
Short on the laughs, long on the gratitude

Yesterday, I came home from a terrible appointment - hair not doctor, but more on that when my pity party is over - to a surprise package. Thinking it was from the usual suspects, I opened it up, only to find that it had been sent by a blogger friend, the famous Kelly, whose "thoughts and ramblings on life" are some of the best in the blogosphere. (Though I must come clean and admit that I'm terrible at leaving comments on her and others' blogs these days, despite my faithful following of them.)

She had sent me an Earth Mama pampering package, complete with herbal foot soak, belly oil and lip balm. And I just can't get over my sheer gratitude and shock that someone who barely knows me was so thoughtful to send me something at a time when, let's be honest, I might actually deserve a little pampering.

Moreover, I've been amazed as I've struggled with this pregnancy at how thoughtful others have been. The offers to bring meals and clean my house are not only amazing, but totally unnecessary. I'm still making it to Target at least twice a week, people, so I'm not quite worthy of total assistance. And I must warn you that I'm a very self-reliant person, to the point of stubbornness. I just never feel sick enough or in need enough to merit outside help.

But there is something so comforting and reassuring to know that upstairs/in heaven/yonder someone is sending little promptings to people that I need a little boost. It feels good to know that He cares; that you all care; that I matter. And that this suffering isn't going totally unnoticed.

I just hope that when I'm feeling better I can remember reach out to people the way people have reached out to me. But I'll probably totally botch it and send some lame present or a prepackaged meal involving canned mushrooms. Of course, it's the thought that counts, right?


Leslie said...

clearly, kelly totally rocks. did you see the gum balls she sent me last week? just cuz i was going to be on design mom and she knew i was nervous?

i'm telling you, that girl!

Leisha Mareth said...

Thoughtful people make the world go round.

Melanie M. McKinnon said...

there is something about mom's on the blogosphere. each and every one is amazing and thoughtful. i've recieved so many thoughtful comments on my blog that have meant so much to me, including ones from you!

keep taking care of yourself and those babies! we'll do the praying over here.

Lindsey from The R House said...


...and she is one of my faves. i recently became obsessed with her blog and etsy shop.

Carina said...

My friend's husband refers to blogging as "The Re-organized Relief Society", which makes me giggle. Whenever we friends show up to his wife's house, he says, "Your real visiting teachers have arrived."

I know what you (and he) mean. I've been on the receiving end of that love and it is awesome.

Kelley Bochman Smith said...

I love azucar's comment! I also feel a bond of sisterhood with all you cute bloggers! And am amazed at the wonderfully talented and realy good people there are out there. I hear about the yucky stuff that you can find on the internet, but I can always count on the fact that if I click on a favorite blog of one of you girls, it's always fabulous! And that was darling of Kelly...

sara said...

It took having 4 kids under 4 before I was finally able to start accepting people's help without feeling guilty about it. When I let my visiting teacher come over one day to clean my kitchen for me, I knew I'd turned a major corner. Thank goodness for very good friends. Yay for Kelly! This is your time; you will have plenty of opportunities to make up & return the favors. Now get some rest and then tell us about your hair appointment, when you're feeling up to it :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, could I get your email address to invite you to a blog? :)
Email it to wonderlandpearls@yahoo.com

A Mom Two Boys said...

I LOVE Earth Mama/Angel Baby. I swore by it while pregnant and after my kids were born. I give it as shower gifts, I buy it for myself. Love it! Lucky you to have such nice friends who know about such great products.
I'm new to your blog, love it so far!- and am sorry to hear about your pregnancy struggles, but I'm glad to hear htat you're still able to make it to Target. That always helps!