
HTT - Politics Edition

So I watched a little bit of the State of the Union address last night. But I get nauseous from all the people standing up and down every two seconds. Seriously? I would be the one person who would refuse to stand no matter the statement - "Pizza is delicious!" - as I do for congregational hymns directed by overzealous choristers. Again, it's not some patriotic thing, it's just that I get a little woozy if I stand up for too long. Perhaps I lock my knees? Anyway, it's sure to kill my future in politics, in addition to another problem I have, which is: I HATE politics.

I HATE them. I don't really believe in them, and I find it so weird that some people still do. I honestly can't fathom how some people are 100% behind one presidential candidate and 100% against every other other one. How is that possible? I can't imagine there ever being a candidate who exactly represented my beliefs, my personality or my expectations. Is it just because you so blatantly believe in one political party that you're willing to accept it anything it offers, flaws and all? Is it because you really like Mitt's hair or hate Hillary's?

Because I can find good and bad in all the candidates and both parties. And there is no definite vote-winner for me yet because I wouldn't want to hang out with any of them, frankly, especially if they keep talking smack about each other. It's juvenile!

I do believe that men and women who run for president sincerely believe they can make our country a better place. And I think they sincerely believe their particular approach is the right one to do it. I also think they all have a bit of a power complex. I think they all thrive on the attention. I think they all bend their viewpoints to please the most people. And I think they all can be a bit shady and a bit rude in their attempts to do it.

I also don't believe that any of them can truly change our country. They'll get some of their agendas passed, perhaps; but there's too much red tape, too many other considerations, etc. And to be honest, I think what sounds good in theory isn't always what works best in reality. (And I think a lot of the candidates know that already, but they're still going to offer voters a pipe dream.)

Oh, and I don't like Bush. Period. As I've mentioned, I think he's a child of God. I will give him that. He may even be trying to do the best he can, though considering his general reluctance to admit his faults, I'm afraid pride has prevented him from doing so. Also getting in the way: his intelligence. (No offense, some of us just aren't geniuses, but I imagine he's great with a frisbee.)

That's all.

With all that's going on in our lives, I warn you that HTT is going to be a little heated for a while. Enough sweet moderation and soft topics - this is my blog, and I'm going to tell you how I feel. The great part is you can totally contradict me in the comments below, and I'll listen.

It'll be fun.

So, what do you think about the state of politics in America?

(Oh, and for those of you in frigid climates, click here for my review of Prestone windshield products, which saved me from some serious ice-scraping recently.)


Katrina said...

Well, I do agree with a lot of your points. Politics is dirty and messy and tends to bring out the worst in people. I worked for a bit in TV news and produced a local political show. Most of the time I found the politics stuff pretty boring. It as the same old thing over and over.

However, I am LOVING this campaign season. I can't get enough! It has been the most exciting one of my lifetime and probably even longer. And I like to think that maybe there is a candidate or two out there that really could make a difference and get our country going in a new direction. I'm not decided either. I don't even know what party I'll vote for. But there are a few people I certainly don't want to see make it. I think for the first time in a long time there is some hope in the air. It's not just old, white guys anymore. There is some new blood. I'm excited to see how it all goes down.

Of course, there is never going to be one person who I agree with on everything. But I think there might be some candidates this year who are actually honest, if perhaps a bit zealous in their promises. And if nothing else, all these primaries are making for some great entertainment!

As for the State of the Union. Bush is boring as hell. What he says in his speeches sounds quite a bit better when you read it and don't have to be distracted by him. And all the clapping and standing gets obnoxious. I'm happy it was his last one!

