
Let's talk pads

Not me or my mother

I don't get out much these days due to the cold, my recovering abdomen and my general loser-ness. However, my mother and I did have a rousing discussion about the shoulder pad craze. All this time, I thought that shoulder pads were only donned with blazers and dresses, and that they were usually sewn in to the clothing.

Turns out - prepare yourself! - that women wore separate shoulder pads underneath everything, including basic T-shirts. And, as me mum confessed to doing herself, some people double padded. The insanity, I tell you!

And despite the sheer craziness of it all, my mom thinks that shoulder pads will be the next trend to reappear, albeit in a more modern form. (My mom has asked me to clarify here that it's not her wish, but her prediction.) But I just can't envision a return of women looking like NFL players.

So what do you think will be the next recycled fashion trend?

(Please don't say teased bangs ... seriously.)


ginny said...

This isn't much of a prediction as it's already happening... but how about super high-waisted, tapered-leg jeans--the kind that make your waist look small by making your hips look huge (the opposite effect of the low-rise jean). I'm very wary of them as my hip-to-waist ratio is already... "sufficient." On the bright side, won't it be nice when we don't have to constantly readjust our low-risers to avoid looking like plumbers?

ginny said...

Oh, and as for teased bangs: very slimming to the face. Bring em' on, I say. I've got the aqua net ready.

Wonderland Girl said...

Come onnn Jelly shoes!

And double-layered slouch socks!!

Anonymous said...

Even though I basically have no clothes and frequently find myself calling loungewesr "yoga-esque" so that its ok to wear out and about - I often dream of dressing like its the 40's or 50's in dresses and high heels,gloves and pearls with my hair set and a swipe of red across my lips. Id like for the formality of men wearing hats and suits and women looking like they were always dressed to impress. I realize this formal trend will never happen and if it did I still wear flip flops all year round so I dont think I even have it in me to follow a trend I would like to start.bummer....

Angy said...

side pony tails!

Alifinale said...

I hate to say it but it is already starting. I was somewhere and noticed little shoulder pads and was very afraid. Oh there is so much that is coming back that scares me but it does seems to come back in a slightly altered way that makes you think it is cute. Like the skinny jeans that is todays tapered leg. I hated them at first now I am finding myself want a pair. AUGH!

Heidi said...

My votes on wearing neon phone cords as belts. That was sweet.

Mandee said...

I actually bought a coat from SJP's Bitten line without realizing that it had shoulder pads. I was so disappointed when I put it on.

Overalls? I remember seeing them in a JCrew catalog a few months ago. The sad thing is, some days, I wish I hadn't given up my pair to DI.

sara said...

At first I was afraid you were going to talk about the other kind of pads...

I've never been a good trend predictor. But as for shoulder pads, I have a memory of being in my grandma's closet (which was huge) and she had a very big pile of shoulder pads, in all sizes and colors, for every occasion. Rad.

Happy Valentine's day!

Oh yeah, I saw some jelly shoes at Old Navy last night...

Jen said...

I think very big hair is coming back, without bangs, where it's all swooped back in a tidal wave toward the back. This is most unfortunate for my mousy limp locks.

Leslie said...

i saw shoulder pads featured on stacy london's late night show a few weeks ago. scary, scary.

if i had my pick, i'd be with brooke and bring back nipped in waists, full skirts, heels & pearls. 50s style is so graceful and pretty.

i'm also with sara, though, since we were talking c-sections and such, i thought you were going to be talking about the other kind of pads, too. :)

Unknown said...

What I'm hoping for (and have actually searched e-bay for) are the big poofy slips that we used to wear under our skirts to church. How great would it be to poof out your skirt more!

I would also like to see 30s style mens hats back in business.

NG said...

Your mother is right. I distinctly remember the extreme of going to girls' camp and seeing all the YW leaders wore shoulder pads in their t-shirts with grubby jeans while hiking. It was way out of control.

Kelley Bochman Smith said...

Oh my gosh, I WORE SHOUDER PADS UNDER MY T-SHIRT TO GIRLS CAMP AS A LEADER IN THE 80's!!! How about those plastic rings to slide one side your "FABULOUSLY decorated with puffy paint t-shirt" into so you get a "rooshing" effect! UGH!!! I also want to be a 40s gal...

Rachie said...

