As you've all figured out, our time with Baby Zee came to an early conclusion last week. In the end my health necessitated her delivery, even though she was still alive and doing well. I, however, began to develop preeclampsia, requiring induction considering the danger it was to my health and the inevitable fatality of her condition.
Even though the doctors encouraged me to have a medical procedure rather than a delivery, Mr. Dub and I felt strongly that Baby Zee deserved a traditional chance at life, even though she was so tiny. I went in early Monday morning to be induced, but the medicine used to soften my cervix caused my placenta to disintegrate. By noon, I had begun to hemorrhage severely and had to receive an emergency C-section and blood transfusion.
Although a C-section is never ideal - I seriously don't understand women who request them, but that may be tomorrow's HTT - it ended up saving mine and Baby Zee's lives. While a normal delivery might have been too much for her, she was able to take a few breaths and heartbeats before passing away less than a minute later.
Mr. Dub and I, unfortunately, missed those moments since I was in the OR and received general anesthesia. But we were thrilled to find out she had made it through, which is important to us as a family and to our genealogy records.
We did have the chance to hold her. She was very tiny. At only 6 ounces, she was smaller than a glass of water and very delicate, but she already had the beginnings of a perfect body, complete with little fingers and toes. She looked strange, but we didn't mind. We were just happy to put an image with the little person who had been growing in my belly all those weeks.
I think we're doing pretty good. Physically, I'm feeling great and finding that a C-section is less painful than being full of cysts. (They're already shrinking, thankyouverymuch.) Emotionally, I felt very strong the first day but have had bouts of melancholy since, which I think is normal.
As I've said to many people, I really don't feel like we "lost" a baby. Baby Zee developed triploidy in the moment of her conception. It is part of her unique identity. She was never meant for a long life. She was always meant for heaven. So I don't feel like we were denied a baby who was supposed to be my newborn or my 5-year-old. I just feel like we were blessed to get a special baby who was meant to be ours for a few months.
Still, so much of me wants to go back in time a few weeks to when I actually believed she was going to be born this summer as a healthy little babe. It's confusing to be done with a pregnancy long before I expected to be. It's really confusing to be recovering from a C-section with no new baby to show for it. And don't get me started about how awkward it's been to explain it to well-meaning strangers or hospital staff.
But there have been miracles in all this. For one, it's a miracle to realize how strong you are when you are faced with a challenge that you think you can't handle. It's a miracle that we've had so much peace and guidance when making important decisions about her health and care. And it's a miracle that she and I survived the birth.
Still, it hurts. It's really hard for me to think that she's been out of me and gone for a week now; that all I have of her for the rest of my mortal life is memories, a few photos, some footprints and her ashes.
But thankfully I know she is ours for eternity.
And that's the greatest miracle of all.
Zee's story
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 7:18 AM
50 comments Leave a witty comment hereLabels: Baby Zee, death, infant loss, triploidy
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Best of luck in your recovery. Wishing you loads of comfort and (continued!) perspective.
Someone pass me the Kleenex! I've been thinking about you and am glad you are doing well. Thank you for sharing your story about Zee.
i can hardly see the screen for all the tears - beautifully put. our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you all.
I don't have a witty comment. I'm glad you shared those thoughts with all of us! You are pretty amazing Mrs. Dub.
I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of you! and I have always used the word "lost" for a passing, and you are right, Baby Zee is not lost. And your discription of Baby Zee,s unique circumstances are perfect. I learn so much from you. The Smith clan love you as much as ever and look forward to seeing you when you feel up to it. XOXOXO
You truly are inspiring. I hope your recovery continues to go well. Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you so much for sharing. A beautiful story for a beautiful baby Zee. Prayers are still coming for us:) Love you!
What a wonderful perspective. I'm glad you're feeling better, at least physically. Thanks for sharing the story and those cute little feet with us!
A miracle, indeed.
my dear friend, life is hard and you are strong. i love you and baby zee for eternity.
Laura...I too can recognize what a miracle it is that you and your husband have had the peace, clarity of thought and strength to endure a very, very difficult trial. The fact that so soon after you can write about such a physically and emotionally traumatic event is amazing and inspiring to me. Truly. It helps me to realize the importance of keeping our testimonies strong. Of staying close to the Lord. Sometimes I fear all the "bad" that can happen out there, but you are such an example of finding peace in the storm. I will be praying for your continued strength and healing!!!!!
You are a beautiful person. I have had my own fears as I have seen you go through this. I am about 21 weeks along, and know that the baby inside me, is as developed as your sweet baby Zee. I am so grateful that we have the Gospel, and that we have eternity. You are wonderful. Thank you for sharing your strength with us all.
you have such great perspective, mrs. dub. you are strong, and that sweet baby girl was a miracle indeed.
Thank you for sharing the details and the footprints of your precious Baby Zee. 6 months ago my nephew passed away when his mom was 33 weeks pregnant with him. She too dislikes when people say that she "lost her baby." We all know exactly where these precious children are. What a blessing to have that knowledge. I am totally impressed with your perspective and how strong you are.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. You have touched my life and helped me appreciate the plan the Lord has for each of us.