Angy said...

i watched a little of bush last night... and all i can say is that i was so irritated after only a few mins that i had to turn him off!

as for the 2008 presidential candidates, i'm not sure i've totally picked one out yet, but it is pretty interesting. not that i've given it my undivided attention yet. but i've watched a couple debates here and there. this year should be pretty interesting :)

Lindsey from The R House said...

didn't watch a word of it. i also hate politics (i think mostly as it was dinner convo when i was little growing up a stone's throw from dc). i also don't know who i will vote for other than it will not be mrs. clinton. (the whole it's so hard to run for president and have to eat pizza and not be able to work out tear fest was a little too much for me. i am disgusted that her tears had any effect on the voting! come on people.)

i don't get the standing and what not either. and i don't mind bush. i respect him ...just as i will any candidate that wins ...even mrs. clinton.

also, from your musings, i have to ask, are you a secret ron paul supporter?


(and p.s. the more heated the better! mr. r took the car today and i need some excitement!)

Jen said...

We didn't watch it, but I do love Mitt's hair.

My husband listens to talk radio, and he says women are always calling in raving about how handsome Romney is.

Alifinale said...

I hate politics too. I married a Political Science major turned lawyer and have heard my fair share of political arguments. I think I hate politics because of that...I hate confrontation and people arguing. But my hubbie is super moderate and has said before he hates democrats and can't stand republicans. That pretty much sums it up for me. People who are too much one way or another usually are closed minded and stubborn and that irritates me.

I think it is important to be involved somewhat in politics and believe in voting. I rely on my hubbie who likes to look at all sides, explains them and that helps me vote. I agree and think it is sad that no presidential candidate can really stand for his beliefs because he needs to cater them to what people want to hear. Politics is in a sad state but giving up completely on them doesn't help anything either.

NG said...

Personally, I think there should be a team presidency in which they should ALL be inaugurated. We could have Romney fix the budget, Hillary work on healthcare, McCain deal with immigration, Obama could do whatever it is he's good at (be the charisma guy who talks to the public maybe?)... etc. etc. Oh wait, isn't that what CONGRESS is supposed to be doing?

Cichelli said...

I'm a political junkie (maybe because I'm a DC native?) but understand how people can be really turned off by it.

I'm currently reading George Stephanopoulos' book "All Too Human" and I'm fascinated (you should ready it Laura, he's an incredible writer. His mastery of the english language is mind-blowing.). There's an interesting comment which I can't quote exactly but it essentially says government is a necessary evil to curb human nature and find common moral ground to build a society. Which I agree with completely. Otherwise we'd be like Lord of the Flies for crying out loud!

I'm pretty liberal when it comes to my political views (medical marijuana? check. abortion? check. gay marriage? check. All HTTs for another day maybe?:), so I have a hard time backing up any republican candidate--even if they have good hair.

I think it's important that Americans understand how complicated politics really are. It's not like a president can make too many choices on his own--we also need to have good senators and reps on a national level, as well as a state level. And frankly, we need a president who will put in intelligent and fair supreme court justices because that's where REAL power lies.

I can't stand people who support Mitt Romney JUST because he's mormon. Or refuse to vote for him JUST because he's mormon. To that same degree, I wish people would stop playing the race card with Obama (who I support) and the gender card with Hillary (who I support more).

At the end of the day, people need to study each politician's positions on views and decide on someone to support based on that, not on the old adage "who could you have a drink with?" or "who could you talk for hours over lunch with?" because frankly, there are a lot of people I drink and dine with that I love love LOVE, but I would NEVER want running a country. We need experience, international understanding, solid economic ideas, and someone who GETS politics because frankly, you have to play the game to make a difference.

And I agree Laura. I HATE George Bush. Seriously, it's time for a change in administration.

tara said...

Personally, i believe, that ANYONE who would have the impetus to run for President of the United States would HAVE to have an EGO the size of Texas and Alaska combined.

Furthermore, I do not believe that everyone should be allowed to vote. Most people are stupid and will vote for Hillary because she's a woman, BA-RACK because he's African American and not least of which, Mitt because he's a Mormon (or because he's good looking!?!?!!?) Give me a freakin' break.

There is NO solution to ALL the problems, but we just have to do the best we can.

