
Safehouse of mouse

I was talking to a friend the other day and found myself saying this:

"If it was the end of the world, and I had to get to a safe place, I would go to Disneyland or a hospital."

What about you?


steph said...

target would be a good option... or any big box retailer.

my old boss would take his fam to walmart anytime there was a crazy storm, and if there were ever a terrorist attack, he'd go to walmart.

Mary said...

Why would you go to a hospital?

Anonymous said...

I would go to Krispy Kreme and get a dozen glazed and just enjoy my arteries clogging with glazey goodness!If its the end of the world I might even go for a jelly filled -ya know just to go out with a bang!

acte gratuit said...

Evidently numerous people agree with you because that's where bunches of people in Southern California went while their houses were burning. (Or in peril of burning.) (My sister being one of them although luckily, her house did NOT burn to the ground.)

Me personally? If D-land isn't available, my nearest Stake Center.

Leigh said...


Two words: food storage.

whitney said...

i agree with mary... why a hospital? it would be crowded with bleeding, dying people. although, if YOU are bleeding and dying, that probably is a good option. :)

my first choice would also be BYU. however, seeing as we just moved from there to california last fall, i guess i better think of a closer option. i think i'd stay at my house with my family, unless we were in danger there, in which case, i'd head to my ward building.

Lizzie said...

First place would be my in-laws where I am sure the whole family would gather and if necessary I would definitely head to the temple.

Kelley Bochman Smith said...

I'd want all my family to come over to my house and partaaaa!

Chelsea said...

I'm with Glamma... If I couldn't stay at home I'd start the long journey from Maricopa to Surprise and party hardy with my fam. If our cars don't work just wait for me... We'll be walking there so it might take a day or two or three.

Ashby said...

We always joked that we'd go to our neighbor's house up the street because they have a rockin' food storage going on. But they are moving this summer. Now what are we going to do?! I guess maybe we should start our own.....but I like your idea better! Now, how do I make my emergency plans for Disneyland.....

Anonymous said...

Disneyland sounds awesome... but I think I would hed to my mom and dads house!!

hilari said...

sorry laura, the people mover isn't there anymore. you and dave will just have to find somewhere else to get it on.

A Mom Two Boys said...

Pizza Hut. Or a winery. Or a pizza hut that also makes wine.

janaya said...

definitely my mother-in-laws, since she has enough food in her basement to feed the entire city of kaysville, ut.

Jen said...

I'd go to my parents' house. They have major amounts of stockpiled wheat and chocolate pudding in the grand tradition of rural Mormons.

Krazy Khania said...


Anonymous said...

All we want to know is how did you get that cool welcome sign on the Disneyland marque?? You and your techno abilities rock!

Rachie said...

DLand is totally safe. I would birth my children there is I could.