Well, my great plans to be Mrs. Perfect on Friday fell to the wayside as another medical crisis hit our family. I won't go into details, but please pray for PDaddy! He's not only a charismatic commenter, he's also the world's best dad. (No, this is not open for debate.)
So instead of baking complicated cookies and shopping for rare art, I spent most of Friday crying. Our recent experience with Baby Zee has made me very aware of the fragility of life. As a result, I have nightmares most nights that some member of my family has been kidnapped, killed or just plain disappeared. So it really freaks me out to have my dad face one of those possibilities. And while I'd like to say I was the positive one, I was totally leaning on others for support that day.
The good news is that the outlook for Mr. Ess is better than it could be. Also, confronting his mortality put Baby Zee's death in perspective. It sort of helped me sew the final stitches in that wound because I realized that life is going on around me, and I need to be fully engaged in it to avoid regrets. Of course, there will always be a scar - a constant reminder of Baby Zee and our love for her - but the wound isn't gaping open any more.
With both of these hard experiences, I've been sort of shocked to realize that the world is still going on despite our sadness. I kind of expected E! to stop stalking Britney for a day in honor of our hardships - but there she was in all her "is-it-a-bump?" glory.
But the positive side to that is that the world is still beautiful despite our sufferings. Having a baby die doesn't mean a blue sky stops being breathtaking, or that flowers stop growing. Even amidst all the horrible things in this world, like the recent glut of mass shootings and global strife, there are glorious things to be found.
So even though I'm still consumed with worry for my dad, I'm also optimistic. But I recognize that one day - a really, really distant day, I hope - I will have to say goodbye to him, just like I will to everyone I love. But I also know without a doubt that I'll say hello them again when it's my turn to bid this life adieu.
That brings me peace. And at a time like this, I need it.
Freaking out Friday
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 7:53 AM
18 comments Leave a witty comment hereLabels: Baby Zee, grief, infant loss, misadventure, musing, PDaddy, triploidy
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p daddy, mary & your whole family are in my prayers, mrs dub. this can be so scary, and the only thing that makes it better is being together. sending my love . . .
you all are in my prayers. again, i am amazed at your strength.
mrs. dub, I had all kinds of crazy thoughts going through my mind while reading this post. I am so sorry you're going through yet another very difficult time. we will be praying for you and your family.
lots of prayers and hugs and kisses.
you are a superstar!
you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. i hope everything turns out fine with your dad!!
Oh... just oh.
We are keeping you in our prayers too. If how many people pray for you is any indication of how well you will do in life, then it seems you should turn out stupendous.
well put. you are all in my prayers.
I have had similar scares with my father lately, so I understand the need to fully experience life with them!
I am glad that there are tender mercies helping your wound to scab over while it continues to heal underneath!
They say when it rains it pours, and while that has never brought me any sort of peace, it seems so true for you. I am SO sorry and hope that everything works out for you and your amazing family. You're the best.
I sure hope your dad's okay. I loved your mom's recent post about the bed-making! You have such a great family.
you are my best bff example. like usual.
I just recently found your blog and although I am a stranger, please know that you are touching lives. I will keep your family in my prayers. Thank you for being so candid, and for revealing so much of yourself to the rest of us who can use a good example.
I love , love Pdaddy , love the whole fam'...Theres a whole lotta love on this blog.....
Thanks for the good wishes and support, via Mrs. Dub. She is so worthy of your friendship, devotion, wishes, and readership. She makes me very proud. I worry more about her and the family than me. I think it is harder to watch a loved go through a difficulty than to endure it yourself. We are so bad at many of the choices we make, it is probably good we don't get to pick our challenges. I wouldn't have picked this (though, by life-long choices I probably did in part), but barely into it I have learned so much I didn't know or appreciate before.
i have a severely soft spot in my heart for wonderful fathers. you and your family and especially your dad are in my prayers and in my thoughts. you're amazing.
I love what you have to say about this because when I lost a loved one I felt the same way. Hello? Why isn't everybody stopping to talk to me about this and discuss what is going on? Doesn't everyone know about this hugely important thing that has happened?
I hope PDaddy will be all right.
Thanks for touching my heart as I just finished dedicating a blog post to my own dad who is having open heart surgery tomorrow. I know exactly how you feel.
mrs. dub, as a first timer let me first assure you as so many have of the wonderful service your blog has become to so many good people. There are precious few sources of such thoughtful uplifting observations of life. It isn't easy and it's not supposed to be. Second,for whatever it's worth you and your family are going to be fine and indeed prosper from these seemingly overwhelming challenges. I learned,firsthand,of the greatness of your family as I watched the doctor struggle as delivered bad news to your parents as to the true nature of your fathers health problem. It was then remarkable, as it has been so many times in my experiances with your family, to then watch your parents work so hard to help the doctor feel better about;and even thank him for his efforts. Only a very few times in our lives do we get to witness such magnanimity (sp) of sprit.
Thanks again to you and those who raised you.
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