I venture to say that you are more up to speed on political issues just by the sheer fact that you like to read the paper, but that is totally passing judgment based on no facts at all (not trying to pass judgment, that was just meant to be a compliment).

I grew up in a family who never watched the news other than to catch the weather, and maybe around election time to brush up a bit on the issues (I think my dad listened to talk radio and watched CNN or something like that, but it was never a family activity and my mom hates politics and the news. God Bless Her. So do I.

However, Since I got married I've become a bit more interested in informing myself on the issues and I do happen to like the McLaughlin Group that is on PBS at like 10pm on Friday nights. You would like it I think... it's all racy and hasty and they like to get into it with each other while sitting in their blue 1980 canvas covered retro chairs-- no brawls yet. I used to hate it and begged my husband to turn it off.... but it's grown on me.

George Bush, God bless his little heart (my friend just informed me that's "southern" for "you're dumb") You're right, he is a child of God and I like him as a Person, but As president... Not so Hot.

Nancy Pelosi.
I watched about 30 seconds of the State of the Union address, long enough to see her dumb butt sitting right behind the President READING A FREAKIN' BOOK!!! I'm sorry, but do you not have enough respect for the democratic process to behave like an adult. You may not like George Bush, but don't make yourself look like any more of a fool than you are.

sara said...

I agree that none of the candidates are perfect. But I do think that everyone should figure out (quick!) who is the closest to what they want in a president, and then get behind that candidate 100%. We have some good choices this year. It's super duper exciting!! Like a really good book or movie with lots of plot twists and I just can't wait to see what happens at the end!

As for Bush, I know he's had some problems but I'm sick and tired of people bagging on his intelligence. Come on. He is not a good public speaker and he has a thick Texas accent; there is no correlation to smarts there. I agree that it would be nice to have a good public speaker for our next president, whoever he is. And yes I do mean he. Hillary just might be the least qualified of the group... although I'm rooting for her since I think we (Mitt Romney) will beat her handily in the general.

tara said...

and before I get lashed out at (o:
I didn't really mean that I don't believe everyone should not be allowed to vote, b/c I would be one of the first who should have my voter registration card snagged... my point was, if you're voting for Mitt cuz' you like his hair, or any of the like... You shouldn't be at the polls.

I like NG's idea of having several people who can work on what they're good at, but there's obviously a reason it's not like that.

I do have faith in our country though... This democracy is really the best thing the world's got going as far as political process-- despite the fact that it's in a shabby state right now, I wouldn't want to live in any other country in the world.

Anonymous said...

It's like talking into a mirror. I agree with every single point you made. I dislike politics intensly for all the same reasons.

Kate said...

Amen, Katrina... I think this campaign is so exciting. Think of it, a Black, a woman and a Mormon - it is history in the making and I don't want to miss any of it! I do agree Mrs. Dub- that not one candidate hits all the views of mine 100% - but that doesn't mean that I can't vote- and it does mean that I should. I like Obama- because I do believe that we can change- I know there is red tape and all that- but I do believe that if we have an inspirational leader who can break those barriers. Obama's message is about coming together as a nation, not as a political party and I love that. It is important that we are involved because I believe that 100% makes a difference!

Leisha Mareth said...

I hate politics, but what are our options? You either have to get involved or sit idly by and watch our country drift by in it's handbasket to hell.

You have to get a little dirty to be a politician. It reminds me of when I moved to Texas. I was a really sweet and nice driver. "Oh you need over? Let me slow down!" But you finally realize you have to keep up or get run over. So I might cut someone off now and then or slam on my breaks when someone tailgates...How else do you...

A) Get to where you are going
B) Avoid getting run over

Personally, I like it when the candidates call each other out on specific issues and talk smack.

1) I like to see how they handle themselves and

2) It gets down to the real gritty truth about their politics and beliefs and intentions.

