So you think you can write?
My dear old friend, The Rookie, invited me to participate in a writing meme. And while I'm not a huge fan of memes - mostly because I never have "10 things you don't know about me" because I'm unfortunately inclined to share EVERYTHING about my life, including bowel issues, with complete strangers - I was very excited about this meme; because something you might not know about me is that I'm obsessed with writing and grammar and love to learn more about what makes someone good at either.
Unfortunately, Rooks already said everything I really wanted to say in her own meme. (And probably much better than I could have, though it was short on constipation references.) But I'll give it a try anyway.
The Rules:
1. List three things that make writing good and powerful.
2. Link back to the person who tagged you.
3. List three things that you believe are necessary to make writing good and powerful.
4. Tag five others and comment at their blog informing them that they’ve been tagged with this meme.
Three Things:
1. Words - Good writers love words. They love the subleties of syntax and appreciate the selection and positioning of words in even the most mundane formats. They like to contemplate the differences between "merit" and "deserve" and are eager to learn new vocabulary and implement it. They also want to place their words appropriately, with proper punctuation serving as the traffic lights in their pen's travels. They know that reading good writing leads to better writing.
2. Brevity - As a frequent user of run-on sentences and paragraphs, I'm truly a kettle calling out black pots. But when I'm writing an article for publication, I'm a stickler for concision. Don't overdo it with the prepositions. Don't repeat yourself for emphasis. Just make your point well and make it fast. Use less words to say more or you just sound lazy or uninformed. Of course, if you are Jane Austen, then to H with it all - tell me all the textural properties of your dear friend's dress' bustle. There is an appropriate time and place for all types of writing, you just have to figure out what they are. (Like blogs ... where punctuation, good writing and brevity are totally optional. Just see my next paragraph!)
3. Genetics - You're not going to want to hear this one if you struggle with writing, but I truly believe that some people are just gifted in writing, just like others are born musicians or shot-putters - though I must admit that being a good writer never really receives the same kind of accolades as being an athlete or artist, probably because it's a quieter talent than others, like tuba playing. But I must say that my writing inclination is inherent. As a young child, I found myself alliterating poems just because it came out that way, not because I knew it was an effective literary devise. (Though it must not be abused, I warn you!) Even today, I often find myself unintentionally imbuing an article with hints of irony or using wordplay without even meaning to do it; it just comes out that way. And while I wish I could take the credit, I come from two very verbal and well-versed parents, both who are the products of parents who were equally talented. (And one great-grandfather who I must brag and say was an LDS apostle and author of many immaculate books.) But lest you fret that you can never be a good writer, I want to remind you that practice does equal perfect, just not prodigy. And I'm certainly not one of those myself. I am constantly recognizing my writing faults by reading other writers who are brilliant.
Oh, and I tag:
1. Any of you who love to write or have an opinion on this thrilling matter.
2. The rest of you.
3. Anyone with green eyes.
4. People with fish.
5. Vern.
Posted by Mrs. Dub at 7:22 AM
12 comments Leave a witty comment hereLabels: blogger friends, meme, writing
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I like righting.
It's goooood.
But, most of all ... I just think your hot.
i agree with you... some people are just blessed with the ability to write well. clearly you are one of those people! :) i am one of those not blessed with that ability :P lol. but i totally appreciate those that do it well!!
I totally agree about genetics and I don't have them. But I sure can appreciate a good writer and I appreciate you.
I love all of your posts, but I especially love this one.
I completely agree with your assertion that alliteration must not be abused.
Here at your former workplace, we like to keep a file of bad leads by our competitors. One guy, who I shall not name, is notorious for using alliteration in almost every lead, so much so that takes away from the point of his story.
Over-alliteration must end NOW! Save the words!
you're one of the best writers i know. i'm amazed by how easily the words flow from your fingers!
I feel famous by association! Thanks for playing along.
I absolutely agree with your answers.
(How's that for alliteration?)
your mom is funny!
i could read you for days.
why is brevity so hard?
I really do believe in the genetics thing too. Everyone in your fam is so witty, and I love reading their writing (in Christmas letters, blogs, wherever). This was a fun post.
Love it. Thanks for the tips. Unfortunately, I was not born to write. I hope one day I can figure it out though :)
Hey, I gave you an award on my blog. You should come check it out!
I think you are a really great writer and I like this little writing meme. Maybe I'll do it myself.
Wow, I never knew you knew Vern? Lisa used to date him in High School.
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