
More crazy

In one of my few successful attempts at being Super Mom, we taught Miss Dub how to sign. (A DVD may or may not have played a part. This cannot be confirmed.) Since she now speaks - "I like to kiss!" she recently announced - we don't have much need for signing. But she can't let go of the "more" sign, which she does by putting together the tips of her two hands and shouting, "Mo'!"

Initially, this sign was limited to food and beverage requests. Like, "more carbohydrates because I'm your daughter and a gluten-addict, please!" These days, however, she's requesting items I can't always replenish. Like, "mo' planes!" after we see an airplane in the sky. Or "mo' quack-quacks!" after we see some ducks. But the weirdest one came the other day after we heard a little boy crying at the store.

"Mo'!" Miss Dub shouted.

"More what?" I asked.

"More sad!"

Is this normal?


hilari said...

maybe, like mother like daughter is the explanation?

p.s. i miss you guys.

janaya said...

maybe she's using it to describe not just quantity but extremity. she wants more planes, but she also recognizes that the little boy is not just sad... but "really" sad. "more" sad than happy. :)

Melanie M. McKinnon said...

she's gonna grow up to be one of those people who laugh when other people fall down. which means she's in with me.

Mary said...

I have no explanation whatsoever, but I think it's cute.

Is THAT normal?

I'm pretty sure it's Grandma-normal.

Heidi said...

Who wouldn't want more sadness in this world?

Totally normal.

Alifinale said...

I love it! Way to be sympathetic, Miss Dub.

Angy said...

lol gotta love kids :P who needs explanations? lol

Leisha Mareth said...

I'm going with Janaya's explanation...sounds plausible to me.

Kate said...

ummm... not really normal. most of the time it seems like kids cry when they hear others crying. ;) but i think janaya's wonderful explanation is the way to go.
how fun that the little miss is talking so much! what a fun age.

Laura and the family said...

Good for her to communicate with you in signing.. it sounds like she was trying to say, "Mo (more) plane (as please.)"

If she only uses "sad," then it is a good that she does have sympathy. She will be a very good friend to others when they need a shoulder to lend on :-)