I don't trust anyone who blindly follows and always votes alone party lines. It's called "not using your brains!" I read every article, biography, autobiography and "yahoo news" blurb I can about every candidate to get an overall "feel" for them.

I'm SO incredibly grateful that a black man and a woman are SERIOUS contendors for the US Presidency in MY lifetime. When my brothers were kids they still used separate drinking fountains than their "colored" friends.

I started out liking Bush. I like his Dad, I like his Mom. Now, well, I think he got in WAY over his head.

Kate said...

oops , I missed a few words.. but you get the point, right?

go boo boo said...

Here here and amen to that! Very well said. I can't wait to show my totally into politics husband to say, "this is exactly how I feel so stop pestering me with your conservative radio mumbo jumbo" but in a very sweet wifely way.

Melanie M. McKinnon said...

i'm so SICK of all political talk which has lead me to also hate politics.

but i know for sure i am voting for Mitt because a) he's LDS and he is not lying! he truly and honestly wants to improve and rebuild this country! and b) he's done that very thing while Gov. of Mass. his business is to fix problems within companies (i.e. the SLC olympics). i have an aunt and uncle who worked with him during the SLC olympics are good friends with him and his wife and could not say more good things about them.

nevertheless, i'm afraid mitt will not get the vote and stupid mccain, who keeps changing his goals and slinging chinese stars at mitt that are completely pulled out of context, looks likely.

the closer we get to the final primaries, the more evil and insane mccain gets. he's going to do whatever it takes to get to the top. lies, false promises and changing his ideals to what the public seems to want is basically what he's doing now because he will not let himself lose this time. i hate that guy.

i love mitt for who he is. a general nice, good person, who doesn't lie! he's going to do all he can to help rebuild our economy and he knows most won't get done but he is going to try. he keeps promises. he answers to Heavenly Father and He would help him so much as the leader of our country.

LDS or not, he's the one to rebuild our country because he has the experience.

side note: i'm ready for Bush to retire. he's done his best but the state of the union could not have made it more clear that he's an exhausted old man and is ready to live the rest of his life in peace. and i think, when the next pres. is sworn in, give him time and he'll start to admit his faults.

good work on the heated HTTs! keep em comin! (hope you are feelin ok and email me anytime. loves :)

stephanie said...

of course no one person is the ideal presidential candidate. i think the trick is finding someone you trust will make the best decisions. you might not agree with everything they stand for, but you have to let go and let them do their thing.

and, like sara said, everyone needs to decide NOW! super tuesday is almost here!

p.s. there is nothing wrong with having great hair and being super handsome. go mitt!

Mrs. Dub said...

I do want to make it clear that I'm going to vote, and my vote will be informed and it will be my best choice. I'm frustrated with politics, but it's the only way for now.

But as different and exciting as these candidates are, I don't know that one particular one will make my heart swell - but hopefully once it's down to two or three, I will feel confident enough in one person to vote for him/her. (Unlike last election when I felt I was just picking the better of two bad choices. And for the record, I didn't vote for Bush.)

On a side note, I don't think campaigning should start so soon because it just costs more, allows more time for mud-slinging, and often disenchants voters with all candidates by the time elections actually roll around. Oh, and I don't think any president should serve two terms. I do think it's too exhausting. And I do think in a world of ever-evolving issues and an increasingly disenchanted public, we need new blood at least every four years. How's that for a side HTT?

Oh, and check out www.glassbooth.org to get caught up on issues and candidates.

Anonymous said...

I hate politics, so I am not going to comment. It irritates me.

Michelle said...

I, too, am SO into politics right now. I can't get enough of it. Well, hearing repetitive stories about certain candidates I can, but as a whole I think it's exciting! I really enjoy everyone's comments and want to put my two cents in to a couple:

I agree that when Obama speaks he is inspiring. He is for change but I raise the point for people to ask themselves if it's change that they want and agree with. Does he have the same positions you have on key issues? Just food for thought. Because change is great, but is it change you're looking for?

