
Juno what I mean?

I'm starting to think that the best way to find out if I'm going to be great friends* with someone is to ask them if they liked Juno. If they say no, I should probably have "something come up."

It was funny, it did not condone teen pregnancy - and who doesn't love Michael Cera at his awkward best?


*Should you already be my great friend, and you hated this movie, you can plead your case in the comments for an exemption.


steph said...

we can totally be friends, and that's wizard.

Sarah S said...

I love love love this movie! I saw it with friends in the theater, and last week when it came out, I rushed over to blockbuster so Ben and I could watch it together.

It made me cry both times. It's a witty, funny, interesting movie. Glad you liked it too!

Alifinale said...

Phew...we can be friends. I loved it! At the beginning my husband was very afraid because of the speed at which she spouted off witty lines - but that just made me love it all the more because it reminded me of Gilmore Girls. And yes, I totally cried.

Anonymous said...

yes Home Skillet my eggo is preggo with happiness over this post...Another indicator of freindship viability is the awesome blossom do you love an enormous deep fried onion or not? Yep we are gettin all kinds of deep up in here!

Angy said...

yay! we can be friends! loved this movie!! and i just got it for my bday yesterday! :D

Mindy said...

I'm a fan. Does that make me a wizard?

I'm still waiting for them to bring Arrested Development back. Having Jason Bateman and Michael Cera in the same movie is such a tease.

Carina said...

I unabashedly love Juno.

I cried and cried, like only a mom can.

Sorry, homeskillet, we're still friends.

Unknown said...

I used to use Napoleon Dynamite for this very same purpose. When it first came out, it was such a friend-dividing movie. But now, for some reason, it appears everyone loves it.

I shamelessly cried in the theater at the end of Juno.

stephanie said...

loved it! and you.

Leisha Mareth said...

I haven't seen it yet (it must come out on PPV before I see anything these days..), but I liked the previews.

I did not, however, enjoy the lead star on SNL. She stunk.

Hopefully she won't stink in Juno.

sara said...

I also haven't seen it but have read mixed reviews on people's blogs... but I won't tell you who the negative reviewers were (actually I don't remember). But yeah, that Canadian girl was on Leno? or Letterman? and I thought she was annoying although the annoying interviewees often make for the best actresses. Will rent it sometime.

Morgan said...

oh, i LOVED that movie, and i LOVE michael cera, he is the best. yay, now i can be your friend. i am so lucky!! ;)

Colleen said...

We watched it for our anniversary on Tuesday. It was my second time. And I cried twice. Again. Love it.

Kate said...

I haven't seen it yet, I guess I will have to go!

M-Ware said...

well, it looks like we're good. should we ever meet. LOVED the movie.

Andy said...

I bought the CD yesterday. And my hubby was reading along, and said "let's go see that tonight" at the dollars of course.

Michele said...

Can we still be friends if I have never seen it? I feel that this puts me in solid neutral ground, without any opinion whatsoever. I will attempt to see this movie in the next two months before I come back to Chicago though, so I can be sure to have many witty comments about how much I LOVE this movie!

Will Murdoch said...

So ironic you wrote this. Just today a good friend told me that she had rented it and hated it. While I will admit I was a bit embarassed by the vulgarity I thought it was hilarious. Can we be friends?

brooke said...

I recently found your blog and yes, we can be friends. This is my new fav movie and I've been asking everyone for the last few days if they've seen it. I loved loved loved it. I laughed and cried. I loved the step mother is this movie, I loved the teen-age lingo and I especially loved the ending!

acte gratuit said...

I read a review saying it was "unabashedly pro-life". Which I suppose it is. I hadn't thought of it that way though. And that makes me like it all the more!

acte gratuit said...


Link to a cool interview with Juno writer.

Joey and Megan said...

So glad I passed the test. I laughed so hard through that movie and was totally unprepared for the fact that I was going to literally sob at the end of it. I'm glad to see lots of other people cried too, I thought it was just due to the fact that I was a pregnant teenager 12 years ago!

Holly said...


and the soundtrack is also a gem.

Beckie said...

OH I loved this movies too! I am so glad that Sarah kept gushing about it! I love that it is witty and honest and funny!

emily & david said...

I broke down bawling when Jen Garner ended up taking the baby home at the end. Don't know why . . . and I'm not really a movie cryer.

Only wish there was more Rainn Wilson.

Lindsey from The R House said...

loved it --expect for the first scene playing while she said, "it started in a chair ..." i could have done without that.

LOVE the lessons taught about adoption. laughed and cried my insides out.

they got the adoptive mom down PERFECTLY!

also, i miss you.

Jack Attack said...

loved it! sparked so many emotions...witty, funny, emotional...and it had 2 of my favorite actors from AD...miss that show. why do shows like AD get bumped off the air but Two and a Half Men keep coming back? crazy!

p.s. the soundtrack is so good!

cropstar said...

lurved it!
i saw a sneak preview for free before it came out in theaters AND got a free juno tshirt. be jealous.

also... i've literally watched this movie 8 times in the last 3 days. not even exaggerating.