It has come to my attention that Miss Dub is no longer a baby.
Sometimes this awareness is more glaring, like when she proudly declares, "Toot-toot!" to a crowd of strangers after passing some noxious gas, or when she yells, "No, Mama!" when I ask her to do something simple, like not hold her breath and pretend to choke herself when she doesn't get what she wants.
Other times it's more subtle: When I ask her where we're going for the night, and she proudly declares, "Chicago!" (Granted, we weren't going there, but it is a three-syllable word.) Or when I go to check on her and she's tucking all her stuffed animals into bed. Or when I find her sketching out advanced mathematical equations on our family blackboard. You know, stuff like that.
Late last night as we were returning from a fun night with friends, I asked Miss Dub if she was my baby, just to settle the argument once and for all. She replied, "No, Mama! Baby Zuzu!" referring to Baby Zee. I agreed that Baby Zee is my baby, but that she could also be my baby forever, even when she got old and had her own babies.
"Silly, Mama," Miss Dub said.
And in that moment I realized that she wasn't going to stay young forever; that I'd already forgotten what it felt like to hold her in the nook of my arm or wake up with her five freakin' times a night. That while it seems like it now, my life will not always be consumed by sippy cups and dino nuggets. That one day Miss Dub will refuse to tell me about her crushes and will rant about how she needs a new outfit.
As I looked out at the snow-frosted trees, I couldn't help but wish to bottle the moment for safe-keeping. I ached to know that despite my best efforts (or any growth-stunting, processed foods I frequently feed her) I can't keep her from growing up.
But don't tell Miss Dub - she'll always be my baby.
p.s. Is it weird that I think Leap Day is a Canadian holiday? 'Cause I do.
You're the baby-baby!
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 7:25 AM
17 comments Leave a witty comment hereLabels: Baby Zee, misadventure, Miss Dub, motherhood
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she is growing at an alarming rate (which is part of the reason that your bro needs a future visit!), but once all of the teen craziness passes, she'll admit and relish that she'll always be your baby.
i know that that's a long way off, but you have a long time before she's not technically your little girl...
i love that little girl, so ya'll should make a trip to nyc soon... we'll have furniture soon!
Are you still MY baby?
I'm kind of counting on it.
i agree with steph. once you get passed the "mom, drop me off at the mall but like a block away so no one sees you!" phase, she'll gladly admit to be being your baby forever. no doubt :P
as i recall from freshman year with your sister, mrs gee, SHE is in fact, the baby baby. we argued about that all the time . . . :)
i've been trying to tell my boys that they'll always be my babies, even when they're dads. they think that's ridiculous. so my sister lent me the book "i'll love you forever" to read to them. it made me cry, but their favorite part is when the 2 year old flushes his mom's watch down the toilet. great. (note to self - hide watch.)
they still don't get it. :)
i keep forgetting that my 14 month old is not a "baby." sigh. i love to have them grow up, but i do miss them letting me just love them. now they sometimes let me cuddle them, but it has to be on their terms. like when we're watching a "scary" cartoon and mom gets scared. one of more of them will usually pull through and sit next to me, or (gasp) on my lap. do you think it's ok to lie about being scared so they'll sit by me? :)
your miss dub is so cute. loved the dress up pictures the other day. hope you're doing ok.
so cute.
and i can assure you that leap day is not a canadian holiday... but right now, i wish it was an american holiday.
Oh, it's so hard, isn't it? I still tell my 4 year old girl that she will always be my baby. Then, one day she asked me, "Does that mean you won't love me when I get old?" My love wasn't quite translating...she thought I only loved the little version of her.
The good news is that each stage I've enjoyed even more than the last. They seem to get more and more fun as time goes on!
The glorious thing about journaling is that you will be able to remember Miss Dubbs life as a baby as you have been diligent at keeping your thoughts and general goings on in your blog. I am sad that I didn't record more of the "stuff" (mundane as well as significant) events that happened when my girls were little. (although I am proud to say that the photo taking categories was one that I excelled in) AND the good times keep coming! I have enjoyed most all of the stages of raising a family, and now as a Glamma, it is the most fun of all! There is something to having a little more wisdom along with an added sense of who you are. We will always have some troubles, big and small, but the joy of being in a family and knowing the eternal meaning of your life make it all exciting to me. My Mrs. Dubb, you will never know the positive impact you have on those around you. I'm looking forward to the time when we will all be able to see the "big picture" together! PS I think we are always either the baby and/or the nurturer, all through our lives...
this reminds me of the book "love you forever" by robert munsch.
you would love it.
tear jerker.
and i know where she gets this perky personality.
wait a minute, are you telling me that miss dub talks!?! it's been far too long since i've seen you guys.
That was so sweet! I call all of my boys (including my husband) "Baby." Of course they think I am nuts.
Thank you for fulfilling my request with another picture of Miss Dub! I love that she is having a goldfish tea party with all her dearest friends! I happen to know that goldfish tea is the best -- we have it very often around here with my girls.
Mrs. Dub, you are very well-adjusted.
Very Cute post. I am a friend of Natalie P. She posted this blog on her blog. Hope you don't mind me hoping on.
I have two beautiful daughters. I haven't seen them in almost 2 months. Being deployed to Afghanistan with the military can be difficult when you are missing your kids grow up. Among the events I miss the most is when I would go play with their hair after they had fallen asleep. They are so peaceful. Frequently I would have them help me cook for breakfast. They would stand on the desimure (Savannah's word for stool) and mix the pancake batter or whatever I 'needed' help with. I enjoyed when they wanted me to chase them around the living room so I could tickle them when I caught them. My kids are the greatest!
Thank you for your entry. It is good to ponder on the wonders of our children's lives.
That is so sweet what you wrote about Miss Dub. I recently wrote about my growing baby but I was not able to express it nearly as well as you did.
You just reminded me I don't have a baby anymore either :(
so, you just made me cry. while sometimes my kids make me want to gouge my eyes out, it's so sad to think about them growing up so fast. my kids are 2 and 3 now... definitely not babies anymore. and i hope that i can remember to enjoy as much time with them as i can, 'cause it sure don't last long, does it?
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