Put Hillary in the Presidential group to solve healthcare!? Bwahaha! Healthcare has been her "passion" since her hubby was in office and has anything been done? She would probably blame it on everyone else that nothing's happened, but I think she's just power hungry and that's why the Presidential seat is so appealing. But if you're a Hillary supporter, ask yourself, what has she actually gotten DONE? As in changed? We know her views, but what has she actually accomplished?

McCain to handle immigration!? Ok so we'll just say, "Ya know what? Anyone who's here illegally, start the party planning because you get to STAY!!! Who knows your criminal background let alone the fact that you came here ILLEGALLY! But, go ahead, stay in the United States of America."

All the bickering and "you did this 10 years ago" is getting old. Although I think candidates should take the higher road and be on the pessimistic side, I understand it'd be hard not to clear up your own record. But it does get old to hear/see it go back and forth.

And I agree with pretty much everyone here when they've said that you just have to pick the candidate that best represents your views and who will be the best leader of our country for the next 4 years.

So there's my two bits...

Lindsey from The R House said...

love the person that comments that they are not going to comment.

very funny. i laughed out loud.

Colleen said...

You just described my entire political viewpoint in a nutshell. Will you run for President?

Mindy said...

I'm totally into this years election. We always seem to be into presidential elections more than local ones (backwards? probably.)
As for the SotU Address, all the pomp is so obnoxious. And it's even more annoying that they pick and choose when to stand and clap and when to sit and be arrogant. Bush is an idiot, we can all agree to that much. So why doesn't he just read through it, so we can get onto more important things - like the writer's strike. Then we could be watching some real tv.

Tara: though I hate Nancy too, she was reading the copy of the address - everyone's given a copy. Bush signs them all as he was leaving. It's tradition.

The Millers said...

I am fully on the Mitt bandwagon. I am buying his "we need an outsider, not a Washington insider, to fix the country" bit. He has been successful in EVERYTHING he has done in his life. He can fix the economy. He has solid plans and ideas for everything. I believe he is honest and trustworthy. And super presidential-looking!

My husband was very slow to jump on the Mitt bandwagon. He did not want anyone to think he was one of those Mormons who was supporting Mitt solely because of his religious views. But really, with Huckabee and McCain as the alternatives? Mitt is clearly the best choice. And so he has joined the bandwagon as well.

Cmon, jump on. You know you want to.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Politics are pretty much screwed up...But just as several people said, we can't just sit around and hope that things just magically get better (or go in the direction we want them to). We have to get up and do something about it. And the best way that we as citizens of this great nation can do so is vote for somebody that follows our views with the most parallelism.

I don't know how somebody could be so blatant in stating, though, that they are voting for Mitt because he is honest just because he is a Mormon...I know plenty of dishonest Mormons, so don't use that as an excuse that he can't do anything wrong...btw, I am voting for Mitt...he most closely represents my views, albeit, he could do better in lots of ways.

P.S. I find these quotes rather funny :)
Quoted from Mrs. Dub:
(No offense, some of us are just aren't geniuses...)


Quoted from leisha:
So I might cut someone off now and then or slam on my breaks when someone tailgates...How else do you...

A) Get to where you are going
B) Avoid getting run over

Isn't slamming on your brakes going to GET you run over...?

You're right Mrs. Dub...some of us are just aren't geniuses.

Mrs. Dub said...

Correction noted, Anonymous. That's what I get for writing in the early hours of the morning with Teletubbies in the background.

I will, however, note that I'm:
A: Not a genius.
B: Not running for president.

Salt H2O said...

Politics is my soap opera, my sports team, my entertainment in a world where the writers are on strike.

Regan, Truman, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Washington, Carter- all men who's presidencies did alter our lives or good or bad. I understand it can be tiring trying to figure out which candidates have the best record, but with the Office off the air- is there really anything else to do?

