
But I've been busy!

The other day I was leaving a comment on Leslie's blog when I thought to myself, "Wow, it's been a while since I've commented on her blog, even though I read it faithfully. I'm a bad friend."

Just then some confirmation letters popped up on the screen. I clicked before I could save the image, but this is what I had to type in:


Yeah, apparently her blog noticed.


steph said...

that is awesome.

Sarah S said...

You HAVE been busy though! Don't be too hard on yourself :)

Leslie said...

wow, that is crazy. and don't worry, i get it. using my google reader has caused me to comment less and less. but thanks for reading. :)

Angy said...

lol. that's hilarious.

Kate said...

It's true about google reader. I'm always up-to-date on everyone's blog... but I realize I don't comment hardly at all. Funny.

Leslie said...

i just noticed that i now have the potential to be in your label cloud. yay.

Natalie said...

that means i'm a bad friend (we've actually met and have connections that are older than we are, so I can call you a friend, right?) because I've not commented on your blog forever either - promises to improve.

Alifinale said...

Hey, when people have word verification it makes me not want to comment. Ok, so that wasn't the point of your post but that is how I feel.