any question suggestions?

* Did calling my apartment a bungalow make it sound more quaint?


Angy said...

hahaha gotta love some old HHS stories. and the choir room was a good place to hide! too bad it didn't work out so well :P

brookegfunk said...

I dont remember ditching you and I am GREEN with envy that Mrs Jay gets to hang with you and Mr Dub and Lil Miss.I Do remember when we dressed up in our best vintage garb and forced Shaun to pay for our fancy dinner at the Chart House cuz his Dad would unknowingly pay for it-Sorry Bro. Johnson. I also seem to remember a certain dance troup of ours called the "Dancetastics" and earning 3 3/4 stars on Star Search..Lying to drunkards at the beach -those were the days...

Mary said...

I just want picture of the kiddos together so I can sigh and say, "I knew one day they would be normal" and sigh again as I realize that ... thankfully ... you are not.

sara said...

Good story! I hadn't heard that one before. Looking forward to the interview! - and yes to the bungalow question :)

steph said...

loooooooooooove it. seriously, you and mrs. jay were two odd characters... i had no idea that brookegfunk was in on it, but it definitely makes sense.

the fountain had water in it for most of my 4 years...

The Rookie said...

Things that weird me out: blue water caused by some substance other than the sky's reflection.

Anonymous said...

Man, I missed out. I should have been better friends with you guys in high school. The occasional church dance and girls camp just wasn't enough! Have fun together!

Lindsey from The R House said...

CLASSIC photo.