
Baby Zee
February 4, 2008
12:49 p.m.
6 ounces


Jennifer said...

A beautiful picture. I hope you and your family are healing from the loss.

Leslie said...

we love you, dubs!

steph said...

<3 we love you.

Angy said...



Christen said...


kristenita said...

cuídate, niña.


Leisha Mareth said...


Heidi said...

I've been thinking about you, Mrs. Dub.

tara said...

there are no words. sending thoughts of love your way.

Carrie said...

big hugs.

Alifinale said...

I have been wondering how you are doing. I am so sorry for your loss. Those little feet....

Heather said...


Jenny said...

what precious, tiny feet - they're perfect.

you're in many thoughts and prayers.

hilari said...

i love you and baby zee. thinking of you.

Katrina said...

I know we don't know each other, but I have been thinking about you and praying for your family.

Anonymous said...

Being a big kid is hard.
Prayin and thinkin about you all.Love you Sis.

zeeny said...

Beautiful. Sorry for the lose and hope all is well with you and your family.

Clarissa Meegan said...

Beautiful picture of those tiny feet. Know that you are being thought of.

Jack Attack said...

What precious little feet. I am so sorry for you loss.

Lizzie said...

I have been thinking about you sending many positive thoughts your way.

I know the Lord will continue to bless you with peace and understanding.

Melanie M. McKinnon said...

the books are on their way. remember that i'm here for you. love you!

The Rookie said...

What beautiful little feet! My prayers go out to you and your family. Though I don't really know you, I'm giving you a big hug.

Rachel said...

I love the picture. Love, hugs, kisses, prayers, and many thoughts of comfort. The P family

stephanie said...

we love you!

janaya said...

beautiful. moving beyond words. thank you for sharing. you and dave continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

p.s. give your hubby a birthday hug for me.

Kate said...

you are amazing!

Mostly Jessica said...

Thanks for posting this post. Hugs to you and your family.

Lizzie said...

You are brave. Such sweet little footprints...thank you for being willing to include all of us, even in the hardest parts of your life.

Michele said...

we love you and miss you. wish we could be with you now but know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

sara said...

Oh, I just love Zee names. And those are such sweet little feet. I hope you are doing okay.

Hilary said...

My deepest sympathy...

Jen said...

aching for you.

Emma said...

hugs for you and your family

Rachie said...

sweet little feet....

Jessi said...

What a poignant summary. I wish there was something I could say or do to help.

Wonderland Girl said...

She left footprints on many hearts even those who don't know you.

Debbie Bond said...

thoughts and prayers for you and your family from the Bond's

Colleen said...

Such sweet little baby toes.


Kelley Bochman Smith said...

I can't wait to kiss that darling baby when this "earth" part is over. Love you guys! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Leigh said...

We're thinking about you here at the ol' workplace! Much love.

Lindsey from The R House said...

much, much love!

lots of prayers for the whole fam.

Gretchen said...

beautiful. Big hugs and big prayers.

jeff with a J said...

This little one will always be yours.

A Mom Two Boys said...

Something to hold on to. So sweet and perfect. Hope you're well.

Anonymous said...

I love you and baby zee so much!

Carina said...

Words are failing me. With love.

Kate said...

thinking of you lots.

Audra said...

Love, hugs, tears, and prayers

Jessica said...

Those little feet are precious! I know i do not know you, but my ptayers are with you.

be well


go boo boo said...

so beautiful. god bless.

Cichelli said...

as always dub, you're perfect and classy. you're in my thoughts. xoxo.

Jaime said...

Love you and yours!

emily & david said...

pensando en ti!

hilari said...

Lauara - This is Jason's mmom. I am so sorry about your little girl. The gospel helps so much, does't it? But we still hurt sometimes. My thoughts are with you & your husband.
Mary Jackson

Laurie said...

Beautiful. I love that you gave her a name to call her. I did that and it makes it so much easier to talk about later.

Ashby said...
