Our computer power cord recently gave up the ghost. Unfortunately, its passing came exactly at the time when my computer announced that I had better save all documents because it was out of juice. (Apple? Carrot? White Grape Peach Pear?)
So in my last moments of laptop love I quickly found a replacement cord online and bought it. Then, the power cord snapped in half ... which may leave you all wondering if my pregnancy cravings included electronics and wiring, but actually it's probably due to the fact that all my computer time takes place on my couch, leaving the power cord tweaked at an odd angle around our side table.
So my big question is - did you envision me typing on a couch or did you think of me as a desk type? Or, even rarer, sprawled across a piano with laptop beside me?
Actually, I lied. My story is not even close to done, I think, so stop your 'ruptions.
Anyway, since I ordered the cord it has occurred to me that I probably could have bought one at at my local Best Buy and had instantaneous Internet access, but as a matter of principle (and economics) I'm waiting the 5-7 days for it to arrive in the mail and borrowing the Internet from Mr. Dub when he leaves his work computer around.
So most of the day I'm without my precious computer, which has been so insightful for several reasons. First, it is amazing what you need to do with a computer these days - look up directions, pay bills, write articles, research shoewear. And it's also amazing what you don't need to with a computer these days that we all do - check the news every half hour, browse blogs, research shoewear.
It's been really liberating to not even have a computer to use. It's like going on vacation and knowing that you couldn't even clean your house if you wanted to. Or going a whole day without wearing a bra.
I think that's the end of my story -
No, wait, the point of my story is that I'm considering implementing some computer restrictions - like only using it at 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. for a half-hour each. Or is that a little Depression-era-esque?
The End. (Picture fireworks.)
The one with a big finish
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 6:46 AM
21 comments Leave a witty comment hereLabels: computer, Internet, juice, misadventure, technology
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Funny, I always imagined you a working on the computer while relaxing in a hot bubble bath and eating grapes peeled by your minions type. I'm so disillusioned now.
i don't think i ever pictured you actually at a computer, lol. but i know what you mean about being on vacation from the computer! that's how it is when i go to mexico! sometimes not having access is totally liberating!
i always imaginged you at a desk due to all your article writing. but it's nice to know i'm not the only one who uses my laptop on the couch.
i envision you sitting at a desk...I guess because it's what i do.
i always intend to use the computer less (give myself restrictions), but i guess i have no will power, because I never follow through with my plan--am I the only one?
I figured you were more like me -- laying in bed taking notes on a legislative committee streamed on the net.
i love technology. but not as much as you, you see.
i always, always, always pictured you at a desk... b/c your writing seems so legit (unlike most blogs)... you seem like a professional writer (weird, since you're a journalist and all), so i picture you at a desk.
i think you're even more amazing now that i know that you blog on your couch.
What? A desk? Oh no. Oh no, no, no. That won't do at all. Blogging is to be done from the couch, or someplace else comfy. Computer-ing in the house should be done with one hand while nursing the baby with the other. Computer open, on the counter, being used as a really expensive recipe book. Computer works with your life, you don't work around it.
i agree with the last comment, i also tend to use my laptop as a "very expensive recipe book". i'm a couch girl myself, ever since we got our blessed wireless network. i had to go to the freezing basement before that, and it was awful! i now have a nice office/desk set up down there, with the idea that I would leave my computer down there and restrict myself more (you know, only during child naps and bedtime), but it just never happens! i can't say where i pictured you though, i think it was more of a desk, but glad to know i was wrong!!
I have also been thinking about this lately... I don't watch tv but I am sure at the computer a lot - so I thought that after breakfast, lunch and dinner , I would let myself check my email and such... it hasn't worked very well- but it is good to know I am not the only one!
Hmm...I guess I pictured you at a desk. I wish I could implement computer hours for myself. Especially when it comes to blog browsing.
Blogger, I wish I knew how to quit you.
I never pictured you using a computer to blog like the rest of us... I just thought that your thoughts went to your blog. *shrug* Reality is a real downer at times!
My blog restrictions are:
The children must either be engaged in playing, eating, sleeping or watching Little Bear for me to sneak in and do quick blog peek.
I have DVR'D 32 episodes of Little Bear.
I always thought you blogged in the nude...wishful thinkin I guess.
I have to put restrictions on myself, or I would waste too much time. I don't turn it on until 11:00 am or noon. And I still waste time. If my kids are home and awake I try to limit my computer time to when they are watching a movie, or having "quiet time". But I'm not always that disciplined.
i'm with anonymous.
My husband has the laptop and he takes it where he goes so I use our home desk computer which is conveniently located in the middle of my kitchen so as to be my favorite expensive recipe book. So I assume everyone else included the wonderful Mrs. Dub does too. The laptop on the couch or in the bed thing sounds nice.
I have no discipline and like my sister Katie have replaced tv watching with computering...unless Biggest Loser is on of course. I should put on restrictions and even have a program to do so (which in essence would be fruitless since I would in fact be the administrator and could turn OFF the restrictions...hmmmm).
I'm sure at our next LDS General Conference SOMEONE will be talking about how much time I am wasting on my computer and I will have to listen...
hahahaha Leisha, 32 episodes of Little Bear!
I am always amazed by what I can get done when I just turn the computer off all day. Ours is a giant monitor that doubles for our movie screen, so it's way too accessible.
...speaking of conference. I had to give a talk last Sunday around Elder Oaks' "Good, Better, Best". The bishopric asked me to speak only days after they found out I had a blog....
Now I'm not saying that's why they asked me, but it sure made me think about what I'm doing with my time. Why is it so hard for me to be self-disciplined when it comes to this???
I should limit myself too. The guilt is the only thing that limits my computer use and it hasn't been doing a very good job lately.
I'm all for the bra - lessness!
I always imagined you typing in the kitchen at a mini-desk purchased from Target while the souffle is baking and the wine is chillin' with you in a beautiful outfit and Eden looking perfect as usual patiently waiting for Mr. D to arrive home.
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