Like everyone else, I couldn't see the screen because of all the tears! My prayers are with you! How blessed you are to have the peace and comfort of the gospel!
You are my hero.
What a sweet little girl. She is lucky to have you as her mom. Your strength and perspective are truly inspiring. I hope your physical recovery goes smoothly.
What a beautiful post. I am grateful for your experience.
Thank you for sharing your story of sweet baby Zee. I admire your testimony and your grace. Those little footprints are absolutely perfect. Hope you recovery continues to go well.
Lots of hugs!
i love that i know you.
miracles indeed. i am SO grateful that you are physically feeling better. don't rush yourself.
so thankful that our loved ones are not "lost" to us. the sealing power is more powerful than death, more powerful than genetics, more powerful than time.
thank you for reminding me what a miracle it is to have this knowledge. you are always teaching me. what a great friend and example you are.
sending you lots of love and prayers.
I love you laura and really admire you. Dusty and I are thinking abuot you and your family all the time. We love you and Baby Zee
Reading this made me feel so happy for Baby Zee. You made all the right choices and gave her all the necessary chances.
My admiration, Mrs. Dub to you and Mr. Dub.
you are so strong and i am so grateful for that. i'm praying for your continued strength.
Well put. Keep doing whatever you're doing, because it seems to be working.
Thank you for posting this. You are an extremely strong person, and being someone of the same faith as you, you are a great example to me of unfaltering faith in the Lord's plan for us. I know it must be extremely hard for you, but it is very apparent that your faith has made you strong enough to handle this trial. It brings me great comfort as well to know that you will one day be reunited with your sweet Baby Zee!
You and your family are amazing. I don't know you (outside of the blogosphere), but you are in our prayers.
Thank you so much for sharing. You put into words so many of the things I felt when I had my miscarriage. Only I think you are handling things so much better than I did. You are amazing.
You are seriously amazing. I'm so glad she had those few moments of life to bring a bit of comfort to you.
Wow. You have an amazing outlook.
I'm sorry it came to an early conclusion, but glad that she was able to come into this world able to take a few breaths. I'm sure she felt the love from you and your family (and hopefully a little from all us random internet people who've been thinking about you all!)
Mrs. Dub, I'm not the greatest at expressing my emotions but I really admire your strength and attitude through all of this. You really are an inspiration to us all! I hope your recovery continues to go well!
thank you for sharing your story. It really is very inspiring and helps others. You are an amazing example and although I only know you through blogs my thoughts and prayers are with you
How far along were you? If I remember right I am guessing about 16 weeks?
After learning about your experience I have read a little bit about partial molar pregnancies and all they talk about is the d&c to remove "it". I really admire your decision to deliver the baby!
You are such an inspiration to me! Thanks for sharing.
I cab't wait to meet her when this life is all over with! I am sure she is so happy where she is!!
thanks for sharing your story. how brave. i'm impressed by your ability to see the whole picture right now, when everything is so raw. your faith, strength, and courage are amazing. like so many have said, you're in my thoughts and prayers. i hope you continue to heal.
It's just amazing.
Amazing testimony. May you continue to heal emotionally and physically in the coming days and weeks. Love you!
I want to be just like you when I grow up! Thank you for sharing your testimony, perspective, and Baby Zee with us. And my prayers continue to be with you and your family. Baby Zee (and Miss Dub) are lucky to have a mom like you.
thank you for this, i'm sure you have helped many many people.
We've been thinking about you guys! As I read your account I couldn't help thinking of what President Hinckley's daughter said of GBH at his funeral: "The loss of Mom was almost overwhelming, but it carved in him and even deeper capacity for love and compassion." I see that in you, as you are already such a warm, loving person. Miss you!
What an amazing story. Thanks for sharing it here. I am so grateful for the gospel and the sense of peace it brings in knowing we'll be with our posterity for eternity. What a blessing.
You are an inspiration, and you chose what many would consider the "hard way" rather than the "easy" way--you still experienced the trauma of childbirth (and then some) rather than a "procedure" and because of your choice you were able to give your sweet baby Zee a few moments in this world. Prayers coming your way!
What a beautiful story. Your response and attitude are inspiring.
You are amazing in your strength, conviction and hope. Thank you for allowing us all to share in this private time of mourning and inspiring us with your abilities. Our prayers are with you and your family. Much love to you!!!
Yes, I'm sure it hurts deeply. That's because you loved Baby Zee truely and deeply! You have the ETERNAL perspective... one day you and Baby Zee will meet again, and everything will be perfect then!
You are amazing! It is a miracle.
You are amazing and strong. Thank you for sharing Baby Zee's story with us.
What a beautiful story. You and your husband are amazing people - I'll bet you're almost tired of hearing it, people just throw around the word "amazing" so much, but seriously - I love the way you're approaching the situation. It's such a tragedy, but you're finding such beauty in it as well. You're very special people. :-)
There was never any doubt in my mind you would see the silver lining. Your perspective in this was just the perspective I was hoping and knew you would have. Baby Zee will be yours forever.
Gfunks lesser half
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