Politics aren't what is annoying. Fox News, CNN, and the political pundits acting as psychics drive me nuts.

tara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tara said...

Thanks Mindy. That's good to know, although I think that it would have been more appropriate to be casually flipping through it when you're not right in the view of the camera. And to think I took US History, I probably knew that at one time!?

Heather said...

I *heart* politics. LOVE it. Living in DC my whole life, will do it to you. You eat, sleep, breath and drink politics around these parts.
I agree with your point that there is no perfect candidate, there never is. You just have to vote like Stephanie said, for the best candidate.

Go Mitt.

janaya said...

so... in light of the outcome of today's FL primaries... i'm just curious who all the mitt fans out there are going to vote for if he's not a presidential candidate?

*i'm slightly shocked at my own lack of a lengthy quote on this particular htt... but i'm sort of at a loss for where to even begin... so i'm just going to leave it at that. love the post laura!

janaya said...

quote = comment

... it's been a long day.

sara said...

in response to janaya: the primaries aren't over; most of us haven't voted yet and will vote for mitt next tuesday. and we'll take it from there... all the way to the convention if need be. it will be a very sad lesser of two evils if romney is not one of the choices in november. (the lack of caps is symbolic of my mood tonight re: florida's outcome. grrrr.)

Carolyn said...

I first favored Huckabee, but then I learned that he is more of a liberal when it comes to fiscal matters, so I am now backing Romney. He is not a perfect candidate, but he did a great job as governor fixing the healthcare system and boosting the economy. However, if McCain (sigh) gets the nomination, I will back him, although he really doesn't agree with many of my views, he agrees with more that either HIlary or Obama.
I feel that this is the greatest country in the world because we were the FIRST to ever create a government that is run by elected officials instead of dictators. Many men and women fought for this right, and yes, it may have become somewhat corrupted in some ways, but it is still a wonderful opporunity that we have--AND a resposibility as a citizen--let's take some pride in our wonderful nation and learn about the issues so we can vote well! It is the very least we can do to give back to this great nation that we very often take for granted.

Rachie said...

Thanks to the writer's strike I have more time to watch politics. I feel a little more informed. So, I do not hate it just yet.

However, I heard Mitt will win. Something to do with the large Mormon population.

The Millers said...

So sad after what happened in Florida. But I have to say that McCain has SO MUCH more name recognition in Florida since he ran 8 years ago. So Romney's performance in Florida is great. It would have been much better if he had won (I hate winner-takes-all delegates states), but he is far from out of this. What is really making me mad/sad right now is that everybody and their dog is endorsing McCain. I am telling myself that it has to be because they feel like he has the momentum and they think they just need to get behind a candidate if the Republican party is going to have a chance to beat HC or BO come November. But really, can they honestly feel that McCain is a better candidate than Romney? No way. Mitt did great in the debate last night -- he just has it going for him -- and then the commentators were super negative afterwards, saying McCain is the man. Ugh -- I hate how the media jumps behind someone and then pushes their views on everyone, and that many people believe whatever they are told by the media. 'You're telling me John McCain is the frontrunner and he is the man for the job? Okay, then I'll vote for him.' So sad. The good news is all the conservative talk-radio people are still cheering for Mitt. There is hope. Super Tuesday is huge for Mitt. Find out where your caucus/primary is, and go. If you are for Mitt, then make sure you do your part.

One last thing -- I wish Huckabee would just drop out. Surely he knows he doesn't have a chance. I feel like he has some deal with McCain to stay in and be a spoiler since I think many that vote for Huckabee would vote for Romney if the choice was between McCain and Romney.

ps -- I wish I didn't care quite so much or wasn't following this quite so closely. I know I am just setting myself up for heartbreak.

Leisha Mareth said...

Dear Anonymous:

Sorry it's taken me awhile. Clearly you aren't a Texas driver. Come on down if you need some lessons. P.S. You missed my point entirely...read it again s-l-o-w-l-y maybe you'll get it!