
Where's my spittoon when I need it?

1. Mind you the angle isn't flattering. Also, my body is not flattering.

2. Miss Dub has been rocking this 3-6 months-sized Anthropologie sweater for more than a year now. She needs to get a crew of jet-setting babies together and pen a book called, "Sisterhood of the Traveling Sweater."

3. Both of my pregnancies I've had a bizarre problem: A few months into it, I start to wake up choking on my own saliva. It's as if I have an overload of spittle in my mouth and no ability to swallow it and dream at the same time. (Dreams which are also bizarre and, in the case of last night, involved me eating large amounts of candy in a closet while playing a spooky game with random people from high school and a few B-list celebrities.)

Anyone else had this problem?

If not, what is your weirdest pregnancy problem and/or story told to you by a weird pregnant woman?


Katrina said...

First of all, I think you look great. Really. I'm not just saying that.

As for weird pregnancy stuff--I haven't had the spit problem...yet anyway. But I do have really vivid and strange dreams. Like last night I dreamed that I visited my old newsroom, only half the people that used to work there were fired, the news director's wife was bald, I was wearing very short shorts, and I think there was an exam room like at the doctor's office. And that's just what I happen to remember. Weirdness.

Good luck with the spit.

Jennifer said...

What is it with pregnancy and saliva? I thought I was the only one with that particular problem, however I haven't choked on it, but in the morning my pillow is completely drenched (gross)

BTW, I like the hair ala professionals, it's a much better color than the tangerine, however if you feel the need to truly stand out in the crowd the tangerine was a good choice.

mommie said...

You look maa-velous.

(That was me doing my best Billy Crystal imitation and it wasn't very good, but lightly amused you just the same.)

And I DID recognize that sweater and wondered how she was still wearing it ... or how she wasn't swallowed up in it before.

And I have no spit comments ... which is really for the best.

Laurel said...

When I was pregnant I couldn't turn myself over in bed...so every night at about 2 am I would have to wake my DH and ask him to roll me over to the other side. Not as strange as the spit and B-list actors, but it really endeared me (even more) to my husband because he never complained about it.

Jacy said...

I agree with the others - you look great. I'm jealous since I'm about 4 days from my due date and hideously swollen.

As far as the spit goes...my sister cannot swallow her own saliva the entire time she's pregnant. It makes her extremely nauseous. It was interesting to go into public with her. I'll spare you the details, but it wasn't pretty.

Jen said...

My hubby's grandmother couldn't stand to swallow her own saliva, so she ate hard candies to help with that the whole time she was pregnant. No wonder pregnancy is so bad for your teeth.

Alifinale said...

My weirdest pregnancy thing was when I was about ready to pop with my 1st, I was also working full time. She dropped really low pretty early and I would sit at my desk and get this really weird feeling down low. I started to think it was a weird pulse like my hoo-ha had its own heat beat. Then one day I realized it was that the baby had the hiccups all the time.

Cichelli said...

Stop fishing for compliments. You're darling and you know it.

I had two horrific problems with both pregnancies. First, my gag reflex was insanely high so I could barely brush my teeth and definitely couldn't chew gum. I would throw up almost every time I did either. Vomit, by the way, does nothing for morning breath...

Second, I developed an allergy to deodorant. Awesome. I'd break out in these nasty rashes under my arms any time I tried to use an anti-perspirant of any kind. I sweated it out for trimesters dos and tres.

Women who feel sexy during pregnancy did NOT have those problems.

Wonderland Girl said...

My mom wanted to EAT MORTAR. That's right. The stuff that goes between bricks.

Leisha Mareth said...

Dude, do you have a tan in January? You look fabulous!

I can't think of any weird pregnant lady stories. Oh wait, except the ones that don't know they are pregnant until a baby plops out in the toilet? Now THAT is weird.

tara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heidi said...

I don't know if this is weird--for me it's FABULOUS! I kick my husband into the guest room at about five months along.

I just can't sleep with him there, BREATHING on me. This bothers me not one bit when I'm not pregnant, but I CAN'T stand it when I am.

He doesn't even complain.

Lindsey from The R House said...

can't really relate, but that sweater is SO DARN cute. does it come in my size?

tara said...

You do look really beautiful, Mrs. Dub.

My hips shift and my pubic symphysis decides to split like a really bad, 'mis-aligned' kiss (in my last pregnancy) and it's very painful. (kinda like when you go in for a kiss and you both turn your head the same way and noses collide, but worse)I nearly need to be rolled over like Violet Beauregarde in bed because it is so painful to turn over(but I manage...) Luckily weekly visits to the Chiropractor can remedy this until the baby is out, and then you've got an addiction to the chiropractor that keeps you going after you are no longer with child.

sara said...

My pregnancies were fairly ho-hum but Gee Your Hair Looks Terrific!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I have a weird problem but mysisters do keep telling me tey think I am having twins because I my belly is so big!! Now I am having all these dreams about twins!!! I also had a dream last night that I was trying to put my contacts in and they were the size of my whole hand! But thats a normal recurring dream I have....

Ilene said...