I am going to say "units". Do you remember those? They came in all different colors and you could wear them as a skirt, belt, or headband. I had a couple and I loved them.

janaya said...

clearly leggings are already back in style, but the moment i see those stirrups attached at the bottom again, i'm puking right then and there.

did anyone else roll their socks like donuts around their ankles?

what about hightops with a little pink basketball "pump" on the tongue? wow.

flourescent... anything.

wearing your dad's sweaters. (leggings underneath, of course)

black biker shorts with a flourescent stripe down the side.

oh man... i love the 80s.

Charlotte said...

My husband says pencil-thin ties. That's why I can't force him to give the 50+ he owns to D.I. :/

Anonymous said...

I was always a fan of hypercolor tshirts! What amazing technology!

Laurel said...

I used to think shoulder pads were so cool. Do you remember Angela on "Who's the Boss?" Well she always wore shoulder pads and I thought that one day when I was a business woman I would wear those.

What I miss is wearing big bows.

Leisha Mareth said...

Yes, we need trends from the 30's-early 60's back.

Why is it always things like tie-dye, neon and shoulder pads that come back?

My parents were married in 1952. I was their 6th child, born after they'd been married for over 2 decades!)

I swoon when I see my Dad in his Army uniform and my Mom in all her dresses, hats, heels and gloves from 'back in the day'.

I could seriously use some stylish hats and gloves some days! And not the hats a'la the "Blossom" show.

hilari said...

the next trend? i'm going to have to say wearing the other kind of pad on the outside of your clothing. really, it's a good look.

Anonymous said...

Hilari you are disgusting ......and i have also never been more in love with you than i am right at this very second .......way to bring it down a notch I love you sis!

Leisha Mareth said...

(Hilary...there is a comedy troupe in Austin that does a sketch all about that very topic! It was both unbearably uncomfortable and hilarious all at the same time!)

Leisha Mareth said...

oops hilari not hilary.

wendysue said...

Oh goodness, when I first saw that title and picture, I thought that nice woman was going to take us back to 4th grade and tell us about a different kind of "pad". Whew.

Well, Jelly shoes were already kind of back, I say since the high waisted pants are kind of back (in "high" fashion), it's going to be pants with lots of pleats and really tapered on the bottom with the big socks.

And I could break out a sweet rainbow shirt and parachute pants.

Cichelli said...

What I'm happy about is that so many different looks are in style right now. I can wear high waisted pants, or low rise. I can wear skinny jeans, or janis joplin wide legs. And I love, love, LOVE that Jacque O's classic elegance is in high-fashion. high waists, cropped jackets, feminine details, bold colors... I'm so excited about this season.

Lindsey from The R House said...

fanny packs.

Melanie M. McKinnon said...

i would love to see the 70's men suits come back. people wear them as a joke, but i want robby to be able to wear his to church.

i remember in middle school, my friends and i always wanted a perm, glasses, braces, and big bangs. i think the perm will come back next.

kristenita said...

I bet your mom is right about shoulder pads! hopefully not, but if the tapered leg has come back, who knows what's next. flourescents? diaper pants? spit curls & banana clips??

oh help us if any of the late 80s-early 90s come back! yikes - what were we thinking back then?

Janni said...

I saw a girl wearing leg warmers on BYU campus the other day... I think I still have a couple pairs from my childhood days... red were my favorite!

acte gratuit said...

I saw some REALLY cute little 50's-esque felt hats 2 weeks ago at Forever 21. So if you want to see the 50's come back, support the trend and go buy one!!!

RoeH said...

re: ng's comment

I can name names if anybody is interested.

Mindy said...

Hammer pants.

Now those are hot.

Joey and Megan said...

Darn, I read all the comments just to make sure I would be the original with Hammer pants, but mindy beat me to it.

I just saw a teenager wearing leg warmers at the park. With short jean shorts.

Big bell bottoms have been out for a while and so that will be my prediction: bigger flares on the bottoms of pants. To go with all the 70s retro shirts that are popular right now. And crop tops that show your belly. Yuck.

Laura and the family said...

I'm starting to see the new trend: a pair of platform shoes. I would rather to go out for flip flop shoes than wearing a platform shoes.

AED said...

Okay Mrs. Dubbs, we have been laughing over this one.....my mother says " If your hips are wider than your shoulders and your pouch sticks out beyond your hoots then a little shoulder padding and spanks (which were also a thing of the past) will help edify the beautiful women that you are...