My second baby's pregnancy was all sensory cravings- I painted bedrooms because I couldn't stand white walls, I would take a swatch of my couch fabric with me everywhere and just rub it until my hands were raw, I LOVED the smell of any cleaning supply, I would rub my feet in deep carpet... it was pretty crazy and ended after Thomas came out.

Anonymous said...

Ok so you should be really happy I didn't save that sweater for my future babies, when I found out your were prego with lil miss sunshine I knew it was your style and you needed to have it. but what can I say, I'm a giver.
love the devz

Morgan said...

first of all, I think you look great... so cute! miss dub is adorable, as is her amazing sweater! my sister in law had the saliva problem. i don't know about her waking up and choking on it, but she would go through her days with a cup by her side so that she could spit in a moments notice, it made her even more nauseated if she didn't.

i too have very bizarre dreams, but other than that, nothing too out of the ordinary!

Hilary said...

Your hairdo looks so sleek - darling. My biggest problem with my 1st is that I would pass out on a routine basis. This made driving difficult and I pulled off the road for a quick pass-out on many occassions - Also made me the center of attention at church. Luckily this strange phenomenon did not return with my next two. Good luck with the spit - I hear chewing gum helps.

Laurel said...

My sister in law spends most of her pregnancy spitting into a towel or glass. She produced too much saliva and it makes her sick. Come to think of it, it kind of makes me sick, too!

p.s. I think your hair is adorable.

emily & david said...

Bria's also still sporting a 3-6 month sweater from last year's Easter dress. Who cares?! I'm glad I got an extra year out of it!

And about prego-weirdness, I was HUGE. How is it physically possible that someone can DOUBLE her width and breadth in just 7 months or so? I can't believe I was actually that large.

Ditto on the darling 'do. You are very versatile in her hair capabilities.

janaya said...

umm... pregnancy stuff aside ('cause i have no idea)... i just have to say, your hair = SUPER cute.

Sarah S said...

I had way too much saliva as a preggie and still have that problem post-partum (8 months later???). So hopefully yours won't last like mine did.

And I second the many hair compliments - it is a really cute style!

Blackeyedsue said...

Um, yes.

I carried a hand towel or a cup around with me. My spit made me sick...who am I kidding, everything made me sick. But I digress. I would spit into the towel or the cup. It was nasty. Some days I would go through four or five hand towels. I suffered from a condition known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum. With that when I would swallow my spit, I would throw it up. Nine months of that was SO fun.

I am sorry.

LCM said...

I first read this and thought, I don't think I have any weird pregnancy stories and then I remembered my need to sniff dry erase markers. I was embarrassed to tell my husband because I thought, oh my gosh, I am becoming a huffer!! But it was just during the pregnancy and when the baby was born, I had no interest in it.
Hey BlackeyedSue, got to love that Hyperemesis! I know I sure enjoyed it. That's why pregnancy was rough on my teeth. Puking 10-12 times a day for months on end sorta wrecked them.

Kate said...

I got bells palsy with my third... look it up- the whole left side of my face was numb (I thought I had a stroke) I had to wear an eye patch at night because I had to manually close my eyes... it wasn't pretty!

Anonymous said...

And that's why Mormons don't believe in getting pregnant...because Joseph got sick and tired of cleaning up after Emma and the Sisters spit all over the place during sessions of the school of the prophetesses in their house...oh, wait, wrong gender, wrong vice, wrong spittle.

Kate said...

Totally. I wake up with a drooled-all-over pillow and memories of people from elementary school who I hadn't thought of for YEARS, but who suddenly showed up in my dreams. Bizzzzzarrre. You're not alone. And you look SO lovely. Your hair is darling, darling.

Natalie said...

first off - LOVE the hair - love love love.
secondly - i hear ya on the spittle thing - i too suffered from crazy amounts of it when pregnant - what IS that?!

Josie said...

you look SO pretty. your hair is the cutest i've ever seen it and little miss dub just gets more edible every day.

Melanie M. McKinnon said...

oh i was hoping for a really sassy HTT today! you can always come see my blog. i get my sassiness out in the open there. hope all is well! thinking about you. :)

sara said...

Just read that your mom's there in Chi-town; I sure hope you're feeling okay. Glad your mom can be there with you :)

Shontz Family said...

you both look adorable! my brooke is the same way with her clothes. she is still wearing 6-12 month clothes from gymboree and she's 2 1/2! i don't complain though, i keep the cute old things in rotation and still buy more justifying that she's older and needs new things!

Holly said...

i'm not pregnant, but had a very disturbing dream about me and jon bon jovi. let me state for the record that i have never been a fan of jon bon jovi or bon jovi the band. regardless of that valuable piece of information, it got progressively worse and right before i woke up we were kissing and he was about a foot shorter than me.

it was bizarre. but maybe not as bizarre as my run-on comment about this dream. i would delete it, but i have spent to much time on it already. sorry.

KJ said...

I totally gagged on my own saliva almost the entire pregnancy. The gagging led to dry heaving many times. I didn't have the barfs at all...just this gagging on all the excess saliva. None of my friends had ever heard of such a thing, nor my OB's nurse. I thought I was the only one! I couldn't carry on a conversation longer than a minute without gagging. Just found you from some other blog...can't remember.